Articles: cfs me long covid

Below are the articles associated with this topic. Click on a title to read one.

  1. ‘Medically Unexplained Symptoms’ - Diverting 5-Year Funding from Mental Health

    by Nancy Blake

    Commissioning inappropriate mental health services for people with complex medical disorders would be an unethical use of funds which are desperately needed for people who have genu...

  2. A Beginner’s Guide to ME/CFS Part II: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, by So Many Names

    by Nancy Blake

    So, as we who have ME know too well, just getting through the normal activities of daily living means we are functioning above our anaerobic threshold a lot of the time, which is w...

  3. A Beginner’s Guide to ME/CFS: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, by So Many Names - Part I

    by Nancy Blake

    A Beginner’s Guide to ME/CFS is the title of a little book by myself which includes essential information and recommendations from Dr. Leslie O. Simpson, which will be available on...

  4. A Curious Thought - ME

    by Nancy Blake

    The author’s column is usually headed ‘Practical NLP’. She is also nearly fully recovered from ME, and is passionate about the often cruel treatment of people with ME and other chr...

  5. A Natural Approach to Healing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    by Barbara Hepburn

    All illness, both major and minor, is from an holistic point of view a combination of physical, emotional and spiritual imbalance. Each has a knock-on effect on the other. Therefor...

  6. A Radical Care Pathway for ME/CFS

    by Nancy Blake

    Much maligned and misunderstood, ME gets a radical makeover in this exclusive editorial for nhsManagers.Network. But is this pathway really so radical? Perhaps only if you are a he...

  7. Are Humans Really Dying More Quickly Than Expected?

    by Dr Robert Verkerk

    Have you been noticing that more people appear to be dying or becoming critically ill of late? Many of us have, and it’s tragic when it’s close to home. And while we all recognise ...

  8. Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome

    by June Butlin

    Mark came to me in sheer despair. He was suffering from severe tiredness, a racing heartbeat and continuous noises in his head. The doctors and specialists had treated him for t...

  9. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome aka Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)

    by Dr Gary Kaplan

    There are approximately 250,000 people diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) in the UK. It is a disease that crosses the boundaries of all age groups, racial / ethnic groups...

  10. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Immune Modulation with Coriolus Versicolor†

    by Dr Jean Monro

    The author describes the symptoms and signs of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, (within which she includes myalgic encephalomyelitis, chronic viral syndrome and post-viral fatigue syndrom...

  11. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and NADH

    by June Butlin

    Just as Tim was initially in denial of his illness, many doctors suffer from the same problem. They refuse to recognise the condition because they can't find anything physically wr...

  12. Clinical Impovements in CFS/ME: The Role of Fatty Acids

    by Professor Basant K Puri

    In this article the author, Consultant/Professor at Hammersmith Hospital and Imperial College, shares his views on why he believes ME has an infectious cause and is more a physical...

  13. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

    by Liz Marsh

    Most medical practitioners now accept that attitude of mind – both positive and negative – can have a significant effect on the course of many illnesses. Although chronic fatigue s...

  14. Coming in from the cold

    by Dr Derek Pheby

    It is not for nothing that ME, or CFS, has been called 'the disease of a thousand names'. While confusing, consideration of these many names is also illuminating about the disease ...

  15. Complementary Therapies for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    by John Halford

    In view of the fact that orthodox medicine is not yet able to provide any really effective therapy for CFS, many sufferers turn to alternative or complementary medicine almost as a...

  16. Covid Long-Haulers; Why Fish Oil, EPO, or B12 Might Help

    by Nancy Blake

    There are thousands, potentially millions of people who have Long Covid.  Effective treatments are still being sought by researchers. The main cause of death in Covid is microclots...

  17. Daoist Tips for the 21stCentury – Back to Nature - Learning from Long Covid

    by Vicki McKenna

    Some recover from Covid -19 in a couple of weeks whereas others experience on going issues with extreme fatigue, problems with their respiratory system, brain, cardiovascular system...

  18. Influencing With Integrity When Your Child ‘Has Been Sick For Too Long’

    by Nancy Blake

    You have a child with ME/CFS. She has now been judged to have ‘been sick for too long’, and you are involved with the education system, the medical system, and possibly with social...

  19. Liposomal Vitamin C Helps Overcome Post-Covid Symptoms

    by Jackie Bolle Newson

    Two years on and a great deal of the population are still struggling to recover from the long-term effects of a globally spread and particularly nasty viral infection. Those who do ...

  20. Long COVID or Mental Burnout? Life Beyond the Pandemic

    by Pharma Nord

    The latest government data reveals that close to 75 per cent of the adult population has now received a first dose COVID-19 vaccination. At the same time, nearly half of the adult p...

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