Articles: cancer

Below are the articles associated with this topic. Click on a title to read one.

  1. Fighting Breast Cancer with Nutrition

    by Dr RE Lister

    Overnight success as a performer is usually the result of many years of unrecognised persistent effort and this can be likened to the sudden interest in the potential for antioxida...

  2. Flaming Cancers

    by John Benest

    Therapist, John Benest, reviews a case history from one of his patients, a 70 year woman who underwent radiotherapy treated for cervical cancer.

  3. Four Reasons Why Cancer Patients Routinely Die

    by The Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation

    I can give you all kinds of esoteric philosophic mystical pseudo-mystical reasons why panic is going to kill you and belief systems and you have to be calm and do the Simonton relax...

  4. Holistic Integrated Cancer Support Therapy

    by Nicola J Bradbury

    Nicola Bradbury is a medical herbalist, counsellor and healer, qualified in bio-acoustic sound therapy, reflexology and touch for health kinesiology. She shares the considerable ac...

  5. Holistic Treatment of Breast Cancer: My Personal Story

    by Sue Pembrey

    Four years ago I found a breast lump. As I put my finger on it I felt both fear and panic – my heart raced and I felt sick – but also, more deeply I felt calm, even excited. I some...

  6. How to Fuel Your Immune System to Beat Cancer

    by Katrina Ellis

    It is well known that a whole foods diet and nutritional support is essential to prevent and beat cancer and give the strength required to tolerate cancer treatments.

  7. Hypothesis: Cancer Causes and Mechanisms

    by John Spottiswoode

    In this article the author proposes that cancer is caused by environmental carcinogens, such as radiation and chemicals, plus an imbalance of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS).

  8. I Cured My Cancer

    by Jennie Trisnan

    Jennie Trisnan shares her life transforming experience with breast cancer which started in 1996 with an itch on her thigh and breast. After several mammograms and biopsies she was ...

  9. Immunotherapy Treatments for Cancer

    by Dr Richard Fuller

    This article, extensively referenced to published research, points out the enormous increase in the rates of cancer between 1975 and 2004.  It also describes how current treatments...

  10. In Loving Memory of Julie

    by by her husband

    In Loving memory of Julie, 13 May 1960 to 26 April 1998, Metastatic Breast Cancer

  11. Increasing our Power to Heal and Cure Cancer

    by Dr Mark Sircus

    Through the last ten years, as I have developed Natural Allopathic Medicine, I have introduced new principles and practices to treat cancer and other diseases. I have constantly so...

  12. Integrative Medicine for Colon Cancer - Part 1

    by Nicholas Calvino DC

    In the first of this three-part feature, Nicholas Calvino looks at conventional treatments for cancer, particularly colon cancer, and questions whether such treatments are as succe...

  13. Integrative Medicine for Colon Cancer - Part II

    by Nicholas Calvino DC

    In 1902, John Beard (an embryologist at a Scottish medical school) wrote several texts and published many papers. His premise was that cancer cells are much like the trophoblasts o...

  14. Integrative Medicine for Colon Cancer Part III: Nutrients and Anti-Oxidants

    by Nicholas Calvino DC

    In the third part of Dr Calvino's ground-breaking series about treatments for Colon Cancer, the author discusses the use of anti-oxidants and nutrition in cancer therapy. Research ...

  15. Is Cancer Contraindicated for Holistic and Beauty Treatments?

    by Jennifer Young

    I came to holistic and beauty therapies late. After working in science and hard facts for a long time, coaching at all levels within large organizations, it was time for a change an...

  16. Is Resistance Futile? - Conventional vs. Integrative, CAM, and Cancer Protocols

    by Alyssa Burns-Hill

    In December 2012 I helped the Daily Express with an article, Do Cancer Alternatives Really Work? It was a topic of interest to the media at that time because the young mother ran ...

  17. Journey and Survival through Mantle Cell Lymphoma

    by Margaret Cahill

    Receiving a cancer diagnosis is indescribably horrible and a massive shock. Nothing in the world can prepare you for the sudden feeling of powerlessness and hopelessness that is the...

  18. Journey and Survival through Mantle Cell Lymphoma Part II

    by Margaret Cahill

    In Part 1 of this article (Positive Health PH Online Issue 224 August 2015) I gave a very brief overview of the complementary therapies and supplements I used during my treatment fo...

  19. Ketogenic Diet, Calorie Restriction and Hyperbaric Treatment - Non-Toxic Cancer Treatment - Interview Dr Dominic D’Agostino PhD

    by Dr Joseph Mercola

    Cancer is now so common it affects about one of two of us and most will face it at some point in their lives, either personally or through a friend or relative. Compelling research ...

  20. Laura Taylor - Mouth Cancer

    by Laura Taylor

    I have always looked after mouth, always gone to the dentist for regular check-ups and eat a normal diet. Wednesday 27th September 2017 was just a normal morning, I was eating my ce...

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Dr S Goodman Nutrition and Cancer Book

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