About Letters


Articles by Letters

  1. Letters to the Editor Issue 27

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    Background to Vitamin B6 Fiasco + Update on Water Fluoridation from Dr Sheila Gibson

  2. Letters to the Editor Issue 29

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    Agnus Castus and Infertility + An Open Letter to Tessa Jowell, Minister for Health, House of Commons + The Result + Water Fluoridation + Dr Gibson Replies… + Allergies and Dow...

  3. Letters to the Editor Issue 30

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    Water Fluoridation: A Holistic Dentist speaks + Cancer and Tamoxifen: an untested solution? + Stop Vitamin Restriction!

  4. Letters to the Editor Issue 31

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    Can you help us find a healer? + What is Radionics and what is not Radionics? + Vitamin B12 and the Vegan Diet + Dr Smallbone Replies…

  5. Letters to the Editor Issue 34

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    Power Assisted Micro-Manipulation + About Reiki Standards + Breast Cancer: Feedback (issue 33) + Julies Legacy

  6. Letters to the Editor Issue 35

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    Natural Progesterone: Safe for women with hormonal cancers? + Dr Shirley Bond replies...

  7. Letters to the Editor Issue 36

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    Breast Cancer and the Bra Connection + Baby with Squint: Can anybody help? + Genetic Determination + Electrodermal Screening: Evidence, please! + Anne Smithells Replies to Eric Spai...

  8. Letters to the Editor Issue 38

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    Dr John Lee Replies to Letter from Janette Stroud + Why are we experiencing an epidemic of glue ear? + Re: January issue (36): Baby with squint + Water Fluoridation: planned increa...

  9. Letters to the Editor Issue 39

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    Will Wilson Comments re. Editorial, Issue 37 + Open letter to the Medicines Control Agency from the BHMA

  10. Letters to the Editor Issue 41

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    Re: March issue (38): differing treatments for non-malignant musculoskeletal facial pain, Turp and colleagues.

  11. Letters to the Editor Issue 42

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    The Dangers of Aspartame + Editorial Note + Internal Warfare! + The Editor Comments

  12. Letters to the Editor Issue 44

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    Against Against Mind-Body Medicine + The Editor Replies + Coincidence or a Tale of the Unknown? + Prostate Cancer – The Future Treatment, Another Chance? A Patient View Of Cr...

  13. Letters to the Editor Issue 45

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    Conflicts within Complementary Medicine + Advertising and the Law + Reflexology following surgical intervention + A Response to the Which? Report Published 5th August 1999 by The He...

  14. Letters to the Editor Issue 46

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    Midwives Concerns about HIV Testing + Compulsory HIV Testing: an Error of Judgement? + Safety of AZT in Doubt + Channel 4 requires your help + The Sad State of Complementary Medicin...

  15. Letters to the Editor Issue 47

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    Acupuncture: West borrows from East?

  16. Letters to the Editor Issue 49

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    Inappropriate Standards for Complementary Medicine + Cosmetic Link to Breast Cancer + Homeopathic Help for OCD + Meningitis Vaccination Questions

  17. Letters to the Editor Issue 51

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    BCMA: Clearing Up Some Misunderstandings + Tom Litten Replies

  18. Letters to the Editor Issue 52

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    According to Sri Chinmoy, the philosophy of the New Millennium will be: + Mercury Exposure and Alzheimer Disease + St. John wort : Should its safety be questioned?

  19. Letters to the Editor Issue 53

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    Psychotherapy: dealing in intangibles + Healers: merely a catalyst? + Seating & Back Care: not just for the office!

  20. Letters to the Editor Issue 54

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    Fluoridation without Consent + Reflexology not appreciated + Doctors Mistakes + Another Dorothy Rowe Fan + Alternative Therapies for Asperger Syndrome + Help for Dry Eyes + Backdoor...

  21. Letters to the Editor Issue 55

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    Gerson Book is Available + Liver-Gallbladder Flush that Works + Review: Massage 2000 – Energy and Transformation Conference

  22. Letters to the Editor Issue 56

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    More Gallstone Remedies + More on Dry Eye Problems + Reflexology Thrown Into Focus + The International Light and Sound Conference 2000

  23. Letters to the Editor Issue 57

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  24. Letters to the Editor Issue 59

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    Thank you + Chinese Herbal Medicine

  25. Letters to the Editor Issue 60

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    Complementary Cults + Light Therapy for PMS + Response from Jo George + Progesterone and PMS + Internet Site Helpful + Comments re Dr Pheby ME article

  26. Letters to the Editor Issue 61

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    Urgent: EU Restrictive Directive + Cancer 2000 – in Care: 4th National Conference on Integrated Cancer Care

  27. Letters to the Editor Issue 62

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    Medical Resonance Therapy Music + Vitamin and Health Supplements Restriction + Aloe Vera and Reiki for Mouth Ulcers

  28. Letters to the Editor Issue 63

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    Positively Confused + Stephen Byrnes replies to William McMorran + Spiritual Healing Works

  29. Letters to the Editor Issue 64

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    Treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? + Fractal Acupuncture + What are the priorities in medical research? + Vitamin & Health Supplement Restriction

  30. Letters to the Editor Issue 65

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    Cycle for Charity + Endometriosis + Dairy and Breast Cancer Conflicting Arguments + The Editor Comments + The Group For the Scientific Reappraisal of AIDS Welcomes and Endorses Pane...

  31. Letters to the Editor Issue 66

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    Dr Walter Barker – Mindless Foot and Mouth Slaughter + The Editor Replies + The Healing Power of Sound + Obesity – Misleading Weight Charts

  32. Letters to the Editor Issue 67

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    Pharmaceutical Industry and Cancer + Natural Cancer Treatment Scandals + Mary Martin Replies to A Wells (Issue 64) + A Wells responds + Rumours and Myths about Tampons + To: Ion Tam...

  33. Letters to the Editor Issue 68

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    The Ethics of Plant vs Petrochemical Medicine + Media Reporting of Complementary Medicine + More about Perceptual Enrichment Programme

  34. Letters to the Editor Issue 69

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    Orthodox Medicine should be Complementary + Reflexology for Eyesight? Issue 67, page 28 + Sue Ricks Replies + ALL Cholesterol Lowering Drugs are Dangerous + Professor Ernst Comments...

  35. Letters to the Editor Issue 70

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    Jolanta Basnyet re Prof Ernst Book Review + Soil Minerals and Organic Agriculture + Death of Sally Baldwin + One Year On – Death of Rysia Ziendalski + Experts Dispute Soy For...

  36. Letters to the Editor Issue 71

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    Health in a Global Context – Reverberations of 11 September + Proposed Experiment: Potassium Supplements for Rheumatoid Arthritis + Cancer Complementary Treatment Ignored by ...

