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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 261

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 261 - March 2020

Alison Demarco – Colour Therapist, Spiritual Communicator and Author

Alison studied The Language of Colour with the late Vicky Wall and subsequently trained and qualified as an Electro Crystal Practitioner under the guidance of scientist Harry Oldfield.  Qualifications in NLP, Guidance and Support in the work place, Face & Temperament Personality Assessment, Counselling and Life Coaching followed.

Alison has had a remarkable life: from a dysfunctional childhood, anorexia, depression, nervous breakdown, suffering breast cancer twice, she has searched a vast field of natural ways to heal her mind body and soul. Alison offers people the tools to help them understand and overcome their thinking, as well as motivating them to grasp their unlimited potential.


Alison Demarco Short Feature Collage

With a life of unusual ‘coincidental’ meetings with inspiring people, her first book Dark Storm Golden Journey was predicted at one such meeting and published a few years later by Mainstream publishers. Subsequent to a ‘coincidental meeting with Dr Akong Tulku Rinpoche a chain of miraculous events followed, including travelling to India and receiving an audience with His Holiness the 17th Karmapa who suggested Alison put a signed tour programme with a hand written message by the late 16th Karmapa it in a book for the world to see which prompted Alison’s second book The Signature From Tibet, published in 2015. She is the author of Dark Storm Golden Journey, The Signature From Tibet, Lomond’s Awakening and Own Your Power Cards

Courses and Training - Member of IPTI & IPTI Course Accreditation

Colour Therapy Courses

Light, information, frequency, vibration, colour, sound, energy, matter is all part of our individuality, health and wellness.  Understanding how Light impacts on our life and its many uses leads us to develop our inner nature and resonate with the universal laws of nature itself. 

Aura Readings And Courses

Developing the ability to sense, decode and empower our energy field by sensing and drawing the aura.  This helps us to understand electro-magnetic energy fields, colour and how dis-ease is first seen in the auric field.

Face and Temperament Readings and Courses

A face reading is the ability to study the overall shape and characteristics of the face.  It uses four key elements that are seen in order of predominance in your face.  What are the elements? The elements are container words that describe a personality. 

What is the Temperament?

The temperament is one of nature’s elements – Earth Air, Fire, Water and describes and governs how we behave.  Understanding who we are, how we are, behave, react, think, feel and our preferred communication mode, helps with self-esteem, self-motivation.  Learn how to construct positive healthy relationships based on your living your temperament and learning the characteristics of the others.  

Further Information

Please contact Alison on Tel: 07716 669 566;


Clinical Education - Cardiometabolic Advanced Practice Module

Clinical Education are proud to present the Cardiometabolic Advanced Practice Module (APM), taking place on 1st-3rd May 2020 in London, a three-day event focusing on Cardiovascular, Cardiometabolism and Cardiometabolic Risk issues. The course will provide you with an accreditation towards becoming an Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM’s) Certified Practitioner. The module will help you as clinicians understand that conquering heart disease is not simply a matter of driving serum cholesterol down. One half of those who have experienced a heart attack have normal serum cholesterol levels. Over the past decade compelling evidence has shown that we need no longer be limited by outdated measurements of cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar as the primary markers of increased cardiometabolic risk. Instead, advanced lipid assays, markers of oxidative stress, inflammation, hormones and body composition are providing us with new opportunities for early interventions. This module will provide you with new approaches to effective assessments and treatments as well as methods to integrate them into practice.


Clinical Education - Cardiometabolic Advanced Practice Module


As part of your registration you will receive 17 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credits, accredited by BANT, a step toward becoming an IFM Certified Practitioner and course materials, including PDFs of all presentations as well as MP3 audio and MP4 video downloads. We will also provide you with both pre- and post-course interactive videos and webinars and a 30-day access to IFM’s Toolkit with more than 370 downloadable clinician resources for you to use in practice. The course itself will incorporate more than 18 hours of the most recently aired, recorded, onsite lectures as well as providing live Q&A sessions with the Educators and opportunities for discussion. Healthful snacks and nourishing lunches are all included in your booking as well as access to a range of carefully curated exhibitors. Joining our Clinical Education Events team, to ensure the days run seamlessly, will be IFMCP facilitators on hand for any queries you may have. By taking this module in a community ‘in-person’ setting past participants have found huge benefits from talking to their peers and discussing case histories. The course provides participants with undistracted time to focus and the option to have any queries answered as they arise.  By attending this Advanced Practice Module, you will meet likeminded professionals enabling you to network and forge connections for the future.  

These modules are the only way to attend an ‘in-person’ programme in the UK that is eligible for the IFM Certification Programme, providing you with no need to travel to the USA and no awkward live stream times.

Further Information

Click below to confirm your place or call one of our friendly team on Tel: 0333 241 4289;


Gut Health Partners Network

The Gut Health Partners Network is a membership which gives discounts on gut related testing from select professional laboratories offering advanced gut related diagnostics as well as education and consultative services to both patients and practitioners. Join our network and benefit from savings, practitioner and patient educational resources, and support. Membership includes benefits to help make the practitioners’ care plans easier to implement and sustain and also more affordable. Practitioners receive access to Functional Nutrition Approaches to Gut Health updates, customized meal planning tools/recipes, and patient education resources. 


Gut Health Partners Network


Collaborating partners include:

  • Cell Science Systems (CSS) is a specialty clinical laboratory that develops and performs laboratory testing in immunology and cell biology supporting the personalized treatment and prevention of chronic disease.  These include genetic tests that can guide nutrition, assess disease risk, and evaluate GI status.  CSS’s core business and flagship, the Alcat Test, is the only independently validated test for food and chemical sensitivities.  Tests offered by CSS:  The Alcat Test for Food and Chemical Sensitivities, Celiac, IBS, Crohn’s Array (CICA), Cellular Nutrition Assay (CNA – A cellular functional approach to identifying micronutrient deficiencies, beneficial antioxidants and REDOX assay -which includes Cellular Micronutrient Assay, Redox Assay, Antioxidant Protection Assay), MethylDetox Profile –  looks at critical genes concerning homocysteine metabolism; and, Telomere length analysis; 
  • Commonwealth Diagnostics International (CDI), specializing in breath testing and the “IBSchek”was founded on the patient-centric principle that early detection and diagnosis of functional gastrointestinal disorders results in expedited treatment, better patient outcomes, and robust cost savings for the healthcare delivery system.  CDI provides non-invasive and cost-effective diagnostic products and services that generate important clinical data which assists healthcare providers in their diagnostic and treatment. CDI’s entire portfolio of breath tests can be utilized in the patient’s home.
  • Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory (DSL) is the leader in functional DNA/PCR stool testing.  The GI-MAP test is the only comprehensive stool analysis to offer quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) on bacteria, yeast, protozoa, and viral GI targets.  The latest innovation by DSL, GenomicInsight, incorporates  comprehensive SNP analysis with today’s most advanced artificial intelligence platform, Opus23 Explorer.
  • PreviMedica offers strategies to patients and practitioners for integrative lifestyle and nutrition care.  PreviMedica is an innovative telehealth organization specializing in nutrition. Lifestyle guidance is provided through video conferencing, digital services, individualized nutrition plans, and customized meal planning tools. PreviMedica has the resources practitioners need to support their patients in between office visits.

