About Ann Crowther

[Image: Ann Crowther]

Ann Crowther trained in Pilates in California, and later in Exercise and Health Studies at the University of East London, followed by specialist training in Kinesiology, Nutrition and Stress Management, Ann draws on over 20 years of experience as a fitness trainer and has won extensive praise for the development of her own highly successful Pilates system. She is the author of Pilates for You, Duncan Baird Publishers, and several fitness DVD/book sets. She may be contacted via pilatesplusann@hotmail.com ; www.anncrowtherlifestyle.com.

Articles by Ann Crowther

  1. Use It or Lose It

    Listed in exercise and fitness

    This article discusses the pelvic floor muscles and tissues, how they are designed to work as a complete unit and the benefits of Pilates on these muscles. According to the author P...

  2. Putting Your Back into IT

    Listed in exercise and fitness

    This column focuses on correct posture and the forward head problem which the author describes as the 21st century posture phenomena, due to the inordinate amount of time spent at t...

  3. The Feel Good Factor

    Listed in environmental

    The author points out the prevalence of environmental toxins. In the seas and oceans there are high levels of man-made toxins in the waters, and in the plant and animal life â€â€...

  4. Pycnogenol - Nature's Most Powerful Antioxidant

    Listed in antioxidants

    This column discusses free radicals and the super antioxidant Pycnogenol, a natural extract from the bark of French maritime pine trees, which is scientifically proven to have a pro...

  5. Q10 - The Provider of Life

    Listed in nutraceuticals

    This column focuses on Ubiquinone Q10, a naturally occurring substance and a necessary part of the cells energy metabolism, without which the cells cannot produce the energy that is...

  6. Pilates For Optimum Health and Fitness

    Listed in pilates

    Pilates is a form of body conditioning with exercises that systematically work the major muscle groups of the body with attention focused on correct breathing, alignment, controlled...

  7. Toxic Teeth

    Listed in environmental

    In this column on dental health, the author explains why many of us, in spite of using water filters, air cleaners, eating organically grown produce and taking herbal and alternativ...

  8. Brain Health

    Listed in nutrition

    This column focuses on brain nutrient deficiencies and what steps we can take to achieve and maintain optimum brain health.

  9. Pilates for Optimum Health and Fitness

    Listed in pilates

    Good health and wellbeing are not to be regarded as something of a luxury or some kind of self-indulgence - both are an essential part of a successful, forward thinking and fulfill...

  10. The Perfect Pilates Approach for your Back

    Listed in pilates

    The next time you are out, observe the general public and see how many ‘forward heads’ you can spot! Yes, ‘forward head’ - the 21st century posture phenomena - when your head litera...

  11. Sciatic Pain Relief and Post Microdisceptomy Rehabilitation Using Pilates

    Listed in pilates

    In hindsight, knowing what I know now, I should have paid attention to my core strength, correct posture for bending and lifting and keeping flexible by exercising or taking up Pila...

  12. Fitness and Sexual Health through Walking, Posture, Pilates and Prelox

    Listed in pilates

    Of course your sex life must function - regardless of your age. A scientific, evidence based regimen, emphasizing nutrition, supplements and exercise will increase erectile quality...

  13. Healing Hands - With Pilates

    Listed in pilates

    The stresses of life take their toll on the mind and body in subtle ways that we’re often not aware of. Then, one day we realize that we can’t remember the last time we felt energe...

Book reviews by Ann Crowther

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