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Case Study Issue 119: Continuing Success with Stabilizing Cancer

by Pat Reeves(more info)

listed in case studies, originally published in issue 119 - January 2006

Four years ago during 2001 I wrote an article for Positive Health applauding the use of a naturopathic and living-food therapeutic lifestyle as it pertained to myself (and my patients), as I endeavoured to maintain quality time despite a grim prognosis with osteosarcoma.

I have been moved to write a further update having ascertained the very sad news of the recent deaths of people I knew and respected over the many years of my on-going battle. I can only reiterate Sandra Goodman's timely epitaph, that the world will miss these brave and bright souls who have certainly made their mark in their individual ways, as fitting comment.

I have personally derived enormous stimulus from the many articles I have read on managing horrendous health prognoses over the years, and I am continually inspired by people worldwide of the effect my particular situation affords. I sincerely hope this article goes some way to further the cause and that it brings a ray of light to PH readers, after hearing of so much recent sadness.

As stated in my earlier article, my own problems began with the knowledge that the likelihood of succumbing to a genetically-based cancer was extremely high, with all family members now deceased. I spent many years studying what I could possibly utilize in defence of my immune system. The objective of my treatment has always been one of supporting the immune system – which is, ultimately, all I have to win with. I have variously adapted my protocol contingent as to what has presented over these years; this has enabled an immense amount of feedback and is currently on-going. Empowered by the successful use of nutritional medicine in the early years of my illness is the main reason I hitherto trained in this and several aligned modalities to serve patients in my busy practice.

I have more tumours now than I did four years ago and, though fortunately no further heart attacks, in 2002, experienced a blocked artery to my brain at the original tumour site, and suffered a mini-stroke. This caused me to lose my sight for several days and required some extremely deft surgery. Unfortunately, my already compromised right kidney completely lost function at that time. I suffered heart-failure during the nephrectomy completed later. There followed some very dark days indeed, and, although everything feasible was effected during the three days I was 'clinically-dead', medics have acknowledged it was likely the 24/7 prayers and support for me which were eventually responsible for switching my brain back to fight-mode. My awareness was of being bathed in the Love of the Higher Power and then the certainty it was not time for me to leave. The medical and surgical team had not expected me to regain consciousness. During 2005 cancer further took hold of my left kidney: I had no option but to acknowledge I would likely not see my 60th birthday in November.

Partly as a coping-strategy I guess, at beginning of 2005 I set a precedent to leave some power-lifting records to be challenged in the future. Thus far successful – winning European's, British and Divisional competitions – with hopefully more to come yet!

Aside from a long-time regime of live and virtually raw foodstuffs, this year I have undergone several wheat grass juice 'fasts'; with wheat grass I can cleanse and optimally provide required nutrition for my body to heal. I am also using a combination of curcumin, astaxanthin and piperine with intravenous vitamin C and hydrogen peroxide, as just some of on-going procedures.

Over the years, one thing has remained very obvious to me – there is NO single answer, strategy, philosophy or treatment that holds the key to success – except perhaps whatever a person can achieve to optimize their immune system – either immediately at the time of diagnosis, or latterly after whatever approach is decided upon in the individual circumstances that prevail. It is even better accomplishing both. Together with such copious nutritional strategies, there has to be an enormous amount of gut-driven determination to succeed, consolidated in a belief of a guiding Higher Power. Vivienne, Michael and Serena each had an abundance of those qualities.

I remain forever intrigued as to why I am still here! – my instinct is that there is yet more work for me to fulfil on planet Earth, and I am happy to devote whatever time there is left to assist my patients to effect self-healing.

Each and every day I now awaken is a super-bonus for me. I am truly astounded and ultimately delighted at being blessed with the auspices and nurturing of the Almighty and am more than willing to follow through.

In eternal gratitude, Love, Light and Peace to all who fight back.


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About Pat Reeves

Pat Reeves, DN, DthD. Practitioner of Nutritional and Functional Medicine employing kinesiology, dowsing, iridology, biochemic medicine, Alexander and magnetics. She can be contacted on Tel: 01384 270270;

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