Special Offer

Join us and make your care plans easier to implement, sustain, and more affordable.  For just $29/month you benefit from diagnostic discounts, customized meal planning, patient referrals, access to our clinical resource library, and access to the 18 module curriculum, Functional Nutrition Approaches to Gut Health for $299 (that’s $300 off the regular price of $599).

Further Information

For questions or to register, please go to:


Aligned Wellness Academy AWA - London Olympia Well-Being Festival, Certified Course in Pelvic Correction


Aligned Wellness Academy AWA with Alexander Barrie Back-pain Consultant and Founder of The Pelvic Correction System™ inventor of The Pelvic Corrector Device, with Dr Wei Wu, Shiatsu and Yuan Shi Dian Medicine Practitioner (The Source of Pathological Conditions) will be exhibiting at the London Olympia Well-Being Festival from 22-25 May. Visit Stand A18.


AWA Logo + Dr Wei Wu + Alexander Barrie


A 3-day Certified Workshop in Pelvic Correction & Origin (Source) Point Medicine (Yuan Shi Dian) will be conducted by Alexander Barrie and Dr Wei Wu on 13th and 27th June and 11th July:  3 separate Saturdays. This critical workshop will explain and teach in depth how to neutralize successfully the damaging impact of ill-health and the misalignment of our bones - Back-Pain in particular. The Taiwanese Yuan Shi Dian (Origin Point Medicine) assists the resolution of disorders of neck, shoulder, wrist, hip, knee, ankle, sciatica, and lumbago.

Dr Alexander Barrie, London & Dr Wei Wu, Beijing

Dr Wei Wu is fully qualified and is registered with the Shiatsu Society as a Practitioner (MRSS). Wei is also a Senior Associate Member of The Royal Society of Medicine. In addition, Wei practices The Alexander Barrie System of Pelvic Correction TM to correct the alignment of the human body, and has trained under the personal supervision of the founder Alexander Barrie.


Certified Course in Pelvic Correction & Origin (Source) Point Medicine (Yuan Shi Dian)

Tutors:  Dr Alexander Barrie, London. & Dr Wei Wu, Beijing.

Dates:  13th and 27th June and 11th July:  3 separate Saturdays. 

Times:   9.30am to 5.30pm.  Refreshments provided, but bring your own lunch

Venue:  Harrow College Campus, Lowlands Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill, HA1 3AQ. COSTS: £160 per Workshop. Total of 3 Workshops: £480.

Full Payment Of £480.00 to be received by 1st June.

Or Deposit of £250.00 to be received by 1st June balance to be paid on the day.

Payment of £450 (early-bird) if received before 15th May.


We will be teaching both disciplines as outlined above which will be invaluable and priceless as adjuncts to your existing therapies. We will also take a small number of enthusiastic laymen.

Further Information, to Apply and Book

Go to:  to access the whole program, costs, and application form;   Mobile: 07850 908924;  07503 171377 Alexalign Clinic, Harrow, UK.


Build Stronger Immunity – Combat Viruses when Stress Compromises our Immune System

In our ever increasing stressful & toxic world there isn’t anyone that isn't touched  by stress at whatever level it manifests itself, physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. Stress is now b recognized as a medical condition. Scientists at Harvard University researching into the effect of stress on the body have discovered shared interactive chemicals and links between the mind and the body, especially in relation to the nervous system, immune and endocrine system. Not all stress is counterproductive, a certain amount if used creatively can challenge and strengthen us to  make positive life changes to progress forward in a healthier more productive or life affirming way. The art is to cope and manage stress positively and creatively. Our Stress response is relative and highly individualistic.


Black Eyed Susan, Bush Iris, Bush Fushia, Morning Dew and Bottles

Top Row, Left to Right Black Eyed Susan, Bush Iris, Bush Fushia;
Bottom Row, Left to Right Morning Dew and AdaptoFleur Formulas 4 and 3


Stress is a pre curser and often at the root of many physical problems and can heighten the weaker areas in our systems and compromise our immune response. This leaves us open to viral and bacterial infections with an inability for the body to cope and fight off and overcome infectious and bacterial diseases. Antibiotics have become somewhat in-effective, although still with an important part to play when situations are critical or acute. Over prescribing by the medical profession has done little to strengthen the immune system and has served to weaken the body’s defense mechanism. This has created an environment where viruses have become much more resistant and stronger variants of themselves. This has shaken the perceived notion that antibiotics are a cure all to viral threats. It’s important to be able to handle stress efficiently and also seek out other ways of immune enhancement

Flower essences, particularly the Australian aboriginal flowers have been successful in effectively addressing these issues.

These Body System targeted blend were developed from the Flower Essence of Australia in conjunction with clinical researcher Dr Dori Naerbo of Floragenx to address this situation. Two proprietary blends formula are designed to address the interaction between stress and the immune system & Endocrine System 

FORMULA 4.  Stress/Fatigue/Adrenals 

An ADAPTOFLUER ™ proprietary blend: Main Ingredients: Black-Eyed Susan, Bush Fuchsia, Crowea, BanksiaRobur, Paw paw, Old Man Banksia, Macrocarpa, Jacaranda, and Yellow Cowslip Orchid. Description: Up-regulates and down-regulates stress levels bring you into a state of homeostasis. Gives clarity of thought, supports left-right brain balance, reduces adrenal exhaustion, renews energy, and enthusiasm. Regulates the Qi of the pineal gland, pituitary, and hypothalamus.

FORMULA 3. Immune/Endocrine System 

An ADAPTOFLUER ™ Proprietary Blend: Macrocarpa, Banksia Robur, Black-Eyed Susan, Old Man Banksia, Peach Flowered Tea Tree, Crowea, Illawarra Flame Tree, Bush Fuchsia and Bush Iris. Description: Supports recovery after significant stress, illness, and setbacks when the immune/endocrine system has been compromised. Helpful: for low energy levels, renewing energy and enthusiasm. It supports mental calm, inner peace, and pacing oneself. Also supports core energy. Stabilizes, calms, and balances the Qi of the immune/endocrine system. Take the stress blend morning; the Immune Blend evening.

Further Information

Available from FlowerEssence CGH: contact Clare G Harvey on Tel:  019632 50750;


Risk Management Considerations for Health and Wellbeing Professionals and their Businesses

By Claire Squire, Balens Specialist Insurance Brokers


As a business owner or individual practitioner you can be held legally liable for injury, harm or financial loss alleged to have been caused to your clients, patients, other parties or loss/damage to their property.  You may consider a Professional Liability Insurance Policy to give you peace of mind, should the worst occur.  However, the reality is that regardless of insurance, a complaint or claim against you or your business can be stressful, time consuming and costly, with potential unexpected knock-on effects.