  37. Letters to the Editor Issue 72

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    More Comment: The Desktop Guide to Complementary Medicine by Prof Ernst + EU Supplement Directive

  38. Letters to the Editor Issue 73

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    Scientists find Fluoridation Outdated and Question its Morality Journal of the Canadian Dental Association + Vitamin C Cancer Therapy + Complain to your Member of Parliament

  39. Letters to the Editor Issue 74

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    Yoga Not a Threat to Christianity + To Kaisa - Life, Love and Complementary Health Care + Placebo Effect + Seeking Parkinson Volunteers + Nick Carter DO, MBRA, FSMTO 15.10.37 - 9.11...

  40. Letters to the Editor Issue 75

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    Mindless MMR – Dr Peter Mansfield Explains Why Single Vaccines Really Fell out of Favour + Researching Therapist Burn-out + EU Supplement Directive Cruel + More on EU Supplem...

  41. Letters to the Editor Issue 76

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    More: EU Supplement Directive + Buteyko Breathing + Further Research into Soybeans

  42. Letters to the Editor Issue 77

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    EU Supplement Directive + EU Directive and Other Follies + Freedom of Choice? + US Government Confused About Mammograms + Comment re Editorial Issue 76 + Aura and Electomagnetism + ...

  43. Letters to the Editor Issue 78

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    Late breaking news re: EU Directive + A Dietary Supplements Health Education Act for the UK? + The Editor Replies + More re European Supplement Directive + Organic Food and Health +...

  44. Letters to the Editor Issue 79

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    Immune 26 + HRT and Risk of Gallstones + Seeking Feedback from Medical Professionals + Update + Appreciative Practitioner + More: Fat and Weight Loss

  45. Letters to the Editor Issue 80

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    Aromatherapy Statutory Regulation Group (ASRG) Seeking Patient Representative + Seeking Feedback Re Over-The-Counter Genetic Tests + Update re EU Supplement and Traditional Herbal M...

  46. Letters to the Editor Issue 81

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    More EU Supplement and Herbal Directives + More CODEX + Antioxidants Against Disease: Evaluating Current Research + Medical McCarthyism: Experts Dispute Opposition to Dietary Fat + ...

  47. Letters to the Editor Issue 82

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    EU Supplements Directive + To: Catherine Crawford + Make Stress our Ally + The Threat Of Neotame + Fluoride Update + Carnitine a Drug!! + Fight to Oppose Compulsory Fluoridation

  48. Letters to the Editor Issue 83

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    Help Needed Radiation and Diabetes: Christmas Island Veteran + Contact Details Professor Jane Plant? + Dangers of Sunlight + Richard Hobday replies + How to Create a Healthy Living ...

  49. Letters to the Editor Issue 84

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    Urgent Appeal for Integrated Cancer Care + Thomas Myers re Joël Carbonnel Comment + Joël Carbonnel Replies + Editor Note + Help: Soy Products for Menopause + EU Supplement Dir...

  50. Letters to the Editor Issue 85

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    Drain Cleaner and Quicklime Poisons Approved as Safe Food Supplements while Vitamins Banned + Greek View re EU Supplement Directive + EU Violating our Freedom of Choice + HIV and Ge...

  51. Letters to the Editor Issue 86

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    Vitamin Treatment for Prostate Cancer + New England Journal of Medicine Hammers Chemo, Applauds Alternative Cancer Therapy + Attack on EU Directive + California Judge Approves Landm...

  52. Letters to the Editor Issue 88

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    Comments from Gregory Pawelski (widower of Ann Pawelski) + Reflexology success + New Tinnitus Treatment Method + Reader Comments re Natural Approaches + UK Health Authority Approves...

  53. Letters to the Editor Issue 89

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    Bio Resonance Saved My Life + Outrage at EU Directive + The Low Down on Low-Carb Diets + California Appeals Court Bludgeons Quackbusters… + Sugar Industry Sour On Limiting Sug...

  54. Letters to the Editor Issue 99

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    A Homoeopathic Reply to Antibiotic Resistance + Choline During Pregnancy Enhances the Brain + Common Bacteria Linked To Alzheimers Disease

  55. Letters to the Editor Issue 100

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    AIDS: Scientific or Viral Catastrophe? + No Freedom, Thank You, We are French! The Proposed French Legislation to Medicalize and Ban Psychotherapy + The context and current situatio...

  56. Letters to the Editor Issue 104

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    Seeking Asthma and Epilepsy Patients for New Biolight Treatment + Aromatherapy Consortium Seeks Lay Members + Symposium re Brain Function and Dysfunction + The Role of DHA upon Visu...

  57. Letters to the Editor Issue 105

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    Hazel Scade Breast Cancer Update + Codex Update + The French Prohibition on Words Related to Healing + Patrick Holford Comments on Lancet Antioxidant Cancer Trial + Lancet Meta-Anal...

  58. Letters to the Editor Issue 106

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    Jane Jones, Campaign Director, National Pure Water Association 1938 - 2004 + Lavender Essential Oil Production in Devon + Nutrition and HIV: Losing Rights to Choose Dietary Suppleme...

  59. Letters to the Editor Issue 108

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    Benefits of Coffee Enemas + Obituary + Vitamin E Study Misleads Consumers

  60. Letters to the Editor Issue 110

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    Michael Lever Replies to Alexander Tennant letter in Issue 108 Feb 2005 + Reader Comment re Healing Energy. The Power of Intent + Steve Gamble Replies to Mary + Regulation and Dieta...

  61. Letters to the Editor Issue 118

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    Niacin (Vitamin B3) Lowers High Cholesterol Safely + Health Canada Regulations to put Organic Herb Company Out of Business

  62. Letters to the Editor Issue 123

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    Comment re Reiki as a Clinical Therapy + Reply: Editorial Issue 119 – GP Ignorance + AETNA Loses Major Dental Case in Fed Court – Is This Their Demise?

  63. Letters to the Editor Issue 126

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    Gerda Boyesen: 18 May 1922 – 29 December 2005 + Student Nutritionist Seeks Work Experience + PH and the Tremendous Amount of Work Ahead of Us + Modern Medicine? What a great ...

  64. Letters to the Editor Issue 127

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    Meta-Analysis: A New Tool to Discredit Natural Health Supplements?

  65. Letters to the Editor Issue 129

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    Vitamins Fight Multiple Sclerosis + EU Directive Update: Nutritional Therapy at Risk

  66. Letters to the Editor Issue 130

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    Codex Update: Confused over the Relevance of Codex?

  67. Letters to the Editor Issue 131

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    Seeking Cancer Patients Starting Chemotherapy + Expert Reader Comment: Dr Alex Concorde BSc (Hons) MBBS (Lond) PhD FIATC FRSM - The Survivor Guide to Bird Flu: The Complementary Med...

  68. Letters to the Editor Issue 133

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    Seeking Herbal Remedy for Vision + Vitamin C + Sodium Benzoate = Benzene – A Proven Carcinogen! + Esperanza Peptide Research Program Introduction + Therapists to be Regulated...

