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Recovery from ME, Fibromyalgia and Depression with the Lightning Process

by Katherine Day(more info)

listed in cfs me long covid, originally published in issue 181 - April 2011

This is for everyone who has ME/Fibromyalgia and/or Depression, especially those of you who just know deep inside that there is a reason for having this illness but you haven't figured out what it is yet and don't know where to start looking for the answers, for those of you who are not ready to give up and accept that illness is just a part of your life now, and for those of you who feel desperate because you simply cannot carry on living the way you are. I am just like you and you are not alone.

Living with ME/Fibromyalgia for the past 10 years, I watched my life gradually fall apart. Relapse after relapse forced me to quit working, my marriage suffered as a result of the stress of diminishing finances and my deteriorating health, and I eventually became virtually housebound. I tried many different forms of medicine, diets, counselling and therapy (including 6 years of psychotherapy), but nothing gave lasting results. I became unable, physically or mentally, to socialize or cope with normal day-to-day tasks of living and that is when the depression hit me the hardest. I was spiralling out of control with suicidal thoughts stronger than ever before, not knowing how to get out from the depths of the horrendous black hole...the days seemed to morph into one and I felt I had been robbed of my life and reduced to a shadow of my former appeared so utterly hopeless.

Why Me by Alex Howard

However, I managed to read a book suggested to me by my Mum, called WHY ME? My Journey from ME to Health & Happiness by Alex Howard. It is an incredible true story of great courage which touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes; I realized I really was not alone in this suffering, and that there was a point to it all. Despite struggling to read some of it through tears and fatigue, it ignited a tiny flame of hope deep inside me which inspired me to fight again. Shortly after finishing the book I had many dreams with messages telling me not to give up and that I must put every last ounce of my energy into getting my good health and ultimately my life back.

My next step was to apply for the Phil Parker Lightning Process (  - a three-day training course involving a combination of hypnotherapy, life coaching and Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) which effectively re-trains the brain to send out new signals to the body to enable the natural healing process. I attended the course and learnt the tools I required to permanently turn my life around. As a result I am now creating the life I love! I was amazed at the changes happening deep within me as early on as day 2 of the course. By day 3 I was able to physically and emotionally let go of the pain I had been consciously and unconsciously holding onto within me for all those years.

I have replaced it with love in my heart, energy within my body and peace of mind. For the first time in my life I now believe in myself and my ability to achieve my goals and create a truly wonderful life which I deserve. I also understand that by approaching the world in this new and powerful way I am not only influencing my own life, but I am also influencing the lives of those around me, whom I come into contact with, in an incredibly positive way.

I now wake up feeling excited about the day ahead, I have increased sustained energy levels, my muscles are relaxed and free of pain, I smile more because I am happy, I feel like my marriage has been renewed and people are commenting on how different I look! I tell them that this is the real me, this is who I really am.

It is now 4 months since I completed the Lightning Process training and I am continuing to strive for and achieve many personal goals. My main objective is the development of my own Forever Living Products business (distributing nutritional and skincare products that have amazing health benefits), which involves attending regular business meetings and training days with colleagues. My additional personal achievements include driving with ease and confidence all over Bristol in busy traffic, socializing and making a number of new friends, becoming a member of a spiritual meditation group, practising yoga on a weekly basis, walking for hours at a time, taking a holiday abroad (my first holiday in 4 years), and more importantly helping others to free themselves of illness and life issues holding them back in their lives by sharing my experience - and all of this with no post-activity fatigue!

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

People are still commenting on how different I look, including my physiotherapist who stated that my posture has completely changed and my back, which had always been full of tension and very rounded, is now looking normal and flat and my muscles are noticeably more relaxed. I know that the Lightning Process has changed me for the better in every way, and on a daily basis I am continuing to experience physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual changes which are astounding.

As I woke this morning I remembered how I used to dread each day when I was ill, but now I feel the pure contrast of excitement for the day ahead. I am grateful that I have been given my life back, but it is not just my life, for it has been gift wrapped, and as I open it I see that my life looks different now, it is new and shiny, it is bigger and better, it is my life with all the dreams I dared to dream now as my reality! As all my old symptoms continue to diminish, I find I need to practise The Lightning Process less often and yet I still feel great! I think to myself, if I've achieved all of this in just 4 months imagine what I can do in the next 4 months or the next 4 years - wow!

I believe that everyone deserves a life that they love and everyone has the potential to achieve this no matter what. In order for your life to change, you have to be prepared to change the way you think; when you do this the results are awesome!

Alex Howard. WHY ME? My Journey from ME to Health & Happiness. Roximillion Publications. London. ISBN 1-901447-17-0. 2003.
Phil Parker. An Introduction to the Phil Parker Lightning Process. Nipton Publishing. London. ISBN 978-0-9556482-0-5. 2007.

Further Information
For more information about Phil Parker's Lightning Process see and for Forever Living Products visit


  1. Clare Hudman said..

    Kat you are an inspiration and I feel very moved by your account of how you changed your life around so dramatically. You took and are continuing to take responsibility for your own well-being not just expecting a pill to "cure" you. We are obviously massively influential on our physical and emotional well-being. Congratulations to you!

  2. Clare Vailes said..

    Kat, you are an inspiration in this life to many people who perhaps feel they have become lost within their soul due to many factors in their life's. I am so glad that I have found you and consider you are a very good friend who has helped me to flourish and grow and you have shown me another path in life that takes me on the most amazing journey's.

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About Katherine Day

Katherine Day was born in Southampton and moved to Bristol in 2004. She currently resides in a beautiful countryside village on the outskirts of Bristol with her husband Simon. In 2009 she was officially diagnosed with ME/Fibromyalgia and Depression and shortly afterwards ceased working altogether and became housebound. After suffering for years with various ailments and health complaints of varying degrees she grew tired of trying all the products and general medicines available on the market with limited success and then she discovered the ancient complementary medicine alternative - Aloe Vera. The positive results she achieved through using this natural alternative in her diet and daily skincare routine have led to the commencement of her own business recommending and distributing the same organic health and beauty products to others ( With a keen interest in all things natural and spiritual, her main goal for the future is to help others achieve the same levels of health and well-being that she has through sharing her experience and wisdom. Katherine may be contacted via or

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