Risk Management Considerations for Health and Wellbeing Professionals and their Businesses


Whilst you will never be able to completely eradicate the risk, there is much you can do to mitigate the potential of a complaint or claim:

  • Communication - Good quality communication (especially listening skills) and developing a quality therapeutic relationship with clients is key.
  • Boundaries - Keep your boundaries; respect your client’s / patient’s autonomy and dignity. 
  • Legislation - Ensure you and your staff comply with all relevant legislation (i.e. Health and Safety, Data Protection etc.), have good policies and procedures in place for these and evidence of training received by Team Members. 
  • Audits and Risk Assessments – Should be reviewed regularly as part of your Health and Safety procedures.
  • Insurance - Professional Liability Insurance, the quality of which will only be tested at the time when it is called upon, so check the policy meets your requirements.
    Cover will typically include Professional Liability and Public Liability as standard, but it’s useful to consider other elements, e.g. any advice given or cover for mental anguish caused; manual or electrical equipment used as part of your profession; Loss of Reputation Cover, for repair of reputation following a complaint or claim etc.
  • Policy Terms and Conditions - Ensure you and your staff are aware of and comply with all Insurance policy Terms and Conditions.
  • Seek help and assistance - In the unfortunate event of someone making a complaint, contact your Insurance Broker to gain their support through the process.  A complaint dealt with well can be a positive experience, dealt with badly, it may lead to a more costly claim.   

Balens has a list of common ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ in complaint situations on our website, which may also be of assistance.

Further Information - About Balens

Established in 1950, Balens are a fourth generation, ethical, family run Insurance Brokerage focussing on guidance, support and service. 

Specialists in providing insurance policies for Health and Wellbeing Professionals and related professions.  Offering a wide range of insurance services for both individual and business requirements.  For further details and information please visit


Advice from the Past, in the Age of the Coronavirus

When you’re sick, go to bed and stay there until you’re better.’

Advice from the Past, in the Age of the Coronavirus

Courtesy Shutterstock Image: Sick Young Man Fever Concept

Advice from the past, when we knew that all we had when we were sick was our body’s own resources. 

Antibiotics created the illusion that it was medicine that cured us.  Then HIV taught us that medicine can’t help if our immune system isn’t working.  

Pharmaceutical companies know that profits are made by selling products that will relieve symptoms, preferably of conditions that will continue or recur.  Actually curing us is not such a good investment. Hence the ads featuring cheerful, sick people, courageously carrying on by taking the tablets that will suppress their cough, sore throat, fever.  No one is allowed to take time off work, or, heaven forbid, go to bed. 

Mysteriously, new multi-system, chronic, treatment-resistant illnesses proliferate…is this because no one is allowed to actually recover from a ‘minor’ viral illness?

And ‘bed rest’ is anathema!  Even though our body’s complex healing mechanisms, notably our immune system, require all of our energy to succeed in their task.

Sickness behaviour, that instinctive reaction, when healing is required, that tells us to get into a safe warm place, curl up, and leave it to our body to do the now ‘sickness behaviour’…a choice made by the lazy, the social parasites, to take advantage of our generosity to the ill.  DWP policies are geared to stamping this out. 

The bullying of ME/CFS sufferers with coerced exercise, which drives them into permanent incapacity and intractable pain is well documented in articles and books including mine.  (This perspective will continue to dominate the current review of Guideline CG53.)

What Can We Expect from the Current Review of NICE Guideline CG53

A Beginner’s Guide to ME/CFS is a paean to the power of rest to help us get better (the sooner and the more complete the rest, the better the chances of improvement, even of recovery.)  I’ve been told my little book has saved many.

But how does this relate to the coronavirus, and our chances of survival? 

A symptomless incubation period is followed by an apparently mild, cold-like illness.  The death-rate is low, but contagion means there are a lot of cases.  Let’s take any cold more seriously, especially at this time.  Going to bed and staying there implies we will avoid spreading disease, and maximise the energy available to our immune system to work out a defence.  It will take researchers longer to develop antivirals specific to this disease, and even longer to produce a vaccine.  Some antivirals seem effective in some cases.  Do we all have access to them? I think not!

In the 1918 flu epidemic, the sick went to bed: good nursing was the best predictor of survival.

Not medicines.  We need to relearn that lesson.

Further Information

Further information about The Beginner's Guide to ME/CFS is available here. Available from the author and  Amazon.


Song Therapy Network – Self-Care and Continuity

The song therapy network promotes responsible therapeutic musical interventions in community and social care. Here Nigel Neill, who wrote the Certificate in Song Therapy Course talks about looking after ourselves and cutting ourselves a little slack along the way. The Certificate in Song Therapy Course is accredited by Complementary Health Professionals – CHP –  a professional association of complementary and alternative health practitioners representing their members’ interests for twenty five years now. Congratulations are certainly in order.

Indeed Positive Health PH Online magazine can also celebrate a publishing tradition  going back more than twenty five years. Originally launched in 1994 the magazine can justifiably celebrate its own valued heritage of sharing the thoughts, objective research and spiritual wisdoms of so many contributors over so many years. In a world of shallow competitive values based around easy acceptance of here today, gone tomorrow these are just two examples of splendid professional and heart-warming continuity.


music impro


Looking after the Things We Love

We have our first ever song therapy workshop at the end of April in Swindon; the theme is self-care and continuity. Most of us are aware of the phrase you can’t look after others if you don’t look after yourself: yet how often have so many of us buckled under the pressure of our well-being practices, only to find ourselves at the end of the second bottle of red wine in two days or perhaps that second bar of chocolate on the way home from a full day of therapies on the road with our couch in the boot. Self-love is a misunderstood term. It hints at narcissism which is sad because self-love is indeed the right term for a starting point for self-care. So perhaps let’s water it down a little and use the term self-worth instead.

Acceptance and Self-worth

Yes, self-worth. Easily said and a vague aspiration to move towards ? Well, I confess an absolute personal conviction that this aspiration is at the very heart of your practice. However, and as a starting point, perhaps an aspiration that might be rooted in a calm and aware acceptance of ourselves just as we are right now, rather than some sense of guilt for the red wine or the chocolate. There are perfectly good reasons for most things in life and that includes too much alcohol or fat in the diet. So to start with, as we take on the responsibility of looking after ourselves a little better perhaps we are allowed to cut ourselves a little slack. Drop the guilt even. We are ok.

The Shadow

One of Carl Jung’s most famous contributions to modern psychology is his concept of the shadow. An understanding that our inclinations and behaviours can sometimes be best looked at and even celebrated through a Darwinian lens; a survival perspective rooted in an acceptance of humanity as a part of the animal kingdom rather than some superhero species with a squeaky clean morality to match. The criticism is that, in so doing, Jung rather lets us off the hook except perhaps that Jung insists that this awareness that he shares with us requires that right and wrong is replaced by a clear understanding of responsibility.