  69. Letters to the Editor Issue 134

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    Editorial in March Issue 133 + No 10 Petition to Ban Mercury in Amalgam Dental Fillings and Vaccines + No Deaths from Vitamins: Poison Control Statistics Prove Supplements Safety + ...

  70. Letters to the Editor Issue 136

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    Regulation Concerns + Chemotherapy Treatment May Fuel Cancer Spread + Treatment May Fuel Cancer Spread, Study Finds + Comments to: Treatment May Fuel Cancer Spread + Survey of Docto...

  71. Letters to the Editor Issue 137

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    The Mushroom Cloud that Caused Autism + Study Warns of Health Risk From Ethanol + Fluoridation Doing More Harm Than Good, Studies Show

  72. Letters to the Editor Issue 139

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    Appreciation for the Beata Bishop Columns + NICE Guidelines for ME + Early Cancer Screening Detection Myth

  73. Letters to the Editor Issue 140

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    General Medical Council (GMC) Clears Dr Jayne Donegan of Professional Misconduct + Reader Feelings about Positive Health (PH) + Correspondence re CFS/ME between Nancy Blake and Dept...

  74. Letters to the Editor Issue 141

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    The Great EMF Exposure Guidelines Fiasco + The ME/CFS Debate Continues between Nancy Blake and Dr Shenahan Dept of Health + Dr Shanahan replies

  75. Letters to the Editor Issue 142

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    Obituary: Canon Christopher Pilkington – 1923-2007 + Ernst Report Essentially Flawed Say Herbal Experts + Comment: Attack on Herbal Medicine by Prof Ernst and Colleagues + W...

  76. Letters to the Editor Issue 138

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    US FDA Announces Plan To Eliminate Vitamin Companies

  77. Letters to the Editor Issue 135

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    BCNH response to the Roger Highfield article in The Telegraph – Alternative Medicine Degrees Anti-Scientific? + BCMA Replies to FIH + Poor Methodology in Meta-Analysis of Vi...

  78. Letters to the Editor Issue 132

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    The Real Reason Flu Hits In Winter – And How To Stop It Naturally + Comments Re: Lack of Vitamin D – The Real Reason Flu Hits In Winter + Statins and Vitamin D Deficie...

  79. Letters to the Editor Issue 128

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    Biodynamic Psychotherapy and Massage + Food, Cooking and Nutrition in Schools + Attacks on Homeopathy + The Growth of a Lie and the End of Conventional Medicine + Patrick Holford Re...

  80. Letters to the Editor Issue 125

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    Articles On Attack On Alternative Medicine 23/5/06 by Martin Walker

  81. Letters to the Editor Issue 124

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    EU Food Supplement Directive: EU Avoids Taking Responsibility For Human Health + Public Vote 90% Against Water Fluoridation Study

  82. Letters to the Editor Issue 122

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    Seeking Arthritis and MS Sufferers + 90% Of Medicines used on New Born Babies Not Properly Tested + Take a Second Look: Calcium and Vitamin D Really Do not Reduce Fractures?

  83. Letters to the Editor Issue 121

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    Codex: The Worst Is Still To Come + Proposals for Additional or Revised Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs) for labeling purposes + Draft Recommendations on the Scientific Basis of He...

  84. Letters to the Editor Issue 120

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    Cancer Patients Tolerate Dietary Supplements

  85. Letters to the Editor Issue 119

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    Remembering Ann Warren Davis + Excessive Vitamin C Consumption Does Not Cause Kidney Stones! + Why Dont Massive Doses of Ascorbate Produce Kidney Stones?

  86. Letters to the Editor Issue 116

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    Obituary and Tribute to Michael Endacott: 1935-2005 + The European Council for Classical Homeopathy (ECCH) Critique of the Lancet Paper: Many Questions are Unanswered + Critics Say...

  87. Letters to the Editor Issue 115

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    Obituary: Michael Gearin-Tosh: 16 January 1940-29 July 2005 + Have You Recovered From CFS? + European Food Supplement Ban Avoided By Mutual Cooperation + Study: Beta Blockers Do n...

  88. Letters to the Editor Issue 114

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    Latest: EU Food Supplement Directive: The tide is turning… + Surprise Move Sees Controversial EU Directive Upheld + Natural Gallstone Removal + Pitfalls of a Vegetarian Diet? ...

  89. Letters to the Editor Issue 113

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    Global Battle Erupts Over Vitamin Supplements + AIDS Orthodoxy Shaken Up By Maverick Physician

  90. Letters to the Editor Issue 112

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    Reader Seeks Help re Dog Vaccinations + Scandalous Refusal to Accept Success Rate of Thought Field Therapy (TFT) + Safety of Complementary Medicines: Health Risk Statistics + New Ev...

  91. Letters to the Editor: Issue 111

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    Breaking News: EU Supplement Directive + More About Past Lives

  92. Letters to the Editor Issue 109

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    EU Supplement Directive Court Challenge + Response to Johns Hopkins article on Vitamin E by Neil Levin. Is Vitamin E Dangerous in High Doses?

  93. Letters to the Editor Issue 107

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    Vitamin E, Heart Disease, and Mortality: Doctor Murray Newsletter

  94. Letters to the Editor Issue 103

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    Healing, A Labor of Love: 100 Stories of Gratitude + Distant Healing Offer + International Advocates for Health Freedom (IAHF): Breaking News: Codex, EU FSD + Cholesterol Drug Warni...

  95. Letters to the Editor Issue 102

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    Silent Spring Revisited + The Killer Vaccines: An Honest Physician Warns of Serious Dangers

  96. Letters to the Editor Issue 101

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    Yorkshire Man Ready to Take on European Union + Codex Alimentarius – Optimizing Nutrient Intakes

  97. Letters to the Editor Issue 143

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    Organic Food Really IS Better for You + Statin Drugs, Liver Injury, and Cancer: Is There A Connection?

  98. Letters to the Editor Issue 98

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    Volunteer for EDTA Chelation Therapy + Volunteer for EDTA Chelation Therapy + Boron and Prostate Cancer Risk + Link Between Autism and Mercury-Containing Vaccines

  99. Letters to the Editor Issue 97

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    Cholesterol Skeptics: The Bad News About Statin Drugs + Chemtrails – Part I + Mercury Individual Vaccine Injuries

  100. Letters to the Editor Issue 96

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    EU Pharmaceuticals Directive Disastrous for Nutritional Supplements + Avoiding Visual Degeneration – Part 1 + Vaccines and Autism and Neurological Epidemics + Partial Reversa...

  101. Letters to the Editor Issue 95

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    In Memoriam, Dr John R Lee MD (1929-2003) + John Halford: 1935-2003 + Benefits of Nutritional Supplements + Dr Barry Durrant-Peatfield: BMA and BDA Fluoridation Position Outrageous ...

  102. Letters to the Editor Issue 94

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    Complementary Medicine – Prepare for the Future + Help for Central Nervous Pain? + Do Or Die For Nutritional Supplements! + Advice and Resources re Breast Cancer CoEnzyme Q10...

