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Articles: nutrition
Below are the articles associated with this topic. Click on a title to read one.
Therapeutic Properties of Systemic Oral Enzymes
by Michael Sellar
This article illustrates how taking enzymes has assisted sportsmen both by speeding up recovery following injury and by reducing the level of pain, inflammation and stiffness.
Thyroid Function, Fluoride and Cholesterol - Part Two
by Vivienne Bradshaw-Black
Fluoride and cholesterol are two of the many aspects which are linked to thyroid function, fluoride being a toxic cause of disruption, cholesterol being an indicator.
Thyroid Function, Fluoride and Cholesterol: Part One
by Vivienne Bradshaw-Black
It is commonly taught that high cholesterol, in association with low thyroid function, is a cause of coronary heart disease. Many ‘authorities’ respond to this belief with choleste...
Tips for Healthy Holiday Travel
by Penny Crowther
If you have been saving up all year for a relaxing break, the last thing you want is to spend your well earned time off feeling unwell. It pays to start thinking ahead when it comes...
Top Nutrition Tips for Great Skin in Midlife
by Penny Crowther
Healthy, glowing skin is something which we all aspire to. Because our skin is so visible, skin problems can profoundly affect self-esteem and confidence.
by William B Grant PhD
Although the role of vitamin D in reducing risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 severity and death was kept from the mass media due to Big Pharma using the Disinformation Playb...
Transport of Nutrition from Mouth to Cell
by Vivienne Bradshaw-Black
When considering nutrition, food quality and sources are usually the two factors that come to mind. This column, however, focuses on the connection between nutrition and lymphatic ...
Two Nutrients that Stop your Brain Shrinking
by Patrick Holford
New research shows that the combination of B vitamins and omega-3 are a dynamic duo against dementia, stopping the brain shrinkage that is the hallmark of Alzheimer’s.
UK Government Urged to Use Vitamin D to Combat COVID
by Pharma Nord
Since the start of the pandemic in early 2020, the race to find an effective treatment for the coronavirus has been a priority. Since then, effective vaccines have been created in r...
Understanding the Root Causes of Dyslipidaemia in Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease
A paradigm shift from the cholesterol-centric focus on symptom management to addressing the root causes of ASCVD has demonstrated potential for prevention and reversal, as shown by ...
Vitamin A - Are you Getting Enough?
by Penny Crowther
Vitamin A is not a vitamin that currently gets much publicity. This is because deficiency in developed countries is considered rare. The same thinking used to apply to Vitamin D, bu...
Vitamin B12 – Are You Deficient?
by Penny Crowther
Severe B12 deficiency is known to cause pernicious anaemia, an illness which has clearly diagnosable symptoms. However, there are a plethora of other symptoms which can be related...
Vitamin D: Why We Need More Of The Sunshine Vitamin
by Penny Crowther
It used to be thought that vitamin D deficiency was rare, and limited to the elderly, pregnant and people from cultures where the skin is traditionally kept covered. Now it is es...
Vitamin E, Are We Getting Enough?
by Penny Crowther
Vitamin E is not actually a single vitamin, but a group of fat soluble vitamins known as tocopherols and tocotrienols. There are eight naturally occurring forms of vitamin E, which ...
Vitamins and Minerals - Discussion on the Benefits of Natural Food State Supplements
by Dr Rajendra Sharma
This very detailed article sets out research dating from early in the last century and continuing to the present which indicates that foods are becoming more and more depleted of n...
Wake Up and Kick the Caffeine Habit for Good
by Petrene Soames
Petrene Soames, a leading authority on healing and self-awareness, cuts straight to the chase by pointing out that many of us are addicted to caffeine, a legal stimulant that actua...
by Timothy Freer
Timothy Freer – who has researched nutritional products, water purification methods and tools for energy health for the last seven years.
Ways to Help Low Mood and Depression in the Menopause
by Penny Crowther
I was recently listening to a medical doctor describing what happened when she went to see her own doctor. She was in the peri menopause and suffering with very low mood. Her doctor...
What is Your Food Personality?
by Wilma Kirsten
Nutritionist Expert Regular Wilma Kirsten poses a quiz to determine which of three types of personality we are. The Media Personality; The Rebel Personality; The Proactive Personali...
What’s Really in Your Healthy Breakfast?
by Scott Masson
If there’s one thing nagging mothers the world over have always been right about, it’s that breakfast truly is one of the most important meals of the day. Not only does it provide y...