We mentioned narcissism above; there is a danger in attending to our own needs that it slips into self-praise, vanity, over confidence and selfishness. The truth that we start to build walls between ourselves and others as a result of a shallow superiority, often nourished by knowledge, learning and commercial success.

Nelson Mandela puts it nicely when he talks of humility: “People everywhere in the world want peace, but humility is one of the most important qualities you must have, because if you are humble, if you make people realise that you are no threat to them, then people will embrace you.”

Further Information

Nigel Neill can be emailed on  or you can visit the website for more details including dates for their Swindon workshop at the end of April 2020.


Integrative Health Education

Integrative Health Education (IHE) is an independent healthcare training provider bringing together leading educators from around the world to offer practitioners and interested lay people practical, research-based training opportunities. The courses are of interest to naturopaths, nutritionists, exercise specialists, physiologists, chiropractors, physiotherapists, osteopaths and holistic health practitioners. Emma Lane founded Integrative Health Education to offer the best training opportunities to those working in both holistic and allopathic healthcare. Her courses are relevant to people with a keen interest in health and wellbeing.


Emma Lane


Emma has over 29 years’ experience in the industry working as a naturopath, naturopathic nutritionist and functional medicine practitioner. She is a director of PCI Europe which offers a variety of parasite testing services ( ).  Emma operates from two clinics, one in central London and one in Yorkshire. Integrative Health Education works closely with organisations such as the Naturopathic Nutrition Council, the Federation of Holistic Therapists and BANT. Many courses meet practitioner CPD requirements; upon completion attendees are given a certificate confirming the number of hours and CPD points gained. Courses are open to anyone with a keen interest in health and wellbeing; you do not have to be a practitioner to attend.

Choice of Courses

IHE offers a comprehensive programme of more than 15 training opportunities:

Emma Lane – Naturopathic nutritionist, naturopath and functional medicine practitioner.

  • Holistic Approaches To A Fully Functional Gut
  • The World of Parasites, Fungus and Bacteria
  • Destination Wellbeing – Health Evolution
  • Understanding and treating SIBO effectively
  • Tells of the Dis-eased Body
  • Messages from within – Emotions and the Organs
  • Facial Tells of Emotional Dis-ease
  • Return, Rebalance, Regenerate - The Art of Energy Healing

Dr Omar Amin – Professor of parasitology and founder of Parasitology Centre Inc. USA

  • Understanding Parasites

Graeme Jones – Clinical physiologist, specialist consultant, lecturer in physiological testing for stress and weight loss

  • Stress – A Modern Day Epidemic
  • Success Strategies for Weight Loss and Management
  • Understanding HPA Axis Dysfunction
  • Understanding Blood Results

Deborah Grayson – Pharmacist, naturopathic nutritionist and expert in pharmacology/nutrient interactions

  • Basic Pharmacology & Drug Nutrient Interactions
  • Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work: One-day course
  • Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work for Health and Fitness Professionals: Two-day course

Further Information

Please contact Integrative Health Education IHE on Tel: +44 (0)1924242851; 


Chronic Inflammatory Conditions affecting the Jawbone – Munro Hall Clinic

In a world of imminent threats by acute and potentially life threatening viral infections such as the Corona virus whereby a pandemic outbreak could be on our door step, we seem to forget about chronic diseases more generally.

In no way am I attempting to diminish the impact of a potential pandemic outbreak, as we should be properly guarded, but reflecting on some of the news flow it would appear there may be a series of unexplained details around this. On further reflection it is also very apparent to me that there is very little in the way of answers for chronic diseases all together, which are often unexplainable, and to many of those affected, like they might be dealing with a progressive, depressing slow death.




Using ultrasound, a cavitat scanner will pinpoint the cavitations, which are highly toxic and are breeding grounds for a number of small chemical toxins and bacteria, which can have a systemic effect in the localized disease process.

One silent chronic inflammatory condition that I come across as a specialist holistic dentist is Fatty Degenerative Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (FDOJ) - more commonly known as NICO, or Cavitations of the jaw bone. How is this condition linked to chronic inflammation you may ask? Scientific studies have been performed demonstrating an overexpression of the cytokine/chemokine CCL5 also known as RANTES. Broadly speaking, Cytokines are small proteins that are often behind the triggering communication of an inflammatory process in the body. While other inflammatory mediators are also present, it seems this T-Lymphocyte derived protein is over expressed in patients with FDOJ.

In one study for instance, 16 samples of jawbone (all with FDOJ) were examined and assessed for 7 different cytokines. The CCL5 (RANTES) cytokine/chemokine as well as FGF-2 were the only proteins that were over-expressed out of all of the cytokines examined.

Furthermore, persistent microorganisms in infected root canal treated teeth have been shown to produce volatile sulphur compounds (VSC) such as methyl mercaptan, hydrogen sulfide and thioether. Levels of CCL5 mentioned above and other inflammatory mediators such as Interferon gamma and Interleukin 10 reduced significantly a few months after the extraction of the corresponding teeth that were root canal treated.

It therefore seems evident that the immune system is closely linked with the human bone through cytokine "cross-talking". These are all scientific findings that support holistic dentist’s anecdotal clinical findings on a day to day basis. Patients presenting with chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune disorders and cancer diagnoses are not uncommon.

One thing that even mainstream medicine and more senior members of the dental community have caught on to is that there are certain drugs that cause osteonecrosis of the jaw, or Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ). The list of drugs potentially causing this condition is growing with time…or is it the fact that this link has now been acknowledged? It has also shed light on the topic awakening a stronger curiosity, there are also other factors of course that can cause osteonecrosis of the jaw bone, which should really be discussed with such patients.

Further Information

Munro Hall Clinic, Rushey Ford Business Park, West End Road, Kempston, Bedford, MK43 8RU. Please contact the dental clinic on Tel: 01234 840099;


Irene Stein Royal Jelly with Significant Anti-Ageing Properties

by Christopher Pogson.

Anti - Ageing covers a very wide territory from:

  • Increase of mental / emotional energy and upliftment.
  • Improved eyesight.
  • Prevention and reversal of the greying process, increased hair growth / condition.
  • Improved immunity from coughs, colds and viruses.
  • Prevention of aches and pains in the body / arthritis.
  • Improved brain power / memory, retention and clarity.
  • Improved condition of the skin and nails.


Irene Stein, Sophie + Irene Product Shot

Benefits of Irene Stein Royal Jelly

These are just a few of the conditions and improvements that Irene Stein and her Mother, Sophie: have experienced over nearly 50 years plus 1,000s of people throughout the world as per the links to people’s testimonials including the way in which Sophie and Avril Morris outlived all expectations using Irene’s unique Royal Jelly Formulation:

Further Information

If you would like to know more please call Irene on +44 (0)7831  641199  to discuss your own particular needs; she will be more than happy to discuss this further with you.


