About Dr Patrick Quanten

[Image: Dr Patrick Quanten]

Dr Patrick Quanten MD has been on a long journey of discovery ever since he became aware of the ineffectiveness of the medical approach to diseases. He studied a great variety of alternative treatments and eventually realized that the answer is inherent in the structure of the creation. Finding answers to the fundamental questions in life became the main goal and seeing simple patterns return everywhere provided insight. (His book: "Why Me? - Science and Spirituality as inevitable bed partners" - ISBN 978-90-827854-1-8). Dr Quantem may be contacted on Tel: 07826 824232; beingheard18@gmail.com     www.activehealthcare.co.uk

Articles by Dr Patrick Quanten

  1. Ear Candling: The Basic Facts

    Listed in chinese oriental medicine

    This article looks at ear candling, an ancient treatment that was re-discovered by the Western culture from the Hopi Indian practices in North America. Traditionally ear candling wa...

  2. The Blood Test - What kind of information does it Provide?

    Listed in clinical practice

    Since the introduction of the blood test as a means of helping with the diagnosis of diseases the number of things tested for has dramatically increased as well as the number of so ...

  3. The Role of Authority

    Listed in authority rights freedom

    Rules and regulations with the intention to avoid conflict, on the one hand, and the intention to increase efficiency on the other, are being invented every single day of our lives....

  4. History of a Healthcare System – Why We Have what we've Got

    Listed in clinical practice

    Authorities of our healthcare system are very keen to emphasize that we are so lucky to live now, a time of medical excellence, instead of in those primitive days without medical ca...

  5. Independence and Freedom

    Listed in authority rights freedom

    Whenever people feel constrained by their environment, a power to break free is generated, whether it is breaking free from a government, from an authority or even from parents and ...

  6. What Can I tell You About ……

    Listed in clinical practice

    Establishing the cause of death is a doctor’s prerogative. Only a qualified doctor is allowed to fill in the form, which officially makes his statement the true cause of death for ...

  7. A Virus Mutates

    Listed in dna gene expression

    Not only does the medical world struggle to keep their story on the existence of viruses and their impact on our health alive, but they also are constantly readjusting the narrative...

  8. A Diagnosis

    Listed in clinical practice

    The most important thing in medicine is making a diagnosis. Everything else follows on from that. A diagnosis basically means ‘naming’ the disease. As long as a disease has not bee...

  9. Self-Empowerment – Mind over Matter

    Listed in authority rights freedom

    We live in a material world. That much should be obvious. This makes our first observations about life materialistic too. All we encounter seems to be a matter of matter. It appears...

  10. The Promise of a Better World Part I

    Listed in authority rights freedom

    The Covid pandemic is leading us away from the known normal and into a new normal, one that we, ordinary citizens, are not supposed to know yet. On a need-to-know basis we will be t...

  11. The Promise of a Better World Part II

    Listed in environmental

    We need to go green. Sustainability is one thing, but a green economy, even if the cost is more than we can bear, is a must. Massive amounts of money are being pumped into the idea ...

  12. Infectious Diseases - Nomenclature and Causation

    Listed in infections and inflammation

    To an ordinary person, that is you and me, it looks like magic how doctors know what the name of the disease is we are suffering from and what has caused it. If we take infectious d...

  13. Our Prime Enemy is Fear

    Listed in authority rights freedom

    It strikes me that humanity is the first part in the entire creation of living organisms that live life in perpetual fear. All other plants and animals lead a basic life of acceptin...

  14. The New Self-Sufficiency

    Listed in authority rights freedom

    When people use the term ‘self-sufficiency’ we understand they are talking about being able to maintain oneself without any outside help. It makes us think about the basic needs of...

  15. Imprisoned by Lies – Only the Truth will Set You Free

    Listed in clinical practice

    We are so disconnected from the truth that we are unable to recognize the lies that underpin our society. It is absolutely true that when you repeat a lie often enough that we belie...

  16. DNA Explained: To De-Mystify your Fears

    Listed in dna gene expression

    We live in a time where medical research and medical authorities are pushing out a lot of ‘information’ regarding the function and the importance of our DNA. This so called informa...

  17. The Nature of Diseases

    Listed in energy medicine

    In allopathic medicine, the western model of diseases, which is just over two hundred years old, the list of diseases is endless. Every day they ‘invent’ new diseases, creating new ...

  18. The Fairy Tale of a Virus Called Coconut

    Listed in clinical practice

    Knowledge is something every living organism needs in order to survive. It requires knowledge of the environment and the living conditions in order to find food, to stay away from d...

  19. Science in Industrial Times

    Listed in evidence

    Every part of our lives is construed around what we have come to accept as science. The word is used to, so called, underpin all aspects of life, which means that you and I are not ...

  20. Thought for Food – Humans and the Environment

    Listed in environmental

    In the last seventy years food, the healthy and unhealthy aspects of it, has become a major focus of attention. Food is now evaluated in terms of sugars, fats, proteins, calories, ...

  21. Common Sense – A Useless or Essential Tool in Life?

    Listed in authority rights freedom

    We recognize common sense in our daily lives as something that makes sense to us. Common sense is generally defined as sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the...

  22. Knowing Health

    Listed in evidence

    Knowledge and technology are two very different things. Knowledge is defined as awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation. Knowledge is the result of exp...

  23. Conflict Resolution

    Listed in authority rights freedom

    In a world riddled with conflicts it appears to me as if everybody is right in some respects whilst directly opposing beliefs, ideas or statements also seem to contain truth. Eithe...

Book reviews by Dr Patrick Quanten

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