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Letters to the Editor Issue 297

by Letters(more info)

listed in letters to the editor, originally published in issue 297 - September 2024

Carbohydrates: Why People Who Are In The Know, Are Increasing Their Carb Intake

by Jayne Higgins RNTP m.BANT r.CNHC

In recent years, carbohydrates have been unfairly demonised in the quest for weight loss and better health. Carbs have a reputation for being the beige and white foods, that people avoid but there’s something very important that is being misunderstood. Nutrition experts are increasingly emphasising the importance of incorporating the right types of carbohydrates into a balanced diet for sustainable weight management and overall well-being.

"Carbohydrates are not the enemy," says Jayne Higgins a registered nutritional therapist and founder of So Nutrition in Birmingham. "When chosen wisely, they provide essential energy, fibre, vitamins, and minerals that our bodies need to function optimally."

Recent nutritional recommendations have sparked debate by recommending increased carbohydrate intake. As a registered nutritional therapist, I'm here to shed light on why carbs are essential for a balanced diet and how they can be part of a healthy weight management plan.

UK dietary guidelines emphasise the importance of carbohydrate quality rather than quantity. The focus is now on consuming carbs primarily from whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and pulses [1]. These foods provide essential nutrients and fibre, which are crucial for overall health and weight management.

Why the Shift Towards Carbs?

  • Energy and brain function: Carbohydrates are the body's preferred energy source, especially for the brain.
  • Gut health: Fibre-rich carbohydrates support a healthy gut microbiome, which is linked to better weight management and overall health [2].
  • Nutrient density: Whole food carbohydrate sources are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

5 Ways to Incorporate Carbs into A Healthy Lifestyle:

  1. Choose complex carbs: Opt for whole grains, legumes, and vegetables over refined options.
  2. Focus on fibre: High-fibre carbs promote fullness and support digestive health.
  3. Pair carbs with protein: Combining carbs with lean protein is a great way to balance blood sugar.
  4. Practice portion control: Enjoy carbs in moderation as part of a balanced plate.
  5. Timing matters: Consume carbs around physical activities to fuel your workouts and aid recovery.

"By including the right carbohydrates in your diet, you can achieve sustainable weight loss while nourishing your body," Jayne adds. "It's about quality, not elimination."

For those concerned about weight, it's important to note that no single macronutrient is responsible for weight gain. Recent studies show that balanced diets, including adequate carbohydrates, can be effective for long-term weight management [3].

As a nutritional therapist, I recommend focusing on overall food quality rather than demonising any food group. A balanced approach, including a variety of carbohydrate sources, can support both health and weight management goals.


  1. Public Health England. (2023) "Updated Eatwell Guide: Emphasising Whole Food Carbohydrates." GOV.UK.
  2. British Nutrition Foundation. (2022) "The Gut Microbiome: Implications for Health and Disease." BNF.UK.
  3. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. (2024) "Weight Management: Lifestyle Services for Overweight or Obese Adults." NICE.UK.

About the Author

Jayne Higgins RNTP m.BANT r.CNHC is a Clinical Nutritional Therapist. Jayne is a dedicated and innovative registered nutritional therapist with a passion for evidence-based practice. Skilled at analysing client health data and crafting bespoke dietary plans. Adept at creating engaging, informative nutrition content. Committed to staying current with the latest nutritional research to provide cutting-edge, personalised recommendations that empower clients to achieve optimal health through tailored nutritional strategies. She may be contacted via Tel: 07812180130; Instagram @so_nutrition and threads @so_nutrition



Arrival of Deadlier ‘Clade I’ mpox in Europe Highlights Need for Better Testing and Treatment

Improved testing and treatment for mpox needs to be developed rapidly now that the more deadly ‘clade Ib’ strain has been detected in Europe for the first time, says a leading testing expert. Current preferred tests rely on the appearance of rashes while – as yet – there are no specific mpox antiviral treatments.

The arrival of the first case of the more deadly ‘clade Ib’ strain of mpox in Europe signals the need for improved testing and treatment, says a leading testing expert.

Currently, the ‘gold standard’ PCR test rely on swabs from rashes but by the time rashes develop it may be too late to prevent the spread of the virus. Likewise, there are still no specific drugs approved for mpox, with most treatment aimed at relieving symptoms and smallpox drugs standing in for targeted antivirals.

