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Letters to the Editor Issue 187

by Letters(more info)

listed in letters to the editor, originally published in issue 187 - October 2011

The Future of Complementary/Integrative Medicine & Patient Choice
Chris Gupta

While this may appear like a Canadian issue only - it is not. There is a world wide push to force pharmaceutical and surgical based standard of care model via Draconian directives on all doctors. Any deviation will be subject to severe penalties. I am forwarding the following for your comment and action.

"Here is the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) revision to the Complementary Medicine policy [  ]. Several background documents are provided. There has seen a lot of activity on the issue from the doctors in the province who wish to continue to offer complementary and integrative medicine without constant fear of unreasonable CPSO requirements. I am forwarding you this comprehensive letter from our Section chair in case you want to publicize a request for more feedback to the CPSO before their extended deadline of Sept 16, 2011.

Several background documents are provided here. 

Individuals can make a comment, or fill out their survey. On the right hand box there are links to look at the submissions from individuals and organizations.

However, they haven't posted the submission from the Ontario Society of Physicians for Complementary Medicine and the Ontario Medical Association Section on Complementary and Integrative Medicine, or the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada or Helke Ferrie's article. These are provided in a zip file at the end of this post.

Dr Mingiardi

From: Dr. Robert Banner
Date: September 5, 2011 10:47:47 AM EDT
To: Robert Banner
Subject: The Future of Complementary/Integrative Medicine and patient choice in Canada!

I want to begin by thanking you for opening this message. I encourage you to review the material in the attachments below.

This message is being sent to you from my current contacts list from both my personal and professional life.

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario has been in the process of revising the Policy on Complementary Medicine in Ontario. Below you will see responses just submitted on behalf of the Ontario Society of Physicians for Complementary Medicine and the Ontario Medical Association Section on Complementary and Integrative Medicine, the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada, the Coalition for the Advancement of Integrative Medicine, the Lyme Action Group (Ontario) and a letter from an individual (Helke Ferrie) that outlines in detail the concerns regarding the new Draft Policy.

Attached as well are the current policy on Complementary Medicine, the Draft Policy on Complementary Medicine and a ‘Backgrounder’ by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.

I believe this issue is truly a national matter with international ramifications. What is about to happen in Ontario will be used as a standard by which other medical licensing bodies in Canada and the United States will begin to curtail/control the practice of medicine.

In Ontario, it will mean the end of MDs practising anything other than pharmaceutical medicine and surgery. Physicians and medical students in Ontario who have the ability, will move to another location if they want to practise anything other than the convention or, they will quit practicing integrative medicine altogether. This is leading edge medicine that incorporates many modalities that improve patient outcome and reduce reliance on medications and surgery. This approach not only controls symptoms but also has been shown to resolve the problem.

This is a very serious matter for all of us no matter what your role in the health care field.

Patients need to be able to make informed choices about decisions that will have a significant impact on their lives. Much of health cares upward spiralling health care costs are related to care provided to patients based on the preferences of providers (the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario want to dictate what that will be). When patients are provided with impartial, balanced information regarding health care choices, research has found that they tend to choose less invasive less costly treatments than they might otherwise have selected (Dartmouth Medical School). Informed choice is also closely aligned with the concept of patient autonomy, the concept of informed consent and the value of self-determination that sits at the centre of Canadian and American constitutional liberalism.

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario seek to take these choices and privileges away from the public. This will be the thin wedge than directs regulators everywhere to act in a similar fashion.

Please feel free to act on this information in whatever way seems best to you, including distribution to anyone else you think might be interested. You may use this email address if you would like to respond, would like more information or if you would like to get involved in any way.

Governments can no longer ignore the will of the public to have a choice in their health care. They must recognize this and control licensing bodies that are supposed to act in the best interest and protection of the public it is supposed to serve. You should be outraged when you read the attachments below. I hope you are.


Rob Banner

The best way to thank God for your body is to take good care of it.
The best treatment for any disease is not to get it.
If you want a change, YOU have to change.
I have never learned anything from someone who agreed with me.
There is no medicine as powerful as regular exercise properly done.

President Ontario Society of Physicians for Complementary Medicine
Chair Ontario Medical Association Section of Complementary and Integrative Medicine
620 Richmond Street, Unit "I"
London, Ontario (Canada)
N6A 5J9
Phone: 001 519-850-6575; 001 519-850-6575
Fax: 519-850-6583

9 attachments to the above letter are contained in a zip file here


Chris Gupta

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