Crystal Alchemy - A Practical Guide to Crystal Therapy

by Shirley O’Donoghue

Published by Lotus Publication. 2019. Paperback. £14.99/ £10.06. ISBN: 978 1 913088 08 8

Shirley O’Donoghue has been teaching energy-based complementary therapies for over twenty-five years. In this book she shares the wealth of knowledge and experience she has gained to help you discover how you can use crystals for spiritual and personal development and healing.


Cover Crystal Alchemy


This book is a must for any complementary therapist wishing to understand how to use crystals as energy-based tools when treating the subtle energy system (chakras, meridians, etc.). Crystal Alchemy is suitable for both the professional therapist and the beginner, and is one of the most comprehensive textbooks on crystal therapy published, containing practical exercises to help the reader to understand crystal therapy, as well as nurturing sensitivity to the energies which crystals offer.

Shirley O’Donoghue guides you, step by step, through the entire process of understanding and tapping into crystals’ energetic qualities, using meditation and other practical techniques to identify how crystals can be used to stimulate blocked energy flow within the subtle energy systems, as well as enhancing and stimulating energy flow to create specific responses. The chapters are designed as a practical guide to enable anyone to gain insight on choosing the correct crystal through to combining crystals with other therapies to empower the treatment overall. Recommended reading for anyone wanting to understand how to use crystals for themselves, their clients, or family and friends.

About the Author

Shirley O’Donoghue, principal of Lucis College Limited, is a therapist and an author, as well as a lecturer for the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT). She is a director of a community interest company called Holistic Harmony CIC, which she set up in 2009 primarily to provide complementary therapies to a wide range of disadvantaged groups and individuals, which is still in operation today. For over seven years she was secretary for the Affiliation of Crystal Healing Organisations, and she has written numerous courses that have been accredited with the FHT, the Open College Network and the Complementary Therapists Association (CTha).

Further Information

Available from  and Lotus Publishing


Masterworks International – Complementary Therapy Distance Learning Comes of Age

With climate change a reality and when more and more people are becoming aware of their individual carbon footprint and the impact of air travel on the planet it is surely time to re-think the concepts of how training in complementary and alternative medicine is delivered. 

Distance learning as a training possibility in this field has been around for some 30 years. In the early days these courses were generally of dubious quality. Yet with the advent of the internet in the mid-1990s the possibilities for such trainings began to expand. Now in 2020 with high speed internet generally available and the maturation of video technology, the possibilities for distance education in all fields up to and including university level (e.g. the Open University in the UK and a multitude of US universities such as the University of Phoenix) has exploded.

Masterworks International was a pioneer in offering distance learning in our own field of expertise: Polarity Therapy. Since the year 2000, when we launched our distance learning training, our aim has always been to offer the same level of training that we give in our 2-year part time group trainings to as many people as possible through multiple learning channels. Thus, our comprehensive training curriculum applies also to our unique one to one training and our distance learning course.


Mastery at Home


A truly eclectic modality, Polarity is a blend of Western understanding of the body and physiology combined with Eastern theories on energy, most specifically the body energy centres known as chakras. It encapsulates esoteric understandings about the world, and our place in it, that stretch back to the philosophers of ancient Greece, as well as the teachings of Paracelsus, the great medieval alchemist.

Our open learning (distance) programme offers home study in Polarity Therapy via DVD, online video, supervision (via email and other technologies such as audio files and skype)  as well as guided lesson plans supported by individual mentoring. As Polarity Therapy is a bodywork-based approach, the one thing that cannot be learned without direct contact is the quality of touch, and over the years we have refined this process so that this can be delivered in 10 days of individual (one to one) mentoring which we offer in multiple locations globally.

Our open learning programme has meant that students who live in places around the world where Polarity is not on offer are able to train in this unique and powerful system.  Whilst we cannot claim that our training is carbon neutral, it can definitely reduce the carbon footprint of the training process.

For a taste of a fully online training we can recommend our Chakra Magic e-course which gives information on the energy centres of the body and incorporates two practical hands on methods of stimulating and balancing the chakra system. Ideal for bodyworkers and yoga practitioners. Visit

Further Information

For details on all our trainings, books and DVDs on Polarity Therapy and Holonomic Reflexology go to


Pernaton™ – The Power of Mussels For Muscles And Joints

Pernaton™, widely known for a range of green lipped mussel extract gel products, is pleased to announce the brand new, one-a-day capsule, now available in the UK. Pernaton™ Capsules are formulated to help improve joint mobility as they are a source of high grade Glycosaminoglycans and contain omega-3 fatty acids, 11 different minerals and 18 vital amino acids essential for joint health.

Pernaton Capsules Gel and Forte


  • Green-lipped Mussel Extract now available in one-a-day capsule
  • Proven to improve joint mobility with high grade Glycosaminoglycans
  • Helps with symptoms association with Fibromyalgia, Arthritis and Low-Impact Sports

Pernaton Capsules contact Green-Lipped muscle extract which in test has been proven to target joint mobility issues. The one-a-day capsules – taken as one would a cod liver oil tablet – targets the joints and provides a source of omega-3 fatty acids, minerals and amino acids.

In vigorous tests, Pernaton has been proven to relieve the effects of arthritis, lupus and even reduce the pain caused by such chronic illnesses as Fibromyalgia. We currently have an array of real people living with these conditions, trailing these products on our behalf, to provide an insight into their effectiveness. For those who are suffering from joint issues or muscle strain, taking the capsules once a day will help to get though low impact sports such as swimming, water aerobics, yoga and so forth. The capsules are completely natural; they are not however suitable for those with a seafood or mollusc allergy.

Pernaton™ Gel has been proven to offer relief from the symptoms of Fibromyalgia, Arthritis and similar conditions. The development of the capsules offers an internal defence by providing the body with everything it needs to support strong joints and functional muscles. Those who are intending to participate in low-impact sports, such as swimming, water aerobics, walking, yoga and even dancing will benefit from a daily capsule. It will improve strength and mobility and relieve muscles to prepare for daily life.

Pernaton Gel Forte is a product that has been designed to help alleviate muscle aches and pains.  The product contains the added ingredients of Cayenne Pepper extract and valuable, physiologically active essentials oils. The gel creates a lasting and pleasantly warm feeling which stimulates muscles and increases circulation in the skin. Ideal for mums who enjoy their sports or have joints which are already badly worn due to excessive stress. This would be a perfect product to apply to sore and achy muscles. The active green-lipped mussel extract is essential for the formula of the capsule but does mean that they are not suitable for anyone with a sea fish or mollusc allergy. Pernaton™

Further Information

Capsules are available online via Amazon or the dedicated website

Your Period Handbook –  Natural Solutions For Stress Free Menstruation

by Natasha Richardson

Published by Aeon Books. 2020. Paperback. £16.99. ISBN 10 : 1911597744

For the millions of menstruating women who suffer from debilitating pain, erratic periods, heavy bleeding or the effects of premenstrual-syndrome every month, this book explores a crucial missing link – stress. Tired of not being heard, believed or being told that ‘nothing can be done’, women are increasingly looking for natural solutions to help them reclaim their periods. 