  103. Letters to the Editor Issue 92

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    UK Government Rigs Vote on Supplements Ban + The French Prohibition on Words Related to Healing + Bullshitting the Patient Health Warning: Screening Can Seriously Damage Patients + ...

  104. Letters to the Editor Issue 91

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    Scandalous Mercury in Vaccinations + Reflexology: Foot Massage Not Suitable Placebo + Government Defeat on Vitamin Limits + Irresponsible Conclusions Reached By Researchers in The...

  105. Letters to the Editor Issue 90

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    FSA Report Vitamins Slammed by Leading Scientist + New York Times Attacks Dietary Supplements: Life Extension Foundation Responds + EU Food Supplement Directive: What Impact Will It...

  106. Letters to the Editor Issue 144

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    Pesticides on Fruit and Vegetables + Codex Moves Closer To Eu Blueprint

  107. Letters to the Editor Issue 87

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    New Clinical Massage Journal + EU Directive: Sodium & Potassium Hydroxide and Calcium Oxide Safe + Protein Combining Disproved + Penny Crowther Replies

  108. Letters to the Editor Issue 145

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    Reply to PH Editorial: Regulation of Complementary Healthcare + Response to FIH from GRCCT + Self Healing Colitis & Crohns + Vitamins Cure Skin Conditions + Nutritional Medicin...

  109. Letters to the Editor Issue 50

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    Regulation and Research – The Author comments + The Artist replies… + The Editor comments… + Comments Re Leon Chaitow Column (Issue 45 October 99) + Leon Chaitow ...

  110. Letters to the Editor Issue 43

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    Preconception Care Seminar + How much Deodorant do you Feed your Baby?

  111. Letters to the Editor Issue 40

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    Stop the MCA from banning our products and services! + The Editor Replies: What You Can Do About MLX 249 + Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution: one reader has concerns?

  112. Letters to the Editor Issue 32

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    Electrical Emanations + Ann and Roy Procter reply… + Stop abusing the animals! + Peter Fraser replies… + Let us spray!

  113. Letters to the Editor Issue 146

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    Bircher-Benner Raw Food Pioneer + Fruit Consumption may Reduce Alzheimers Risk + BBC Health Website Deletes Complementary Medicine + Codex Alimentarius: The UN/EU Plan to Destroy ...

  114. Letters to the Editor Issue 23

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    Natural Progesterone + Natural Progesterone – a response from AnnA Rushton of NPIS + A further comment from the Editor + The importance of the iliopsoas muscles + Holistic Nu...

  115. Letters to the Editor Issue 21

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    Holistic Nutrition + Lisa Saffron Replies to Gordon Smith

  116. Letters to the Editor Issue 20

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    Answer to Leon Chaitow + Astonishing Core Energy + Stop the limitation of vitamin supplements! + Rule 1: There are no Rules + The Editor Replies:

  117. Letters to the Editor Issue 147

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    Urgent Appeal: Please Help Steven and Ondrea Levine + Biodynamic Products Under Attack: New European Laws Affecting Weleda And Wala + Correspondence Regarding CAM Material Removed f...

  118. Letters to the Editor Issue 17

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    Psychocreative Medicine + The Editor replies + Jon Whale + The Body in Psychotherapy + Allan Rudolf replies to Yig Labworth + From illness to wellness + Exercise Beats Arthritis

  119. Letters to the Editor Issue 16

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    Re: Bizarre Bazaar-Revisited + Insights and Questions + Response to Applied Kinesiology + Body Harmony + Allergy Distress

  120. Letters to the Editor Issue 13

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    Strategies for BSE + Leon Chaitow replies . . .

  121. Letters to the Editor Issue 11

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    Book review – Aromatherapy for Health Professionals + Acceptance – the cure for all allergic reaction! + Slipshod Homework + Vivienne Bradshaw Writes

  122. Letters to the Editor Issue 148

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    Cochrane Review Of Antioxidant Supplements In Prevention Of Mortality + Antioxidant Supplements and Mortality – Research Critique

  123. Letters to the Editor Issue 149

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    Federal Regulation – To Be Or Not To Be + Canada Natural Health Products At Risk: Help Stop Bills C-51, C-52 and the Drug Class Natural Health Products Regulations + Treatmen...

  124. Letters to the Editor Issue 150

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    Conservatives are Angry and Resigning from the Party over Bills C 51 and C 52 + Immediate Action Needed Bills C-51 & 52 + Committees of the House Mr James Rajotte (Edmonton Led...

  125. Letters to the Editor Issue 151

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    Trial Evaluating B Vitamins in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease + Drug Company Propaganda on AOLs Health Page + Study Fails To Clear MMR/Autism Link + Study Dispels Link Between...

  126. Letters to the Editor Issue 152

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    Most Cancer Patients Eating Wrong: Hot Dogs Promote Cancer; Vitamins Prevent Cancer + Chemotherapy Does not Work, So Blame Vitamin C + Antibiotics Put 142,000 Into Emergency Rooms E...

  127. Letters to the Editor Issue 153

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    Lancet Homeopathy Reviews Seriously Flawed + Vitamin C Slows Cancer Down and Can Reverse It as Well + Claims that Statins Lower Heart Attack Risk Misleading

  128. Letters to the Editor Issue 154

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    Key Mechanism behind Cancer Spread is Explained + High Doses of Vitamins Fight Alzheimers Disease + Vitamin E Prevents Lung Cancer

  129. Letters to the Editor Issue 155

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    GRCCT Comment: CnHC Register for Massage and Nutritional Therapists Launch + Toothpaste Toxin in Food Supplements Triggers ANH Call for Inquiry

  130. Letters to the Editor Issue 156

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    Pomegranate Juice for Chemoprevention and Chemotherapy of Prostate Cancer [CaP] + Exposing Health Canada – Dr Shiv Chopra book – Corrupt To The Core ... + Women Multiv...

  131. Letters to the Editor Issue 157

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    The Case Against Fluoridation: Statement By Dr Hardy Limeback

  132. Letters to the Editor Issue 158

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    Swine Flu Treatments - Emergency Natural Allopathic Medicine

  133. Letters to the Editor Issue 159

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    Dr Abram Hoffer MD PhD 1917-2009: Obituary and Tributes to the Late Pioneer of Orthomolecular Psychiatry and Medicine

  134. Letters to the Editor Issue 160

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    Reader Comment: Choosing Health - Preventing and Reversing Cellular Malfunction + No Evidence of Mobile Phone Health Risks, But Scientists Urge Caution + Petition To Gather 1 Millio...

  135. Letters to the Editor Issue 161

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    UK Food Standards Agency Official Accused Of Abusing Legal Process + Trade Associations Call for a Formal Dialogue on Article 13 Health Claims Process + Rebuttal to: Scientist Seeks...

