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Mind, Miracles & Meaning Part 1: Manage your Mind to Train your Brain

by Gina Pickersgill(more info)

listed in nlp, originally published in issue 215 - July 2014

This is the first of a three part series of articles that describe the process of creating miracles and meaning by challenging your current mindset to think differently. The first in this series describes the process of managing your mind to create miracles that have meaning for you personally.

Managing your mind is a process of being in tune with the higher energies of your psyche. What this means is that making change is forced to be something that helps you focus on the ideas that will be useful in getting you the results you want. What ideas you choose will depend on the process you choose to decide on the options available to you. Learning to change your mind, then, is matter of knowing what direction you are going in and how you are going to get there. There are many things to choose from in life from what to eat, who to date, where to live and so on. So how do you decide which option is going to be the best one for your own purposes? The answer is to train your brain to follow your heart and Soul in order to create a process for living independently.


We can often paint ourselves into self-limiting corners with faulty thinking.

Having realized the potential to create usefully, we will now explain the process by which limitations affect the mind in ways that are re-creative. In understanding this process, you will enjoy the benefits of recognizing the propensities to work against your own will. This, for the most part, is where working against yourself creates tension, malaise and energy deficiency syndrome. What is meant by this is that you will be able to notify yourself when things go awry; a very useful skill indeed.

Training Your Mind

Training potentials for a mindset that works in your favour is a matter of noticing what you need to achieve and how to strategize that outcome process. Once delivered, the strategy will produce dividends in that it will create a process that can be used to simulate scenarios in other contexts. For example if you were to develop the skill of being more loving in one area of your life, say with your family, you might want to also apply that strategy to people you work with or those that you meet for the first time in a social setting. This mapping across of strategies helps us to understand the processes that estrange or derail us from our life’s purpose. Create-Ability is the process by which we foresee changes to occur in tandem with our deepest desires. We wait for miracles to happen, but it’s only when we let go of expectations that the process can begin to do its magic. So letting go is the process of trusting Universal Energies to produce the outcomes that you have envisioned in your mind.

The Process of Letting Go

When letting go, you have to know when to make the decision to do so. This is because elemental elements[1] require a static engendering of ideas and processes that give their enigmatic systems a chance to make their memories known. In this scenario, the mechanisms by which this happens creates a vortex of energy propulsions that manifest behaviors in the main ideas that are being transitioned through it. Triglycerides provide a background of chemical structures that enable the process to happen more smoothly.[2] Memory molecules [3] create energy pathways in line with the idea or intention being processed.[4] How intention works to create these pathways has not yet been scientifically proven, but many scientists are getting knowledge of this process by measuring light-filled receptacles and gauging the receptor activity that creates the electromagnetic bond.[5]

Reduced elementary circumstances can cause a blockage in the process and relay messages that are not in line with the intended outcome. Disparity of this nature is common in those who are not following their natural path of desire and therefore feel like they are missing something in their lives. So this dilemma of knowing what you want but not know how to achieve it is the most frustrating of experiences one can have. Diminishing this tendency can have multiple benefits including more clarity and focus, better ability to make decisions and knowing when and where to change your focus and direction.

Eternal Change is Constant

Reprisals of yearnings have long been known to make themselves known in the form of dreams: messages of inner knowing and intuitive guidance. But what makes them interesting is that they harbor knowings that get revealed in times of inspiration and creative flow activities such as having a shower, going for a walk or running for a mile.[6] These energies are mapped inside the body in such a way as to guide the individual to places and people that will guide them on their journey. ‘When the student is ready the teacher appears’ is the thinking around this idea. Therefore, catching oneself in mid-flow and creating a mental note of the ideas that spring forth from your mind is a great way to capture the memory molecules that create it, thus transpiring what comes to pass into reality. Training your brain to recognize opportunities to grow is a great way to utilize your unique skills and abilities that are inherently creative.


  3. Memory Molecules -


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About Gina Pickersgill

Gina is a transpersonal coach who brings multimedia to her practice.  She created an authoritative eMagazine on NLP and Healing, based on The Healing Pool, a virtual sanctuary she owns in Second Life as her avatar 'Nina Lancaster'.

An NLP Master Practitioner and Certified Society of NLP Trainer, Gina assisted co-creator of NLP Richard Bandler on their London NLP, seminars from 2001-5.  Originally training as a fitness instructor specializing in fitness for the fuller figure, she gained a degree in Sports and Exercise Studies in 1999 and introduced the concept of Lifestyle Coaching to Virgin Active Health Clubs. She is a published holistic article writer and regular contributor to NLPLife Training Newsletter. Gina is now focused on working towards a new paradigm of delivering NLP training to a virtual world audience via various forms of multimedia platforms in partnership with sponsors and organizations.

Gina is passionate about raising awareness of virtual worlds, their potential for training change and personal development, where they will have the best benefit to a global audience, as well as to those who need more traditional methods of learning such as books, CDs, audio and one to one coaching.

Gina may be contacted via Tel: 07932 958 262;  Havening Techniques

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