About Zhu Gang

Zhu Gang studied Traditional Chinese Medicine and health-care, and has been a professional massage therapist since 1975. He specializes in Whole Meridian Massage Therapy and has published more than 20 clinical case summaries and articles in China. He is the chairman of Hunan Yeahcome Health Care LLC, the Dean of the Yeahcome Massage Hospital and the Vice-Chairman of the China Massage Association of Blind Practitioners. For more information, contact Tel: 86-731-4899333, international@yeahcome.com www.yeahcome.com/en

Articles by Zhu Gang

  1. Whole Meridian Massage Therapy

    Listed in massage

    This article focuses on Traditional Chinese Medicine body massage and the meridians, the route to promoting better blood and energy circulation and overall communication between the...

  2. Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) with Shujinjianya Massage (SJJY Massage)

    Listed in cfs me long covid

    The article gives a very detailed description of the client positions, massage techniques and anatomical locations for application of each technique, based on the meridians and poi...

Book reviews by Zhu Gang

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