Cover Your Period Handbook

Drawing on personal experience of overcoming crippling period pain and clinical expertise as a medical herbalist specialising in women’s health, Natasha Richardson gives a comprehensive overview of how stress is impacting our hormones, and our lives. Warning of the creeping effects of stress on hormonal wellbeing, she explores the science of slow living and gives practical advice on changing the way we approach our daily schedules – from sleep to nutrition and using simple herbal remedies. Relaxation is a life skill we have lost the art of practicing and we must fight to reclaim it.

Common menstrual problems are explored in accessible language with advice on how to treat their underlying causes. Heavy bleeding, erratic cycles, missed periods, painful cramps, acne, breast-tenderness, PMS, migraine and anxiety are featured plus the red flag symptoms to watch out for. More complicated conditions such as endometriosis, PCOS and fibroids are looked at in-depth with accompanying treatment plans. This book includes practical recipes for herbal teas, tinctures, bath-potions and a section on herbal monographs giving a comprehensive overview of relevant herbs and their uses. Invaluable for anyone suffering from menstrual problems and a useful addition for practitioners with an interest in this field.

About the Author:

After years of suffering with debilitating period pain, Natasha Richardson found natural answers that worked and began sharing this wisdom with her patients as a Medical Herbalist. Now she helps hundreds of women regain wellbeing with her online course Peaceful Period, health coaching at her company Forage Botanicals, a podcast and her range of natural products.

Further Information

Available from Aeon Books and Amazon


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About Cherry Coad Aldridge


  • Brief Takes 261


    The Journey to Health – Empowering and Healing Approach to Lyme’s Disease

    The Journey to Health, an Empowering and Healing Approach to Lyme’s Disease is a seminar taking place at the Crow Wood Hotel and Spa in Burnley, Lancashire. Erick Noteboom, a former farmer from the Netherlands and Dr Lee Cowden will talk about Measuring Construction Biology of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Causes of Diseases.


    Further information Tel: 01254 245 013;    


    Biolab Medical - Mitochondial Day - 24 April 2020

    Mitochondrial Day takes place on 24 April 2020 in London, an exclusive workshop exploring the role of mitochondrial health in chronic diseases and assessing treatment options and outcomes for patients. The panel of speakers includes Doctors in clinical practice and Academic Researchers. The lectures will cover the theory of mitochondrial functions, useful laboratory test, the involvement of mitochondria in chronic disease and a discussion of treatments and case studies. 6 hours BANT and NNA CPD approved.


    Further information:


    Vitamin C Treatment of COVID-19 Coronavirus

    Vitamin C is being used to prevent and treat COVID-19 in China and in Korea. “. . . High-dose vitamin C achieved good results in clinical applications. ...For patients with severe neonatal pneumonia, and for critically ill patients, vitamin C treatment should be initiated as soon as possible after admission... High-dose vitamin C can not only improve antiviral levels, but more importantly, can prevent and treat acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress (ARDS)." There are at least three high-dose intravenous vitamin C studies underway in China. Even small supplemental amounts of vitamin C can keep severely ill patients from dying.  [Hunt C et al. Int J Vitam Nutr Res 1994;64:212-19.]; Infants with viral pneumonia treated with vitamin C had reduced mortality; [Ren Shiguang et al. Hebei Medicine 1978,4:1-3]; Moderate doses of vitamin C shortened ICU stay by 97% in a subgroup of 1,766 patients [Hemilä H, Chalker E. Nutrients. 2019 Mar 27;11:4.] 200 mg of vitamin C reduced duration of severe pneumonia in children. Oxygen saturation was improved in less than one day. [Khan IM et al. J Rawalpindi Med Coll (JRMC); 2014;18(1):55-57]


    Further Information: Andrew W. Saul, Editor-in-Chief,  Orthomolecular Medicine News Service


    Gonzalez Radical Remission Docuseries

    Hay House is launching twenty-one never-before-seen stories of spontaneous healing from terminal disease as part of their Radical Remission Docuseries. One episode highlights Dr Linda Isaacs who worked with Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez for many years treating patients with The Gonzalez Protocol®. Radical Remission highlights Dr Isaacs and one of her patients, a long-term survivor of poor prognosis pancreatic cancer. This docuseries is free to watch March 16-25. Until then, you can download a free companion action plan: 20 Ways to Introduce Healing Factors into Your Life—Starting Today when you SIGN UP  to watch.


    Further Information:


    The Wee Yoga Room

    The new six week term is now available for booking on the Wee Yoga Room website. The term runs from 24 February to 5 April in Stirling. They also have a date for the Spring into Summer Retreat in Stronachlacher from 1-3 May.


    Further information:


    REGENERATE: Unlocking Your Body’s Radical Resilience

    REGENERATE: Unlocking Your Body’s Radical Resilience through The New Biology by Sayer Ji, Founder of will be released through Hay House in March 2020. The book is a by-product of twenty years of research and work in natural health advocacy. Some of the concepts are very exciting and the book can be pre-ordered on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Sayer has created a Masterclass, REGENERATE YOURSELF which is free online.


    Further information:  Barnes  & Noble   Amazon


    Gerry Pyves First Psychotactile Clinic Open

    Psychotactlile Therapy uses the psychological awareness of our life scripts to identify the specific traumas that we are carrying and then employs touch to speak directly to our 500 million year old nervous system – so the nervous system can re-set itself. Four sessions with Gerry Pyves can take place in one visit to his clinic in Morecambe, Lancashire.


    Further information:    


    Retired Cyclists 2020 Prudential RideLondon

    Following the official ballot for the 2020 Prudential RideLondon, one of the world’s leading cycling events, Caudwell Children, the national charity that provides practical and emotional support to disabled children and their families, has announced that it is looking for retired cycling enthusiasts to take the limited number of charity places they have for the event. The Prudential RideLondon-Surry 100 takes place on 16 August. The 100 mile cycling challenge will test the skills of amateur riders of all ages and abilities, on a route made famous by the world’s best cyclists at the London 2020 Olympics.


    Further information Tel: 01782 433 912; 07824 340 259;  


    Seiki-Shiatsu Workshop in Devon

    Refining Touch Communication and Diagnostic Skills through Resonance takes place on 25-26 April 2020 in Dartington, Devon. Refining touch and contact skills that clarify and honour our human condition, the movement of life towards wellness and our unique talents. Deeply rooting in the Shiatsu and Japanese healing and philosophical traditions, the Seiki approach to body-mind work is simple and transformative.


    Further information Tel: 07941 841 555;  01803 862 653;


    Byron Bay Retreat NSW Australia with Naturopaths Sally Mathrick and Layla Metcalfe

    Schedule a week to rejuvenate your body, relax your mind and access your inner knowing for 21-27 August. This year’s annual retreat will be held at the beautiful Sangsurya in Byron Bay, NSW, Australia, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. This is a purpose built retreat space with the purpose that you access your inner radiance. Be guided through an individualized healing journey with experienced Naturopaths Sally Mathrick and Layla Metcalfe. They will help you with preparation for the retreat and following up on your return. The retreat can include a supported 24-72 hour water fast, depending on your needs.


