About Jackie Bolle Newson

[Image: Jackie Bolle Newson]

Jackie Bolle Newson BSc (Hons) Nutritional Therapy works as a consultant health and nutrition copy-writer. Jackie has written for a wide range of organisations and publications within the health and nutrition industry since graduating in 2008. As well as writing blogs that capture the latest research and information on nutrition, Jackie also produces material for training and social media. Jackie believes wholeheartedly in the power of healthy nutritious food, supported with high quality supplementation to achieve optimal health. Jackie may be contacted via info@neutrient.com  Neutrient.

Articles by Jackie Bolle Newson

  1. Liposomal Vitamin C Helps Overcome Post-Covid Symptoms

    Listed in cfs me long covid

    Two years on and a great deal of the population are still struggling to recover from the long-term effects of a globally spread and particularly nasty viral infection. Those who do ...

Book reviews by Jackie Bolle Newson

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