Dr Avinash Hari Narayanan MBChB, Clinical Lead at London Medical Laboratory, says: “The first case of the deadlier clade Ib strain of mpox (formerly known as monkeypox) in Sweden shows that Europe is not entirely protected. According to the US Center for Disease Control (CDC), mpox clade I causes more severe illness and deaths. Some outbreaks have killed up to 10% of the people who got sick. The World Health Organisation (WHO) says “…clade I leads to more severe disease and death than clade II in the populations where it is endemic”

“Currently, European countries are used to dealing with clade II, the type that caused the global outbreak that began in 2022. Infections from clade II mpox are less severe and more than 99.9% of people survive.

“PCR tests of rash fluids or crust, collected by “vigorous swabbing”, are the preferred laboratory test, says the UK’s Health Security Agency (UKHSA). However, by the time these rashes present it may be too late to prevent infection spread. It currently takes around 5 to 21 days after infection for the first symptoms to appear and a further 5 days after the first symptoms for the rash to appear. Clearly, that is a long period before the PCR “gold standard” test can be undertaken.

"A viral throat swab can be administered to people who have developed systemic symptoms but do not have a rash or lesions, but results can take two or more days. Usually blood samples are a quicker, safer diagnostic. However, the WHO says testing blood is not recommended for identifying mpox antibodies. It states: “Antibody detection methods may not be useful as they do not distinguish between different orthopoxviruses.” Clearly, there is an urgent need for improved, focused blood tests to speed up detection of specific mpox antibodies in people who are not yet presenting symptoms.

“In Europe, treatment for most people with mpox has been aimed at relieving the symptoms of the less severe clade II cases. The concern is that there is no specific treatment approved for mpox and drugs developed for smallpox are often used in an emergency. In the absence of a specific mpox antiviral, the UK Government’s advice is that drugs such as tecovirimat (used to treat smallpox) or cidofovir (mainly used to treat a type of eye condition in AIDS patients) can be used to treat severe cases of mpox or those who are at high risk.

“It is good to see that the UKHSA is stepping up its reaction. It announced last week that “planning is underway to prepare for any cases that we might see in the UK”. This includes ensuring that clinicians are aware and able to recognise cases promptly. Improved awareness is vital, as the symptoms of mpox can be easily confused with other conditions, including chickenpox, herpes simplex, measles, secondary syphilis, enterovirus and various bacterial skin infections.  

“For anyone concerned, the first symptoms of mpox include:

  • High temperature
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Backache
  • Swollen glands
  • Shivering (chills)
  • Exhaustion
  • Joint pain

“A rash usually appears 1 to 5 days after the first symptoms. It often begins on the face, then spreads to other parts of the body. This can include the mouth, genitals and anus.

‘If people have come into contact with someone who has been in central Africa recently and they are experiencing any of these symptoms, they should contact their GP.

“Of course, in most cases, these symptoms are likely to have been caused by another condition. This includes people who have multiple sexual partners but have not come into contact with anyone who has been in central Africa recently. If they have any concerns, London Medical Laboratory’s sexual health tests can be taken in the privacy of their own home.

“Most people who become very ill from mpox have other underlying health complications. A general “MOT” blood test can give a vast array of information about people’s health through a simple finger-prick test. London Medical Laboratory’s General Health Profile blood test monitors seven key areas of health. It can be taken at home through the post, or at one of the many drop-in clinics that offer these tests across London and nationwide in over 120 selected pharmacies and health stores. For full details, see:

Further Information 

London Medical Laboratory’s Clinical Lead, Dr Avinash Hari Narayanan, is available to supply exclusive written comment or for interview. To contact Dr Hari Narayanan, or for more information, please email London Medical Laboratory’s Head of Public Relations, David Jinks M.I.L.T., at



Researchers are Rethinking the Way We Treat Thyroid Conditions

Researchers from the University of Sunderland are rethinking the way in which patients are prescribed medication for thyroid conditions.

Mia Holley, as part of her PhD project, has researched the effects of the medication levothyroxine has on patients who have hypothyroidism, a condition where a patient has an underactive thyroid.  Hypothyroidism affects 5-10% of the UK population and is often treated with levothyroxine. Mia wanted to investigate the use of this medication and its outcome further.

Using electronic healthcare records of 6% of the UK population, Mia discovered that although the medication is associated with beneficial cardiovascular outcomes, it also can impact bone health and contribute to all-cause mortality outcomes. Mia presented her findings at a conference organized by the Society of Academic Primary Care (SAPC) in Bristol where she challenged current medical national guidelines for the treatment of hypothyroidism.

