About Darien Pritchard

[Image: Darien Pritchard]

Darien Pritchard has been a bodyworker for over 40 years, and a massage trainer for 35. He is presently preparing new editions of two massage textbooks that he authored, and writing a third one. Darien has been pioneer in the UK in focusing on the massage practitioner’s bodyuse as an integral part of massage training, including teaching ‘Hands Free’ Massage (the skilful, sensitive use of the forearms and elbows to save the practitioner’s hands). Darien may be reached on Mob: 07788 966050;  darien.pritchard@gmail.com   https://dynamicmassage.co.uk/

Articles by Darien Pritchard

  1. The Role of Anatomy and Physiology in Bodywork

    Listed in anatomy and physiology

    The features in the Bodywork section in this issue discuss several highly important issues relating to the treatment by practitioners of patients with musculoskeletal conditions.

  2. Rhythm Mobility

    Listed in massage

    The technique in this article combines pace, rhythm, movement and continuity with the classic massage strokes, and the technique owes much to the author experiences of creative danc...

Book reviews by Darien Pritchard

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