  136. Letters to the Editor Issue 162

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    Protect your Right to Vitamins

  137. Letters to the Editor Issue 163

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    Raise Your Voice Against Attacks on Homeopathy + Federal Regulatory Harassment is Destroying Canada: Stop our dietary food supplements from being regulated as drugs

  138. Letters to the Editor Issue 164

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    No Deaths From Vitamins or Minerals + Open Letter to Canadian Senators re Canadian Dietary Supplement Restrictions

  139. Letters to the Editor Issue 165

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    Naturopaths Family Raided at Gunpoint by Health Canada

  140. Letters to the Editor Issue 166

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    Edging Towards Legal Challenge - EU Health Claims, Bill C-6 Canada and CODEX + Vitamin C As An Antiviral

  141. Letters to the Editor Issue 167

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    How Regulation is Developing for Craniosacral Practitioners

  142. Letters to the Editor Issue 117

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    More Comment: Tribute to Medical Herbalist Ann Warren Davis + Milk Revealed As Main Cause Of Osteoporosis + Persecution of Alternative Practitioners Treating Cancer in the UK In dep...

  143. Letters to the Editor Issue 168

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    Please Support Homeopathy + Omega-3 Fatty Acids Claims for Children Health

  144. Letters to the Editor Issue 169

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    Letters to the Editor Issue 169

  145. Letters to the Editor Issue 170

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    Vitamin K2 Significantly Reduces Risk Cancer + Government Grant for Not Rearing Pigs

  146. Letters to the Editor Issue 171

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    Vaccines Reduce Natural Immunity, Heavy Metals, Mercury and Cancer

  147. Letters to the Editor Issue 172

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    As if it were not humiliating enough for orthodox oncologists to learn that the lowly chemical sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is important in the treatment of cancer, now they ha...

  148. Letters to the Editor Issue 173

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    Stop Nuking the Cancers + Letter sent to Age of Autism

  149. Letters to the Editor Issue 174

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    Misguided Thinking - Mental Health at a Crossroads + Fluoride Could be Contributing to Early Puberty, Studies Show

  150. Letters to the Editor Issue 175

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    Denial of Chemical & Radioactive Dangers

  151. Letters to the Editor Issue 176

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    Cancer and Vitamin C: Evidence-Based Censorship + Objections to Vitamin C Therapy

  152. Letters to the Editor Issue 177

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    Dr Nicholas Gonzalez On Cancer & Health + Vitamin C And The Law: A Personal Viewpoint

  153. Letters to the Editor Issue 178

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    How Doctors Use (Or Should Use) Vitamin Therapy

  154. Letters to the Editor Issue 179

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    Statement From Dr Andrew Wakefield: No Fraud. No Hoax. No Profit Motive. + Paediatric Love Affair with Mercury Continue: Vaccine Insanity + Zero Deaths from Vitamins, Minerals, Amin...

  155. Letters to the Editor Issue 180

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    Letters to the editor for NIMH, Statutory Regulation of Herbal Practitioners

  156. Letters to the Editor Issue 181

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    Many toothpastes (and tooth powders) contain large amounts of fluoride. Fluoride ingested in excessive amounts can cause various maladies like constipation, rheumatism, arthritis, ...

  157. Letters to the Editor Issue 182

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    Intravenous Vitamin C as Cancer Therapy + Nutritional Medicine is Orthomolecular Medicine

  158. Letters to the Editor Issue 183

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    A recently published paper by International EMF Alliance Co-founder, Don Maisch PhD of Australia, greatly elaborates on the conflicts of interest at WHO's International Agency for R...

  159. Letters to the Editor Issue 184

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    A New Emphasis of Course Provision at the University of Westminster

  160. Letters to the Editor Issue 185

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    No Deaths from Vitamins - None at All in 27 Years

  161. Letters to the Editor Issue 186

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    Obituary: Angela Caine AGSM LRAM: 8 May 1937 - 22 July 2011

  162. Letters to the Editor Issue 187

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    The Future of Complementary/Integrative Medicine & Patient Choice

  163. Letters to the Editor Issue 188

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    Vitamin E Attacked Again Of Course - Because It Works

  164. Letters to the Editor Issue 189

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    Two Vitamin C Tablets Every Day Could Save 200,000 Lives Every Year

  165. Letters to the Editor Issue 190

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    Evidence-Based Medicine: Neither Good Evidence nor Good Medicine

  166. Letters to the Editor Issue 191

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    The War Against Nutritional Medicine: Why We Love Our Critics

  167. Letters to the Editor Issue 192

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    Vitamin C Prevents Radiation Damage: Nutritional Medicine in Japan

  168. Letters to the Editor Issue 193

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    Apology to Prof AR Khuda-Bukhsh, FDA Adds Diabetes, Memory Loss Warnings to Statins + Measurement of Fluoride in Urine and Water from Biolab + Doctors Say Vitamins are Safe and Effe...

  169. Letters to the Editor Issue 194

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    Obesity, Gastric Surgery, Brain Scans and Harm + The Swiss Government's Exceedingly Positive Report on Homeopathic Medicine + The Press and the Public Hoodwinked by Recent Red Meat ...

  170. Letters to the Editor Issue 195

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    Censorship, Sports and the Power of One Word + our Access to Homeopathic Medicines is Under Threat - Helios Asks for Help

  171. Letters to the Editor Issue 196

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    Vitamin Bashing or Bad Science?

  172. Letters to the Editor Issue 197

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    Hospitals Don’t Have a Clue: Intravenous & Transdermal Vs Oral Nutritional Medicine + Harvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ ? Published in Federal Gov’t Journal

  173. Letters to the Editor Issue 198

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    NIMH critical of MHRA Announcement on Echinacea for Children Under 12 + Chemotherapy Backfires - Causes Healthy Cells to Feed Growth of Cancer Tumours + The Stranglehold that the UK...

  174. Letters to the Editor Issue 199

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    ANH-Intl eAlert: Take Back Control Over Your Own Health

  175. Letters to the Editor Issue 200

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    Fluoride is Toxic, Indeed a Lethal Poison + Oncologists Are the Worst People to Treat Cancer

  176. Letters to the Editor Issue 201

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    Daily Multivitamin Reduces Cancer Risk: Even Low-Dose Supplementation Would Save 48,000 Lives Annually + The vaccination policy and the Code of Practice of the Joint Committee on Va...

  177. Letters to the Editor Issue 202

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    Positive Care For The Dying + Moderately Expressed Protein is Adverse Prognostic Factor for Breast Cancer

  178. Letters to the Editor Issue 203

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    Using Vitamin C for Heart Disease, Cancer and Cell Protection

  179. Letters to the Editor Issue 204

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    Antioxidants Prevent Cancer and Some May Even Cure It + What Really Causes Kidney Stones (And Why Vitamin C Does Not) + European Commission Tries Closing Door on Product Descriptors...

  180. Letters to the Editor Issue 205

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    The health benefits of niacin are again being challenged. Why? The simple answer is to follow the money. Cholesterol-controlling drugs are cash cows for the trillion-dollar-per-year...