Mia said: “Presenting our findings at the SAPC, attended by general practitioners who prescribe and monitor levothyroxine daily, was a valuable experience. It provided an opportunity to receive feedback and suggestions from healthcare professionals directly involved in the management of subclinical hypothyroidism. This research represents the most extensive study to date on the use of levothyroxine in individuals over 50 years old with subclinical hypothyroidism. We analysed various outcomes associated with levothyroxine use and provided vast insights into its benefits and risks for this patient group. These findings have the potential to significantly impact clinical practice by offering more informed guidance on levothyroxine prescribing, thereby improving patient outcomes.”

Mia was joined by Mohammed Saif Farooq, a medical student at the University, who also had the opportunity to present his research that looked at the consequences of over-diagnosing hypothyroidism in an ageing population which links to Mia’s research.

Saif said: “Presenting in Bristol was a rewarding experience, especially as a third-year medical student. It was a unique opportunity to share our research on a national platform and has been a highlight of my academic journey so far. Our aim is to mitigate unnecessary risks, enhance patient safety and levothyroxine efficacy for older patients with subclinical hypothyroidism. I hope our work informs and refines future trials on the cardiovascular and bone health outcomes of levothyroxine in aging subclinical hypothyroid patients. The support from the University staff has been phenomenal. Mia has been an outstanding supervisor and role model, and Professor Wilkes has provided invaluable guidance and expertise. I also want to thank the co-authors, the admin team, the faculty, and Dr Randles for their support.”

The team hopes to conduct further research in the area, looking at how levothyroxine could be prescribed alongside bone protection medication to improve health outcomes.

Professor Scott Wilkes, Head of the School of Medicine at the University of Sunderland, said: “Mia has been an outstanding PhD student and has developed into a very capable medical statistician. Mia’s support for Saif has been exceptional and has led to his first conference presentation and peer-reviewed publication during his medical student years. Their work is set to challenge guidelines for the treatment of elderly people with sub-clinical hypothyroidism. They have shone a very bright light on the cardiovascular benefits and bone health risks in this group of patients. It has been a pleasure working with them both.”

If you are interested in studying Medicine at the University of Sunderland, find out more here:

Media Contact and Further Information

Please contact: Ruth Aiken on Tel: 07910 230258; / Find a University of Sunderland expert 


Could Brain Parasites be Used to Treat Cognitive Disorders?

 Scientists have invented a new way to deliver treatment into the brain using a parasite.

 The study – led by the University of Glasgow in collaboration with Tel Aviv University and an international team of researchers, and published in Nature Microbiology – has also made the first successful step in finding out whether the parasites could be engineered for this purpose.

The world-first pioneering discovery represents an exciting new field of research, centred around the potential of using engineered brain parasites to deliver treatment across the blood-brain-barrier – a major complication for treatment of many neurological conditions.

The research team worked with the common brain parasite Toxoplasma gondii, already estimated to be carried by a third of the global population in its dormant state.  Toxoplasma gondii has evolved to travel from the digestive system to the brain where it secretes its proteins into neurons, and researchers were keen to find out whether – with some key changes – this parasite could instead be used to safely deliver key therapeutic proteins that could help treat neurological diseases.

While most neurological conditions, including Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s and Rett Syndrome, have been linked in some way to protein dysfunction, targeting the problem at source has proved complex. Delivering therapeutics – including targeted proteins – across the blood-brain-barrier and into the correct location inside neurons, is difficult, and has so far limited the treatment options for these neurological conditions.

In this study, researchers explored whether the Toxoplasma gondii parasite, which itself has evolved to easily cross biological barriers such as blood-brain-barrier (but also placenta), could act as a medicine delivery vehicle to disease-affected brain cells. To test their hypothesis the study team first had to find out whether they could effectively make the parasites produce the therapeutic proteins, and then afterwards test whether the parasites would be able to “spit” the proteins back out into affected brain cells.

The team focused on engineering the parasites to deliver the MeCP2 protein, which has already been proposed as a promising therapeutic target for Rett syndrome, a debilitating neurological disorder caused by mutations in MECP2 gene.

The first success came when the University of Glasgow research team, in collaboration with a team from Tel-Aviv university, were able to engineer Toxoplasma gondii to produce the MeCP2 protein. Further experiments confirmed that the engineered parasites indeed deliver the protein to the target cell location in both the lab, in brain organoids and in mice models – all thanks to a large team of collaborators with the necessary expertise. The team are now focused on further engineering the parasites such that it dies after delivering the protein, to prevent them from causing harm to cells.

This breakthrough work suggests that, with further research and testing, brain parasites could potentially play a role in the delivery of therapeutic proteins to the brain, and perhaps other applications.