    Further information:


    Royal Enfield Motorbike Indian Himalayas Ladakh

    Dream Challenges invites you to join them in the Northernmost part of the Indian Himalayas on a once in a lifetime motorbike challenge in Ladakh. Mounting the Royal Enfield in Leh, there will be a warm-up ride through the back lanes. Then will ride along one of the world’s highest roads and plunge down into the valleys following the river. The adventure includes camping by high-altitude lakes, staying in remote mountain villages and visiting a variety of serene monasteries.


    Further information:


    Liz Koch Psoas Workshops

    Liz Koch is holding a variety of Psoas Workshops in Australia and New Zealand. Basic Psoas Workshop, 27 & 28 March, Melbourne, Wilding Collaboration Moving & Writing, 29 March, Melbourne, Basic Psoas Workshop, 4-5 April, Brisbane, Basic Psoas Workshop, 9-10 April, Auckland and Psoas During Pregnancy, Birth & Post-Partum, 11-13 April, Auckland. Stalking Wild Psoas  Workshops 2020 are in Berkeley, CA 13-15 March, St Paul, MN 15-17 May, Brighton, UK, 17-19 July and Castricum, The Netherlands 2-4 October. See the website for more dates.


    Further information:


    Amchara Health for Managing Depression

    There are a number of interventions available for managing depression including antidepressant medications and talking therapies. Increasing research confirms that regular exercise can be beneficial in conjunction with other treatments for reducing symptoms. Find out How Exercise Can Help With Depression, 14 Ways to Sleep Better Naturally and Seed Cycling to Balance Your Hormones on the website.


    Further information:


    Sleep Mouth Breathing Reduces Child’s Mental Capacity

    Science is clear that children who breathe orally, frequently struggle with memory, concentration and learning. As part of a long-running British study called Children of the 90s, parents documented mouth breathing, snoring and sleep apnoea in their children between the ages of 6 and 57 months. When the same children reached 8 years old, data showed that poor sleep and unhealthy breathing during sleep meant that they were 40% more likely to have special educational needs. A new free online Buteyko Breathing Program for children is upcoming.


    Further information and for upcoming events:


    Kenya Maasai Mara Adventure Trek

    Dream Challenges are running a charity trek in Kenya’s Maasai Mara from 11-21 August 2021. The trek will start with a game walk and a boat ride on Lake Naivasha, which is renowned for its variety of wildlife and then on to the Maasai Mara for a life changing cultural experience with the Maasai people. Trekking for 3 days in the Loita Hills with Maasai guides. There will be visits to animal sanctuaries and a visit to a local school.


    Further information:


    New Zealand 2nd Breast Cancer Symposium

    United for a Cure Through Research NZBCS-2020, the second New Zealand Breast Cancer Symposium takes place on 12-14 November 2020 in Auckland, New Zealand. Speakers include Ian Ellis, UK, Jane Visvader, Australia, Ross Lawrenson, New Zealand, Sarah-Jane Dawson, Australia and Stephen Hursting, USA.


    Further information:


    Human Givens College

    Expert tutors at Human Givens College are running courses at Broadway House, London. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, 18 March; Effective Pain Management, 19 March; Workplace Stress, 21 April; Guided Imagery & Visualisation for Therapeutic Change, 22 April; Brief Therapy for Stopping Addictions, 23 April; Improving Relationships, 28 April; The Fast Trauma (PTSD) and Phobia Cure 29 and 30 April and Overcoming Self-Harm, 5 May.


    Further information:   


    Dead Man to Iron Man

    Dead Man to Iron Man: A Ten Month Journey from Dead Meat to Athlete by Paul Smith is published by Pitch Publishing Ltd in Feb 2020 and tells the story of Paul’s cancer diagnosis and his battle with the disease. He faced the disease with a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile cycle and then running a marathon. There are tears and laughter in this brutally honest, good-humoured and intensely personal  book.


    Further information:   Pitch Publishing


    Higher Nature Healthy Heart

    Many people suffer from the risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. The right dietary and nutritional adjustments may significantly reduce the risk of worsening symptoms and help people to live a longer and healthier life. Higher Nature has produced Red Sterol Complex, for normal cholesterol, Cardio Heart Nutrients with B vitamins, H Factors Homocysteine and Heart Nutrients and Arginine Amino Acids.


    Further information Tel: 01435 884 567;


    The Essential Guide to Anorexia

    The Essential Guide to Anorexia by Need 2 Know books is launched in time for Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2-8 March. With high profile celebrities such as Christopher Eccleston, Russell Brand, Demi Lovato and Paula Abdul sharing their stories, it is finally acceptable to discuss eating disorders openly.


    Further information:


    Self-Love Pledge

    Self-Love Pledge by Katie Oman is a book that guides the reader to the most important journey of all, that of loving yourself. It is this which opens the doors to a real sense of happiness and fulfilment and yet, it is one that most people struggle with. Katie Oman explains why learning to love yourself is such an important thing for all of us.


    Further information:


    Annual Mystics and Scientists Conference

    The topical theme this year at the Annual Mystics and Scientists Conference, is relationship with the natural work, including interspecies communication with mammals, plants and trees. International experts in their field include: Rupert Sheldrake, pea Horsley, Fred Hageneder, Heidi Herrmann, Paco Calvo, Anna Breytenbach, Judith Prager and Shakti Catarina Maggi. The Conference takes place at Horsley Park, Surry on 17-19 April 2020.


    Further information:


    Lipoprotein, The Heart’s Quiet Killer

    Lipoprotein, The Heart’s Quiet Killer: A Diet and lifestyle Guide by Cardiologist Joel Kahn sounds the alarm and brings awareness of lipoprotein an inherited form of cholesterol that can cause clogged arteries, strokes and other forms of heart disease, which one out of five people have, but are unaware of the fact.


    Further information:


    Decision Making in Complexity - Applied Neuroscience Programme

    The Applied Neuroscience Programme begins 7 March. The five modules in the programme are: Emotion Regulation and Motivation, 7 & 8 March; Creativity and Insight, 25 & 26 April; Learning and Memory, 16 & 17 May and Stress, Resilience and Contemplation, 4-5 July. When we struggle to make a decision, a little understanding of how the brain is wired can help us make better decisions, more quickly and more easily.


    Further information Tel: 01268 777 125;


    Ojamin Herb & Fruit

    Health tonic, Ojamin Herb & Fruit is now available in capsule form. Enjoying all of Ojamin’s restorative and nature-driven benefits is easier than ever before. From keen travellers seeking a wellness routine to take them wherever they go, to anyone working on a tight schedule. Ojamin Herb & Fruit is a wellness tonic made from a unique blend of 14 herbs and fruits, sustainably sourced from the world’s rainforests and blended together using pure spring water. Ojamin is vegan friendly and gluten free.