  181. Letters to the Editor Issue 206

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    The Health Minister Dan Poulter has repeatedly ignored and refused requests for help from hundreds of women and midwives to stop the illegalisation of Independent Midwifery in Octob...

  182. Letters to the Editor Issue 207

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    Wonderful World of Bicarbonate and CO2

  183. Letters to the Editor Issue 208

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    A Tide of Evidence Washes Away Flawed Fish Oil Prostate Cancer Study[1] + Essential Benefits Of Vitamins And Minerals

  184. Letters to the Editor Issue 209

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    Patricia Ann Pilkington MBE, Co-Founder of Penny Brohn Cancer Care + Vitamin C, Shingles, and Vaccination

  185. Letters to the Editor Issue 210

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    The following story gives the reader an idea of Natural Allopathic Medicine in practice. It talks about miracles. Water certainly is a miracle, and when we know what to do with wat...

  186. Letters to the Editor Issue 211

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    Devon Midwife’s Name Cleared; 6 Year Ordeal at Hands Of ‘Flawed’ NMC Panel Ends + NBC's Vitamin Ignorance - An Apology + Niacin Beats Statins: Supplements and Diet are Safer, More E...

  187. Letters to the Editor Issue 212

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    Ask This Question Before Taking Statins + Evolution of Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) Treatment - Pelvic Floor Disorder Registry (PFD) Registry + Ohio Amish & the Concentration Ca...

  188. Letters to the Editor Issue 213

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    The End of Toxic Chemo and Radiation + The End of Toxic Chemo and Radiation

  189. Letters to the Editor Issue 214

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    Patients Not Told of Statins Risk + Carpet Bombing Cancer with Invincible Oxygen

  190. Letters to the Editor Issue 215

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    Good and Bad in Revised UK Medical Innovation Bill

  191. Letters to the Editor Issue 216

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    Nano Medicine - Treatments for Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

  192. Letters to the Editor Issue 217

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    CDC Whistleblower: Widespread Manipulation of Scientific Data - Higher Autism Rate Among African-American Boys Receiving MMR Vaccine + Breaking News: CDC Whistleblower Text Messages...

  193. Letters to the Editor Issue 218

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    Vaccines Cause Children More Adverse Reactions Than Any Other Drug + Alkaline Without Alkalinity + Stop Mercury Amalgam Fillings within the EU: Deadline 16th November 2014

  194. Letters to the Editor Issue 219

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    How to Avoid the Diagnosis of ME / CFS / FM or MS + Orwellian World - Totalitarian Perception of Misinformation Reinforced + Trouble With This Year’s Flu Shot

  195. Letters to the Editor Issue 220

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    Report Highlights Rising Global Cost Of Cancer Treatment And Care + The Disney Measles Outbreak: A Mousetrap of Ignorance + British Court Throws Out Conviction of Autism/Vaccine MD:...

  196. Letters to the Editor Issue 221

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    Herbal Alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy +

  197. Letters to the Editor Issue 222

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    Vitamin Bashing Begins in US Prior to Publication of Meta-Analysis Using Old Studies + $3M Research Grant Awarded to Canada-US Researchers Investigating the Impact of Naturopathic ...

  198. Letters to the Editor Issue 223

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    Obituary and Tribute to Stephen Cooper: 1951-2015 + How do you Solve a Problem like Maria?

  199. Letters to the Editor Issue 224

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    Dr Nicholas Gonzalez: 1947 – 21 July 2015 + Medical Research not Addressing Patient and Clinician Priorities + Trust Me I’m A Doctor broadcast BBC 2, 15 July highlighting concerns ...

  200. Letters to the Editor Issue 225

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    What’s Happening to the NHP Lawsuit Against Health Canada? + One Foot in the Grave when I found Dr Sircus + Coconut Oil - Miracle Wonder Food or 'Sat Fat' Nightmare?

  201. Letters to the Editor Issue 226

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    Urgent Communications from Health Freedom NZ - Your Action Requested + Freedom4Health: Vital Information re the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) + Don't Vaccinate without Vitam...

  202. Letters to the Editor Issue 227

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    Lyme Disease Research Campaign - www.indiegogo.com/projects/lyme-disease-research#/ + Shills Depriving Patients of Proper Alternative Treatment + The Cam Ban Scam – We Need You! T...

  203. Letters to the Editor Issue 228

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    Novel RNA Delivery System May Treat Incurable Blood Cancers + Liver Recovery Difficult even with Improved Diet - But Faster if Sugar Intake is Low + Breast Cancer Survivors Vulnerab...

  204. Letters to the Editor Issue 229

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    Pyriproxyfen, Zika and Microcephaly + Zika Virus, Microcephaly, Guillain-Barré, Genetically Modified Mosquitos and Potential Vaccine Damage + Correspondence about Lithium Dispersal ...

  205. Letters to the Editor Issue 230

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    Vaccination - Don’t Shoot the Messengers! - Alliance for Natural Health International + Ratify Minimata Treaty and Phase out Mercury Amalgam Fillings

  206. Letters to the Editor Issue 231

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    Regulation and Accountability of the Advertising Standards Authority Ltd ASA - Discussion Document Concerning Complementary and Alternative Medicine + Twenty Years of Progress: Nutr...

  207. Letters to the Editor Issue 232

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    Viruses Turbo-Charge Bacterial Evolution in Cystic Fibrosis Infections + Will EFSA Remove Road Blocks for Nutrients in Supplements? + Brexit - A Lucky Escape from the Vitamin Laws

  208. Letters to the Editor Issue 233

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    Release of UK QMUL PACE Data “A Gamechanging Win for People with ME / CFS” + Harvard Professor Says Prescription Drugs Are Killing Population + Supplements Are Safe: Who Is Lying ...

  209. Letters to the Editor Issue 234

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    Stopping Breast Cancer Metastasis in Its Tracks + Nearly One-Third of Unnecessary Endoscopies could be Avoided with Faeces Blood Test + Sleeping Sickness: Parasites Found Hiding in ...

  210. Letters to the Editor Issue 235

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    #MEAction Denounces Use of CBT in Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome + Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease: llama Antibodies Detect Cerebral Lesions + Study Investigates Interactio...

  211. Letters to the Editor Issue 236

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    Tribute Obituary Christine Johnston + Dietary Magnesium Associated with Reduced Risk of Heart Disease, Stroke and Type-2 Diabetes + Controversial Vaginal Mesh and Graft No More Eff...

  212. Letters to the Editor Issue 237

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    Seeking Volunteers for Research to Improve Health Prospects of Older Men and Women + If Only Half of America is Properly Vaccinated, Where are the Epidemics? + 50 Studies the AAP Av...

  213. Letters to the Editor Issue 238

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    Charity Commission Assessing Charities Associated with CAM + Study Invites Participants: Can Online Therapy Reduce Distress In Dementia Carers? + The CDC Made These Two Radical Cha...

  214. Letters to the Editor Issue 239

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    Waist-To-Height Ratio More Accurate than BMI in Identifying Obesity, New Study Shows + Plans for Habitat and Wildlife Conservation Should Consider Lyme Disease Risk + NHFA Health Fr...