Professor Lilach Sheiner, one of the leading authors of the study from the University of Glasgow’s School of Infection and Immunity, said: “This is a blue-sky project where our collaborative team was thinking out of the box to try to tackle the long-standing medical challenge of finding a way to successfully deliver treatment to the brain for cognitive disorders.”

However, the researchers are clear that lots more research and testing needs to happen before the parasite would be safe to use as a therapeutic delivery vehicle.

Professor Sheiner adds: “The concept is not without challenges, considering the dangers involved with Toxoplasma infection. For our work to become a treatment reality it will require many more years of careful research and development to enhance efficiency and improve safety.”

Professor Oded Rechavi said: “Evolution already ‘invented’ organisms that can manipulate our brains, I think that instead of re-inventing the wheel we could learn from them and use their abilities.”

More on Toxoplasma gondii

Toxoplasma gondii is a parasite that can be carried by all warm-blooded animals, including humans. It is generally transmitted through undercooked meat, soil, or from contact with cat faeces (cats are its definitive hosts). Up to one-third of the UK population is chronically infected with the parasite, although most experience few harmful effects.

Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by the Toxoplasma parasite. While most people feel no effects from carrying the parasite, as it lies dormant in the majority of people infected, in those with weakened immune systems this parasite can ‘wake up’ and cause serious complications. When the Toxoplasma ‘wakes up’ in people with compromised immune systems it can cause stroke, and in infants it can cause severe brain damage.


The study, ‘Engineering a Brain Parasite for Intracellular Delivery of Proteins to the Central Nervous System’ is published in Nature Microbiology.

Media Contact and Further Information 

For more information contact Elizabeth McMeekin or Ali Howard in the University of Glasgow Communications and Public Affairs Office on  or



New Robotic Brain Surgery a ‘Life-Saver’ For Evangeline

A Mater neurosurgeon has used Australian-first robotic-guided laser technology to save the life of a Queensland woman with multiple brain tumours. Evangeline Lim, 61, has been battling a rare type of lung cancer since 2016 and was referred to Mater Private Hospital Brisbane neurosurgeon Dr Sarah Olson after the cancer spread to her brain and began to affect her mobility.

Dr Olson said conventional brain surgery would likely have left Ms Lim in a wheelchair for the rest of her life – but a new advanced minimally invasive surgical system at Mater gave her hope of a making a full recovery.  

The Visualase system uses live MRI tracking and robotic alignment technology to guide a fibre-optic laser probe to the site of a tumour. The laser then kills the tumour by heating the tissue to around 60C, in a procedure known as laser interstitial thermal therapy (LiTT).

Mrs Lim, who works as an accountant, said she was amazed to be able to return to her Hope Island home just days after LiTT surgery destroyed her two brain tumours.

“Almost straight away I could feel the changes in the left side of my body – it was like magic,” Mrs Lim said.

“Before having the surgery, my foot would drop when I walked.

“I had reduced my hours of work because using the computer was slow and difficult.

“Even walking up the stairs was so hard, and also everyday tasks such as cooking and cleaning.

“But now I am back to normal. The operation was life-changing.”

Mater Private Hospital Brisbane was the first hospital in the southern hemisphere to adopt the US-developed Visualase LiTT system, which is also used to treat epilepsy patients as well as those with brain cancers. Dr Olson said the technology allows surgical teams to insert a laser probe through a small skin incision in the skull, without the need for highly invasive brain surgery. Patient recovery times are faster and neurological complications are less common.

“Evangeline had terrible brain swelling related to the cancer metastasising in her motor area,” Dr Olson said.

“Traditional surgery would have required a large opening in the skull and almost certainly would have made Evangeline weaker and unable to walk.”

She said the LiTT procedure also stopped the need for Ms Lim to require steroid treatment, which would have affected her ongoing treatment for lung cancer.

The $1 million LITT equipment was funded by the community through Mater Foundation.

Mater Foundation Chief Executive Andrew Thomas said thanks to community donations, the purchase of new state-of-the-art medical equipment was able to improve patient care and outcomes.

“This would not have been possible without the generosity of kind-hearted Queenslanders,” Mr Thomas said.

“This technology is making a positive impact on our patients, just like Evangeline.”

