Articles: exercise and fitness

Below are the articles associated with this topic. Click on a title to read one.

  1. How Technology is Changing the Way we Run - and Motivating us to Exercise More

    by Adrian Hon

    In recent decades, running has experienced a slow-motion explosion in popularity, becoming the most popular form of exercise in the world. In the US alone, 19 million people complet...

  2. How to Integrate Cycling into your Everyday Life

    by Lee Dover

    Cycling isn’t a pursuit that just needs to be undertaken by those with aspirations to one day compete in the Tour de France or as a sole means to get fit; getting on your bike and p...

  3. How to Walk the Talk

    by Joel Carbonnel

    Regular contributor Joël Carbonnel takes a look at walking and the positive effects it has. It keeps the bones strong, boosts the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, controls b...

  4. Jump Start to General Fitness & Good Health: Preparation, Motivation and Recovery

    by Walter Urban

    My effort to break the current world record was to bring attention to the fact the adults can continue to remain healthy and get stronger longer than even before, and well into the...

  5. Keep Moving, Live Longer and Stay Healthy

    by Dr Eva Goes

    Dr Goes writes that after a whole day in front of a PC, many of us rush to the gym or go for a run, believing that a bout of vigorous exercise will compensate for a sedentary lifest...

  6. Keeping Sports Centres at the Optimum Temperature

    by Amy Hodgetts

    A comfortable temperature is important in any building, but in leisure centres and gyms, it is of particular importance. With customers already working up a sweat, it’s vital that t...

  7. Modern Ways To Monitor your Health

    by AXA PPP healthcare

    Until recently, getting health advice of any kind – whether on our blood pressure, cholesterol or general fitness – nearly always meant a trip to the doctor. But modern technology i...

  8. Optimum Exercise and Fitness Regimes to Enhance Weight Loss

    by Janet Thomson

    The old adage of calories in versus calories out although true in principle, has been refined somewhat in recent years. It’s true of course that your energy intake (EI) in relation ...

  9. Physical Activity and Health

    by Lisa Saffron

    The lack of physical activity is one of the less desirable consequences of our transport system. The dominance of the motor vehicle is not the only cause of our increasing lack of ...

  10. Prevention of Injury Through Strength Training

    by James Staring

    Anyone who is active will tell you that the most annoying barrier to continuing his or her sport or activity of choice is injury. It comes without warning, it is always inconvenient...

  11. Putting Your Back into IT

    by Ann Crowther

    This column focuses on correct posture and the ‘forward head’ problem which the author describes as the 21st century posture phenomena, due to the inordinate amount of time spent a...

  12. Research Shines Light on Blackcurrants for their ‘Unprecedented’ Fat Burning Properties

    by Fleur Cushman

    The ‘super’ nutritional benefits of berries are nothing new, however there’s one area of berry-specific interest that is gaining scientific momentum for it potential in athletes, t...

  13. Resolutions, Anxiety, and You


    New Year’s resolutions, the yearly event that sends us all into the gym on January and causes us to abandon it by February, may be changing. We at conducted a s...

  14. Rhythm in Movement and its Potential Role in Rehabilitation

    by Stephen Braybrook

    In everyday life, what is it that you witness each time you observe people move? You may see the external actions of running, jumping, hopping, waving and nodding. What you do not s...

  15. Running Coaching and Injury Prevention

    by Stephen Braybrook

    Running is a widely participated in activity and is accessible for any age group and level of fitness. Because of its accessibility it is practiced by a wide spectrum of people, fro...

  16. Say Goodbye To The Gym

    by James Smith

    In this fast-paced world and economically distressed time, trying to budget out a portion of your income for a hefty gym fee is certainly not the best option. However, serious healt...

  17. Scientist turned Personal Trainer Combines Medical Knowledge with Exercise for Patient Fitness

    by Sandra Lake

    WITH more GPs urging patients with chronic illness to help their symptoms via exercise, a biomedical scientist turned personal trainer is advising on the best way to exercise while ...

  18. Selecting the Ideal Running Shoe - from Injury-Free Running

    by Thomas Michaud DC

    Given the potential for lacerations, abrasions, and/or thermal injury, it seems odd that for almost all of our seven-million-year history as bipeds, we got around the planet barefoo...

  19. Should We Exercise?

    by Joel Carbonnel

    The author discusses the value of fitness versus health in this article, and questions the belief that exercise is a must for fitness and longevity.

  20. Spoiled Sport

    by Joel Carbonnel

    This article is a critique of the popular idea that competitive sport is a good thing.

Scientific and Medical Network 2

Corporate Ties That Bind, The Setup

Juno Magazine

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Cycle Around the World for Charity 2023

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