  215. Letters to the Editor Issue 240

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    Complementary Medicine in Switzerland now a Mandatory Health Insurance Service + Tel Aviv University Develops New DNA Technology against Drug-Resistant Bacteria + Cardiac Stem Cells...

  216. Letters to the Editor Issue 241

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    Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Stress Drugs Taken Prior to Surgery May Reduce Metastatic Recurrence + Articles on ME/CFS by Margaret Williams and Professor Malcolm Hooper + Unilever acquir...

  217. Letters to the Editor Issue 242

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    Health Freedom is our Right, Vaccination should be our Choice + New Genetic Test for Cancer Recurrence + Okayama University Research: Radiation Protection Using Plant Extracts

  218. Letters to the Editor Issue 243

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    Significant Breakthrough Toward new Superbug-Killing Antibiotic Teixobactin + Most New ‘Breakthrough’ Cancer Drugs Don’t Work + Five Things You Should Know before Consenting to HPV ...

  219. Letters to the Editor Issue 244

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    Novel Nanomedicine Inhibits the Progression of Pancreatic Cancer in Mouse Models

  220. Letters to the Editor Issue 245

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    All Homeopathic Products Now Illegal? + People are Dying from the Flu + New Research Uncovers How Cancer Stem Cells Drive Triple-Negative Breast Cancer + Importance to Understand H...

  221. Letters to the Editor Issue 246

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    Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Threatens Homeopathy and Complementary Therapies + Help Protect UK Children from Mercury Fillings + Time to Redefine ‘Good Medicine’ + Statistic...

  222. Letters to the Editor Issue 247

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    Dr Andrew Wakefield vs Brian Deer Highwire Interview Del Bigtree + Night Owls have Higher Risk of Dying Sooner + Inaccurate Idea of Own Body Weight may be Strong Factor in Unhealthy...

  223. Letters to the Editor Issue 248

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    Kate Arnold Tribute Obituary + Existing Cancer Treatment could be used for Common ‘Untreatable’™ Form of Lung Cancer + Will Homeopathy be Saved – Before it’s Too Late? + New Study O...

  224. Letters to the Editor Issue 249

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    Tribute Obituary Dr Peter Fisher MBBChir FRCP FFHom + Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease + Diabetics Face Higher Risk of Mouth Cancer; Women in More Danger + Cancer Pati...

  225. Letters to the Editor Issue 250

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    Tribute Obituary Leon Chaitow ND DO 7 December 1937 – 20 September 2018 + A moral governance crisis: the growing lack of democratic collaboration and scientific pluralism in Cochran...

  226. Letters to the Editor Issue 251

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    Mike Mew Expelled from the British Orthodontic Society- Right or Wrong? The facts! + Comment Dr M Amir re Dr Mike Mew Expulsion from the British Orthodontic Society + Environmental ...

  227. Letters to the Editor Issue 252

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    Artificial Joint Restores Wrist-Like Movements to Forearm Amputees + Heart Cell Defect Identified as Possible Cause of Heart Failure in Pregnancy: Tel Aviv University research has d...

  228. Letters to the Editor Issue 253

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    URGENT: Feds Aim to End Vax Exemptions + Measles Virus Wipes Out Golf-Ball-Sized Cancer Tumour In 36 Hours + Stress and Dream Sleep Linked to Pathways of Brain Cell Death and Surviv...

  229. Letters to the Editor Issue 254

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    ‘Game-Changing’ Leukaemia Treatment Test + Genetically Encoded Sensor Isolates Hidden Leukemic Stem Cells + TMJ Dysfunction Blog: Autism/Learning Difficulties/OCD Testimony + Ground...

  230. Letters to the Editor Issue 255

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    Proton Beam Therapy Significantly Lowers Risk Of Side Effects, Reveals Major Study + Antibiotic Cocktail Stops Cancer Cells From 'Motoring' + Progress In The Fight Against Metastat...

  231. Letters to the Editor Issue 256

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    Tribute Obituary Richard Eaton LL.B (Hons) 19th October 1953 0 14 June 2019 + Anna Jeoffroy-Salmon Tribute Obituary 12 April 1952 - 10 June 2019 + Fatty Fish without Environmental P...

  232. Letters to the Editor Issue 257

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    Women's Hospital Targeted by Seven Air Strikes in Syria; Newborns Evacuated + Drug Discovery Offers New Hope To Halt Spread of Malaria + Scientists Develop Novel Nano-Vaccine for Me...

  233. Letters to the Editor Issue 258

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    Robocath Successfully Carries Out its First Robotic Coronary Angioplasties in Humans + DNA is Held Together by Hydrophobic Forces + Bacteria Injections Help the Immune System Fight...

  234. Letters to the Editor Issue 259

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    Fibromyalgia Patient Update – Sept 2019 – Update of + RIP Dr Bocci + Genotyping Service to Improve Cancer Patient Treatment + Simple Blood Test Could Better Predict Kidney Disease a...

  235. Letters to the Editor Issue 260

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    Vaccinations, Vitamin C, Politics, and the Law + Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus + New Treatment Triggers Self-Destruction of Pancreatic Cancer Cells + Magnesium Sulphate Inf...

  236. Letters to the Editor Issue 261

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    Hospital-Based Intravenous Vitamin C Treatment for Coronavirus and Related Illnesses + Early Large Dose Intravenous Vitamin C is the Treatment of Choice for 2019-nCov Pneumonia + Es...

  237. Letters to the Editor Issue 262

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    Boris Johnson, Prime Minister + Published Research and Articles on Vitamin C for Pneumonia, Lung Infections, and the Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19) + The Chinese Herbal For...

  238. Letters to the Editor Issue 263

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    The Number of Asymptomatic Infections Dramatically Lowers COVID-19 Case-fatality Rate + VTCT New Qualification Enhancement for Exceptional Times + Covid-19: Treating Cause and Effec...

  239. Letters to the Editor Issue 264

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    How We Can Fix This Pandemic In A Month + COVID-19 Drug Trial Could Lead to Enhanced Respiratory Care for Patients + Detailed 3D Model of SARS-CoV-2 Revealed + Acid Blockers Make CO...

  240. Letters to the Editor Issue 265

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    Curing Viruses with Hydrogen Peroxide + Covid19 – A Tale of Two Conditions + Pioneering Research Reveals Certain Human Genes Relate to Gut Bacteria + Singing is No More Risky than T...

  241. Letters to the Editor Issue 266

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    Why your Positive Test Result is Likely Wrong + Discovery of Druggable Pocket in SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein could Stop Virus + COVID-19 patients with sleep apnoea could be at addition...

  242. Letters to the Editor Issue 267

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    Actionagainst5G – Be A Light to the World – Next Global Protest Day March 20, 2021 – Equinox; Candlelight Vigil December 20, 2020 – Solstice (almost) + Pioneering Research Potentia...

