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Editorial Issue 264

by Sandra Goodman PhD(more info)

listed in editorial, originally published in issue 264 - August 2020

We publish Positive Health PH Online Issue 264, now in its 27th year, with a wide array of editorial features spanning the spectrum of Mind-Body-Spirit.

As the world population staggers / progresses through the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a literal tsunami of data, literature, statistics, with views from every shade of the rainbow which I, as well as presumably all of us have received through the entire panoply of existing websites, social media, emails and newsletters. One unforgettable account is from Erin Marie Olszewski, Nurse-turned-investigative journalist, who has spent the last few months on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, on the inside in two radically different settings. Two hospitals -  one private, the other public. One in Florida, the other in New York. She relates the lack of separation between Covid and non-Covid Wards, the inaccurate coding patients as Covid, inappropriate use of drugs and ventilators and subsequent deaths of patients previously being fit and well. Truly Shocking!![1,2]

In an interview published in Reaction with Professor Sunetra Gupta - we may already have herd immunity Professor Sunetra Gupta, Professor of Theoretical Epidemiology who leads an Oxford University team, discusses the highly complex and compelling immunological features of this coronavirus, replying to questions from Maggie Pagano, Alastair Benn and Mutaz Ahmed. This interview spanned questions about T-cell immunity, cross-reactivity with coronavirus, serological studies, antibody rates, exposure requirement to reach herd immunity, lockdown, second wave and many other fascinating issues. Scientifically and intellectually stimulating, especially for scientist types like myself.[3] Other groups also discuss host resistance on cumulative mortality and the threshold of herd immunity for SARS-CoV-2.[4,5]

There have been numerous technical and scientific criticisms about all aspects of the pandemic: potential harm from masks[6],  lack of transparency about ingredients and production technology of vaccines[7], as well as the statistical anomalies inflating fatality rates and how “nobody can ever recover from Covid-19 in England”.[8-10]. The July 2020  issue of WDDTY has as their cover story Homeopathy and COVID-19.[11]

World authority Dr Thomas Levy has published via the OrthoMolecular Medicine News Service (OMNS)  COVID-19: How Can I Cure Thee? Let Me Count the Ways – perhaps the most comprehensive, authoritative and eloquent recommendations regarding the use of supplemental, non-toxic treatment, and possible cures for COVID-19; short excerpt here from the entire post in Letters to the Editor Issue 264:

“…While many supplement regimens can be used for COVID-19 prevention, such regimens should include at a minimum vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium chloride, and zinc…

“…While the politics of the COVID-19 pandemic are beyond the scope and aim of this article, there remain no valid medical reasons for not using any of the agents or interventions itemized above for either preventing or treating COVID-19 patients... Traditional medicine insists on "proof" of any therapy before it is used routinely, even though this standard of proof is never actually obtained for many of the usual prescription drug approaches to infections and other diseases. When an agent is inexpensive, virtually harmless, and with substantial evidence of providing benefit, there is no justification for a physician to refuse or even actively block its administration to a patient otherwise assured of prolonged suffering and likely death (as with hospitalized COVID-19 patients on ventilation support).

“With the treatment options available, there is no good reason for most people to even contract COVID-19, and there is certainly no good reason for anyone to die from this virus, much less have a prolonged clinical course of infection with a great deal of needless suffering.”

In Marion Eaton’s last PH Online Expert Column - Light – Luscious, Luminous, Life-Giving -  [hopefully for the time being] she concludes:

“…In this strange time of Covid-19, one blessing in the Northern Hemisphere has been the coming of Spring and the lengthening of daylight hours.

“Although all of us have been affected by restrictions on our daily way of living, the sun has still risen every morning, bathing us in its life-enhancing light and encouraging Nature to grow, bloom and sing.

“We have been blessed with perhaps the most appreciated, beautiful and peaceful season that we have ever known.”

In Nancy Blake’s highly prescient Expert Column Keeping the Peace During Lockdown 2 she discusses one of the more dark aspects of lockdown – the increase in domestic abuse and violence:

“…Covid-19 is more prevalent and more deadly in areas of financial and social deprivation. One of the starkest markers of deprivation is lack of space. Lockdown means something very different to the family living in a comfortably-sized house with a large garden from what it means to the family living in a flat on the tenth floor of a high-rise building. (Not everyone has a farm with three houses and a woods to retreat to!)