    Further information:


    Florida FSBA Workshops

    Two new Bioenergetic Workshops are taking place in March and April this year. Teaching Love which will strengthen bonds of love and friendship through the medium of Bioenergetics and other spiritually grounded techniques takes place on 6-8 March with Paul Cohen. Bioenergetics Meets Men’s Work is a weekend of truth-telling and brotherhood in safe settings, enhance by the wisdom of mythic stories with Eric Diamond.


    Further information Tel: +1 386-462-5155; (United States)


    MustGrow Natural Solution –  Safer and More Sustainable Alternative to Pesticides

    MustGrow’s natural solution, not only stops the need to use extremely harmful chemicals and pesticides, but also helps prevent crops from contracting different fungi that can lead to widespread losses. Their solution both keeps the public safer and healthier and helps farmers and distributers produce larger, higher-quality yields on everything from corn to cannabis. MustGrow offers a natural, safer and more sustainable alternative to products such as Roundup.


    Further information:


    Ditch the Fad Diets - Pro-Ven Probiotics

    The promise of slimming on cabbage soup and lemon detox diets have been a faddy part of diet culture for too long. ShaleLine from Pro-Ven Probiotics offers those looking to lose weight in a gradual and healthy manner, the right support for gut health. New research has shown that the probiotic from Pro-Ven Probiotics has significant and guaranteed weight management capabilities.


    Further information:


    Picker Cancer Patient Experience Survey

    Picker, an international charity working across health and social care, have been awarded the NHS contract for the new Under 16 Cancer Patient Experience Survey. This new programme aims to understand the experiences of cancer among children and their parents. The results of the survey will be used to help Commissioners, Providers and National Policymakers to identify priority areas for improvement in children’s cancer services.


    Further information:


    Trigger Points: Live Life Pain-Free

    Trigger Points: Use the Power of Touch to Live Life Pain-Free by Amanda Oswald is a well-written and beautifully illustrated book with clear illustrations to help you find trigger points to work on with massage and manipulation to ease pain effectively and with regular work on the trigger points, heal your body.


    Further information:


    Steep Rise People Living with MS

    New figures show that people living with MS in the UK have risen by 20%. More than 130,000 people in the UK are living with multiple sclerosis. The new research estimate is based on Public Health England data recently published by the MS Society. MS damages the body’s nerves and makes it harder for people to do everyday things, like walk, talk, eat and think. MS is more relentless, painful and disabling and people with the condition desperately need the Government to step up and create an expanded and sustainable social care system.


    Further information:


    Homegrown Calendula in Somerset

    For new mums and babies, there is a host of sensitive skin issues that will crop up, from nappy rash to sore nipples due to breastfeeding. Lyonsleaf products are made from 100% natural ingredients, bursting with vitamins and antioxidants, in Somerset. Calendula & Marshmallow Balm, safely soothes, repairs and improves skins elasticity. Use on any dry, cracked, chapped, hard, rough or irritated skin. Zinc & Calendula Cream soothes and reduces swelling, whilst also repelling water and helping the skin seal in moisture.


    Further information:


    May Event School of Homeopathy

    The School of Homeopathy is holding a highly stimulating weekend of teaching with David Lilley on Archetypes and is open to Homeopaths and students of Homeopathy. David Lilley will introduce the concept of archetypes and how they can be used in Homeopath’s practice. He will then focus on two archetypes, Wolf and Raven, weaving together material derived from myth, legend and comparative material medica, supported by proving and personal experience.


    Further information:


    Mental Health 2020

    Govconnect have announced that Mental Health 2020 will take place on 23 September at the Royal Society of Medicine, London. The NHS long term plan (LTP) builds on the commitments for mental health services set out in the 5 year forward view for mental health (FYFVMH). Mental Health 2020 will give attendees the opportunity to engage with key personnel from delivery partners and national stakeholder organisations, providing an assessment of  FYFVMH and LTP planning and delivery progress, addressing the 13 core areas of Mental Health Services Provision.


    Further information:   Mental Health 2020


    The Gift of Presence: A Mindfullness Guide for Women

    The Gift of Presence: A Mindfulness Guide for Women by Caroline Welch is a practical, user-friendly guide for women seeking focus and calm in the midst of life’s storms. Overwhelmed by the demands of family, work and multiple responsibilities, many women find themselves feeling scattered and distracted. In this eye-opening book, co-founder and CEO of the Mindsight Institute, Caroline Welch, takes readers on a mindfulness journey to help them de-stress and cultivate inner peace.


    Further information:  Tel: 20 34054218;


    Wiley’s Finest™ Bold Heart

    Wiley’s Finest™ has launched Bold Heart, a highly concentrated 2000mg of pine tree sterols per serving, which delivers a simple solution to meeting daily sterol needs in an easy-to-use formula that is clinically tested to lower cholesterol. 60% of consumers in the UK have high cholesterol, with many on mediation.  As the only water-based sterol on the market, Wiley’s Finest™ Bold Heart is a highly absorbable, flexible approach to natural healthy cholesterol management.


    Further information:


    Stress Awareness Month

    Rosie Millen, the UK’s leading burnout coach gives top tips for reducing stress this Stress Awareness Week: Identify your energy sappers, what is robbing your energy? Work, a relationship, financial stress? Take time out, having a breather when you can.  Sleep, a good night’s sleep is profound for reducing stress. Don’t over exercise, too much aggressive exercise can mount a stress response and prioritise, write a stop doing list, it is effective and refreshing.


    Further information:


    Embrace Your Mind, Body & Soul

    Embrace Your Mind Body and Soul takes place on 16-18 October 2020 at Alexander Palace, London. There are over 3,000 free parking spaces, full shell scheme and stand banner name included in the cost, fully carpeted stand, website listing from the day you book, digital show guide listing, priority class and lecture applications. The show will receive an extensive marketing campaign throughout the year, stand cleaning and an expected footfall over 3 days to exceed 25,000.


    Further information:


    Eat a Rainbow

    Eat a Rainbow – A colourful guide to vitamins and minerals is a general guide to help you consume a nutritionally complete diet: Vitamin B6 = Red, Vitamin B6 comes from a family of 8 B vitamins, which are contained in bell peppers, red cabbage, radicchio and red potatoes. Vitamin C = yellow/orange, contained in yellow peppers, apricots and honeydew melon. Vitamin K and iron = green, in green vegetables. Vitamin A = orange, in citrus fruits. Potassium = white, found in potatoes, parsnips, white beans and onions. You can maximise your nutritional intake by eating as many of your foods in their raw and natural state or by steaming them.


    Further information:


    9 Top Tips to Help Control Type 2 Diabetes

    Dr Sarah Brewer, working in association with CuraLin, the type 2 diabetes supplement shares her top tips to support a diabetic diet: A vegan diet will help, participate in a park run, ditch alcohol and sugary drinks, take CuraLin, which helps reduce glucose levels, it contains 10 traditional medicinal herbs. Flu vaccination is recommended. Swap milk chocolate for dark. Get regular dental check-ups and support your partner. People living together are three times more likely to become obese.


    Further information:

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