  243. Letters to the Editor Issue 268

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    Research Project – CAM & Cancer by University College Cork (UCC) Ireland + WHO Deletes Naturally Acquired Immunity from Its Website + Major Science Review Shows Vitamin C is a ...

  244. Letters to the Editor Issue 269

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    Evidence Reveals Scalp Cooling Protects Hair from Chemotherapy + How Vitamins, Steroids and Potential Antivirals might Affect SARS-CoV-2 + Refocussing Medical Training + COVID... Wh...

  245. Letters to the Editor Issue 270

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    Rutherford Health Announces Expansion of Proton Therapy Training for Oncologists + Rutherford Health Announces Expansion of Proton Therapy Training for Oncologists + New Research Qu...

  246. Letters to the Editor Issue 271

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    Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization and COVID Resolution - Impressive Anecdotal Results + “A COVID Pill By Autumn” But Why Not Vitamin C? + NTU Singapore Study Investigates Link Between ...

  247. Letters to the Editor Issue 272

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    New Research into Malaria Is Next Step in Helping to Eradicate the Disease + Vitamin C Levels in Care Home Residents and Links to COVID-19 + Resolving "Long-Haul COVID" and Vaccine...

  248. Letters to the Editor Issue 273

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    Study Launched to Investigate Diet Treatment for Long COVID + New Hypothesis Proposed for how Chlamydia might Increase Cancer and Ectopic Pregnancy Risk + People with Rare Autoimmun...

  249. Letters to the Editor Issue 274

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    Dear Scientific and Medical Network Readers + Southampton Scientists Discover a Fundamental Feature of Aggressive Lymphomas + Dementia Risk in Former Professional Footballers Relate...

  250. Letters to the Editor Issue 275

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    Using Nanofibers to Stop Brain Tumor Cells from Spreading + Diabetes Mellitus as Risk Factor for Glaucoma The Underlying Cause + Impulse Dynamics Announces First Optimizer Implant I...

  251. Letters to the Editor Issue 276

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    Oxford University Project Using Artificial Intelligence for Safer CT Imaging of Blood Vessels Receives Heart Research UK Grant + Research Reveals How Epithelial Cells in the Body Na...

  252. Letters to the Editor Issue 277

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    Delayed Cataract Surgery Increases the Risks of Falls and Dementia + Dongguk University Study Reveals Factors Influencing Colorectal Cancer in Korea + How COVID Helped Me Regain Go...

  253. Letters to the Editor Issue 278

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    Assessing the Invasive and Metastatic Potential of Cancer Cells from a Tissue Section + ­­Scientists Create Antibodies to Target a Secretory Protein for Anti-cancer Therapy + Leadin...

  254. Letters to the Editor Issue 279

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    New Research Offers Hope for Former Footballers at Risk of Dementia + ‘Brain-Age’ Biomarkers Predict Stroke Recovery more Accurately than Chronological Age + Healthcare Profession...

  255. Letters to the Editor Issue 280

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    Medical Profession should better Appreciate that Uncertainty Requires Open-Minded Thought + Monkeypox Infection – To Fear or Not to Fear? + Childhood Obesity Increases Risk of Type ...

  256. Letters to the Editor Issue 281

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    Increase in Non-COVID-19 Respiratory Infections Predicted this Winter + In Fine Print: Study Sheds Light on Mechanisms Driving 1,2-Dichloropropane-Induced Cancer in the Printing Ind...

  257. Letters to the Editor Issue 282

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    Study Reveals High Neurodegenerative Risk Among Former International Rugby Players + Researchers Develop a New Approach to Improve Future Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease + Towards ...

  258. Letters to the Editor Issue 283

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    Manuka Honey Could Help Clear Deadly Drug-Resistant Lung Infection + Health Data Research UK's Black Internship Programme 2023 is Open for Applications + 4 Simple Changes can Halve ...

  259. Letters to the Editor Issue 284

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    My Journey Out of a Grim Diagnosis – Intravenous Vitamin C and Chemotherapy Together Produce Extraordinary Results with Stage Four Colon Cancer + Stranded Dolphins’ Brains Show Com...

  260. Letters to the Editor Issue 285

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    Pusan National University Researchers Uncover Novel Gene that Regulates Leukemia Development and Progression + University Of Glasgow to Lead International Effort to Advance Cancer C...

  261. Letters to the Editor Issue 286

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    Daily Blueberries for Cognitive and Vascular Health in Older People, Study Suggests + High Spring Pollen Count will Increase Allergies and Covid Cases, Warns Medical Testing Expert...

  262. Letters to the Editor Issue 287

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    Long-Term Use of Steroids could Impair Memory + How Medical Treatment could Soon be Tailored to our Own DNA Profile + How to Improve Medical Care: Include Treatment with Nutritional...

  263. Letters to the Editor Issue 288

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    Covid Fatalities Plummet, As Dementia and Heart Disease Become No 1 Killers + Key Gene That Blocks The ‘Spillover’ of Avian Flu to Humans Discovered + Study Shows Promising Results ...

  264. Letters to the Editor Issue 289

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    Why Do I Listen at Length to Complete Strangers + Korea University Medicine Team Explores Ways to Overcome Cisplatin Resistance and Alleviate Pain in Cancer Treatment + New Alzheime...

  265. Letters to the Editor Issue 290

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    More than a Decade of Dedication to Chemistry Honoured + Recent Studies Have Shown that Stress is Correlated with Cardiovascular Disease. + Meningitis, Measles and Covid Could Mean ...

  266. Letters to the Editor Issue 291

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    Over Half of Brits may have High Cholesterol. Will Ending ‘Bad’ Cholesterol Testing Add to the Problem? + Aberdeen University Cancels Vitamin C Study in Care Homes + Estimating Gast...

  267. Letters to the Editor Issue 292

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    61% of Gen Xs and 43% of Millennials have High Cholesterol  + Brain Scan Technology Takes A Major Step Forward + HKBU-Led Research Develops Novel Drug Delivery System for Gouteng Co...

  268. Letters to the Editor Issue 293

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    British Dentists Welcome Proposed EU Ban on Mercury Amalgam Fillings + The Cause of Long Covid has been Identified – And It’s Our Own Immune System + The Pin Prick Blood Test that P...

  269. Letters to the Editor Issue 294

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    PODO Launches Mobile Clinic for Quality, Bespoke Orthotics + New Research will Target Earliest Stages of Bone Marrow Cancer + Two Cups of Tea Daily can Improve Sleep and Cut Stress ...

  270. Letters to the Editor Issue 295

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    Global Wellness Summit Announces Co-chairs for November Conference in St Andrews, Scotland + Scientists Discover Higher Levels of CO2 Increase Survival of Viruses in the Air and Tra...

  271. Letters to the Editor Issue 296

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    AI System Learns to Speak the Language of Cancer to Enable Improved Diagnosis + Promising Role of Antidiabetic Drug in Cancer Control + New Study Confirms Forever Chemicals are Abso...

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