How LiTT Procedures Work:

  • LiTT is typically performed in an operating theatre equipped with an intraoperative MRI machine;
  • The patient is under general anaesthesia and inside the MRI machine for most of the procedure, which takes about three hours;
  • A special frame may be attached to the scalp to hold the head very still;
  • The surgeon makes a small hole in the skull at a location that makes it easier to access the spot for treatment;
  • Using a grid-like map called stereotactic navigation, the surgeon directs a needle-like fibre-optic laser probe toward the area in the brain where the problem lesion is located;
  • The probe placement is confirmed by the MRI images;
  • Laser heat (up to 138 degrees Fahrenheit) is delivered to the tip of the probe to destroy the abnormal tissue. The heat is monitored with MRI thermometry to avoid overheating the surrounding area;
  • Once the area has been treated, the neurosurgeon removes the probe and the incision is closed with one or two stitches.

Media Contact and Further Information

Please contact Reshni Ratnam on Tel: 0417 191 094;   



Circular RNAs – The New Frontier in Cancer Research

Unravelling the complexities of circular RNAs (circRNAs) in cancer biology has positioned scientists on the cusp of revolutionary breakthroughs in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

A new Flinders University study published in Nature Reviews Cancer, one of the world’s top-ranking cancer journals, predicts remarkable potential for circular RNAs to improve cancer treatment and patient outcomes within the next 5-10 years.[1]

“Over the past decade, research into circRNAs has emerged as a vital area of study, revealing the crucial role these unique RNA molecules play in cancer biology,” says Flinders University Professor Simon Conn, who leads the Circular RNAs in Cancer Laboratory at the Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute (FHMRI). 

“By understanding the specific functions of circRNAs at every stage of cancer, we hope to harness them in the fight against cancer paving the way for innovative diagnostic and therapeutic developments that may change the landscape of oncology forever.”

RNA is a family of genetic fragments, very similar to DNA, present within human cells.

CircRNA is the most recently discovered type of RNA which differ to other RNAs in that they are a closed circle, and they have a special significance in the continuing fight to combat cancer. The study Circular RNA in Cancer’ reviewed key aspects of circRNAs including how they are made, the way they function in driving cancer and how they can be exploited as a novel treatment for cancer.

“We only became aware of circRNAs approximately 10 years ago. But in that short time, we have found there are more than 10 times as many circRNAs than all other RNAs combined, and they play a huge role in every stage of almost every cancer – from initiating the first cancer-causing mutation through to metastasis and even making cancer cells resistant to chemotherapy,” he says

“Information on circRNAs is rapidly advancing, we now know that natural circRNAs can be used to induce an immune response to kill cancer cells, mimicking the way the synthetic COVID-19 vaccine works to target the virus.

“We’ve also discovered that high levels of circRNAs in certain people can cause mutations in their DNA which results in a form of blood cancer, called leukemia.”

The study also highlights the potential to use circRNAs as a cancer biomarker.

Lead author, Dr Vanessa Conn, Senior Researcher at Flinders University, says circRNAs will play an important role in cancer detection and diagnosis in the future.

“CircRNAs can be used as cancer biomarkers in liquid biopsies, such as blood, to help doctors know when cancer starts before it can be imaged by MRI, and even when it is responding to treatment,” says Dr Vanessa Conn;

“Critically, by using strategies to increase or decrease specific circRNAs in cancer, we can use them as a completely novel therapy that will benefit patients with difficult to treat cancers, such as brain cancer and pancreatic cancer;

“As we continue to uncover the intricate workings of circRNAs, the potential applications in personalised medicine may soon become a reality,” she says.

The Flinders University based husband and wife research team is continuing the study to investigate circular RNAs’ role in cancer and other diseases.


  1. Conn, V.M., Chinnaiyan, A.M. & Conn, S.J. Circular RNA in cancer. Nat Rev Cancer

This study involved researchers from Flinders University and the University of Michigan.


The research was supported by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (GNT1198014 and research fellowship to S.J.C.) and Tour de Cure (RSP-089-2020 to S.J.C. and V.M.C.). A.M.C. was supported by the following National Cancer Institute grants U2C CA271854, P50 CA186786 and R35 CA231996.

Further Information and Contact

Professor Simon Conn, NHMRC Investigator Leadership Fellow and Circular RNAs in Cancer Laboratory Head, Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute (FHMRI), College of Medicine and Public Health, Flinders University Mob:  +61 (0)466 392 876; Tel: +61 08 8404 2816;

Dr Vanessa Conn, Senior Researcher, Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute (FHMRI), College of Medicine and Public Health, Flinders University

Sally Lauder, Media Advisor, Flinders University  

Tel: +61 08 8432 4288; Mob: +61 (0)410 248 446;  


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