About Angela Burr-Madsen

[Image: Angela Burr-Madsen]

Angela Burr Madsen TNP is a Board Certified Traditional Naturopath, registered Holistic Health Practitioner and Specialized Kinesiologist. She is past President of the California Naturopathic Association and served as Vice President of the International Association of Specialized Kinesiologists for seven years. Founder of Gateways College, she has run a busy practice in Natural Therapeutics in the State of California, USA, for over 35 years. She can be contacted on Tel: 001 530 677-3247 or via  www.thenaturemother.com, www.theburrenfloweressence.com and www.holisticdetoxing.com

Articles by Angela Burr-Madsen

  1. Breast Cancer - Naturopathic Approaches

    Listed in cancer

    The author looks at the issue of complementary health care for breast cancer from the perspectives of naturopathy and kinesiology. Naturopathy is a non-invasive therapy that investi...

  2. Kinesiology - Diagnostic Tool to Identify Information and Messages from the Sub-Conscious

    Listed in kinesiology

    Kinesiology comes from the Greek, kinesis - movement or kinein, to move. It is an expanding therapeutic tool and a key element in the wider field of energetic and bio-regulatory me...

Book reviews by Angela Burr-Madsen

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