“The smaller and more crowded the space, the harder it is to contain the spread of the virus, to care for the sick.

“The smaller and more crowded the space, the harder it is to contain the tensions and stress of confinement, to defuse or to escape from the consequences of frustration and rage. Watching reports of the plight of women and children physically confined in abusive situations, it seems presumptuous to be making simplistic suggestions: ‘Spend time in a separate room.’ There may not be a separate room.  You may not be allowed to go into a separate room.”

Several articles in Issue 264 address from numerous angles vital aspects contributing to immunity – our secret weapon to help fight off illness: Is Placebo the Untapped Future of Pain Relief?, Adrenal Fatigue – Start Addressing it Today and Boost Your Immune System NOW, Sleep – a Key Link in Optimizing your Immune System and Wellbeing, and Neurotransmitters – Acetylcholine.

Authoritative editorial features provide clinically important information regarding several conditions: Untreated Hearing Loss – Effects Upon Depression, Memory Loss and Dementia, and  Practical Ways You can help Someone with a  Cancer Diagnosis and Dentists Point out Some Bad Habits That Could Be Ruining Your Teeth.

Carole Preen distills her considerable experience and discusses What will it be like Returning to Work after Lockdown? and several authors provide valuable information and tips regarding our physical and mental health: Turning Massage from Yang Therapy into Yin Therapy, Train Your Brain - Exercise to Improve Neural Pathways,  Memory and Decrease Mental Fog, and Treating and Preventing Musculoskeletal Disorders while Self-Isolating.

Dr Patrick Quanten discusses universal issues of individual rights in Independence and Freedom:

“…We need to be more tolerant towards others but at the same time we need to act swiftly and with great determination when our own essential needs are being threatened.

“We need to learn to live alongside people with different opinions and to learn to allow people to have different opinions. We should not demand they adapt ours and they cannot demand we adapt theirs.

“We should not forget that we are all human beings and we all have the same basic natural instincts and needs. Based on that fact, there won’t be real chaos or anarchy at the end of the rainbow of freedom.”

Ben Fielding in his article Recognizing Ageing as a Disease challenges widespread-held preconceptions of the inevitability of ageing:

“Even if not everyone is convinced by the declaration, labelling ageing as a disease may have wider societal benefits. The fact that obesity is recognized as a disease in the United States[5] shows how fluid the disease label can be. But such identification makes it easy to ‘target’ obesity as a problem and develop better treatments for it. Shifting the consensus to the ageing process may also pave the way for better and quicker treatments of the ailments associated with old age.”

Considering the immensity of information, scientific endeavour as well as all of our individual participation and contributions to the COVID-19 pandemic, my gut feeling – another article –It’s All in the Gut – is that events, scientific developments and discoveries will enable the majority of man and woman-kind to return to some type of symbiosis with this coronavirus. Most importantly is to maintain an optimum state of all our immune systems.














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About Sandra Goodman PhD

Sandra Goodman PhD, Co-founder and Editor of Positive Health, trained as a Molecular Biology scientist in Agricultural Biotechnology in Canada and the US, focusing upon health issues since the 1980s in the UK. Author of 4 books, including Nutrition and Cancer: State-of-the-Art, Vitamin C – The Master Nutrient, Germanium: The Health and Life Enhancer and numerous articles, Dr Goodman was the lead author of the Consensus Document Nutritional and LifeStyle Guidelines for People with Cancer and compiled the Cancer and Nutrition Database for the Bristol Cancer Help Centre in 1993. Dr Goodman is passionate about making available to all people, particularly those with cancer, clinical expertise in Nutrition and Complementary Therapies. Dr Goodman was recently featured as Doctor of the Fortnight in ThinkWellness360.

Dr Goodman and long-term partner Mike Howell seek individuals with vision, resources, and organization to continue and expand the Positive Health PH Online legacy beyond the first 30 years, with facilities for training, to fund alternative cancer research, and promote holistic organizations internationally. Read about Dr Goodman and purchase Nutrition and Cancer: State-of-the-Art.  She may be contacted privately for Research, Lectures and Editorial services via:   and

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