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Editorial Issue 292

by Sandra Goodman PhD(more info)

listed in editorial, originally published in issue 292 - February 2024

Positive Health PH Online February 2024 Issue 292 is published live 25 January. I would genuinely prefer to welcome in the New Year 2024 with a joyful note; however, to be honest, I must honestly state that in my lifetime (I was born in 1951) I have never witnessed a more sombre worldview fraught with conflict and wars. To the already discussed Gaza – Israeli and Ukraine – Russia wars has been added the Houthis attacks threatening world shipping. In Taiwan the election of President William Lai may herald overt conflict with China. Not to mention the Post Office Inquiry Scandal in the UK.

Additionally in 2024, elections will be held in many countries including the UK and US, thus it is difficult for me to be overflowing with joy apart from the clinical and literary quality of the articles in PH Online Issue 292.

Here are a number of authoritative sites with a non-mainstream take on health news:

John Dee’s Almanac – Needle To Door Time (part 1);

Alliance for Natural Health International –  Are humans really dying more quickly than expected?

Dr Naomi Wolf – Absolutely unbelievable. In the Journal of Molecular Biology on NIH site is a peer-reviewed overview study showing a decade of many papers of evidence that lowly guava leaves in extract can shrink tumours, kill cancer cells ranging from breast cancer to prostate cancer to colon cancer, can cleanse blood of clots, can regulate blood sugar levels in diabetics, can help with menstrual problems and more.

Dr Aseem Malhotra  – Almost one year ago today we had our ‘V for Vendetta moment’ - millions of people in the U.K. and beyond were told on the BBC that a likely primary driver of excess deaths was the covid mRNA vaccine. Despite our own suffering, mourning, harassment, smears, threats to our career we have not become silent.

Andrew Weill MD –  MCT Oil (or Coconut Oil) is not something I recommend adding to your diet. For now, I say stick to using coconut oil as a moisturizer as there is research supporting its benefits.

Professor Karol Sikora – Delays in cancer diagnosis/treatment will take far more life-years than COVID ever did. Yet there is a grim acceptance that appalling cancer survival rates can never change. That's in stark contrast to the response to COVID... We should be furious - where's the outrage?

Positive Health PH Online February 2024 Issue 292  publishes a wide spectrum of authoritative editorial features encompassing a diverse range of clinical treatment approaches encompassing Mind / Body / Spirit including Editorial Features,  Letters to the Editor, Research Updates and Short Features and Brief Takes

Robert Verkerk PhD doesn’t mince his words nor clinical effects in the cover story PFAS – The Unfolding Chemical Disaster:

“The scientific community, governments and health authorities are waking up to the fact that that there is one group of chemicals that might pose a particular threat – possibly a bigger human and environmental threat than all other industrial persistent organic pollutants (POPs) combined. 

“We’re not looking at one or even a small number of related chemicals. We’re looking at a huge group, which it turns out, includes a staggering 12,000 compounds. The group are called poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS (pronounced pee-fass) for short. They have one thing in common: highly stable, intractable, resistant carbon-fluorine bonds, among the strongest known in chemistry. That gives them their colloquial name: ‘forever chemicals’, a term that the mass media have recently started to latch on to.

“Unlike older POPs like DDT, chlordane, PCB, mirex, lindane or endosulphan, that have been a central focus of the United Nation’s Stockholm Convention, PFAS have yet to become widely recognised by the public as a major health threat.”

Carole Preen FCHP FANM HonMIFA  shares her considerable skills and expertise in her article Working on Clients with Long-Covid:

“According to NICE (2020), Long Covid is complex and often presents with clusters of symptoms, which can change and reoccur unpredictably, affecting people in different ways at different times, which makes the need for a detailed consultation very important. We do have the luxury of time with our clients for listening and observation. The symptoms are experienced for more than 4-12 weeks after being infected. Data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) indicates that Long Covid is most prevalent in people of working age, females, people living in the most deprived areas, those working in social care and those with another activity-limiting health condition or disability (ONS 2022). As there is so much complexity involved, I have devised a chart for the most common long-covid symptoms we might see in practice and linked them to the two most common complementary therapies people tend to seek out. It is interesting to note that the medical profession has made comment on how strikingly similar these long-covid symptoms are to that of ME/CFS (Goldberg et al., 2022) and within CAM, we have been supporting clients diagnosed with these conditions for many years.”

The following articles encompass Mind/Body Spiritual/Psychosocial aspects of our health and attitudes:

Medicine’s Fresh New Hope

Is It Possible to Avoid Developing Dementia


Gabor Maté, Meet the Real Dr Spock:  He’s Not a Behaviourist!

The following features describe clinical approaches to a variety of conditions:

Acupuncture for Cancer Survivors – Recovery, Renewal, and Transformation Post Cancer Treatment

Probiotics and the Immune System

The Inside Out Approach to Skin Health That Can Deliver Real Results Naturally

PFAS [poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances] – The Unfolding Chemical Disaster

The following articles discuss nutritional and biochemical aspects of our health and wellbeing;

Living Life on the Train of Illusions

The Toxic Nutrient Triad – A Little: Good. Just a Little More: Bad

Thought for Food – Humans and the Environment

The following editorial features focus upon bodywork and mind/body treatments:

Working on Clients with Long-Covid

How to Sleep with Neck Pain

How Running can Improve your Mental Health

Letters to the Editor Issue 292 include topics: 61% of Gen Xs and 43% of Millennials have High Cholesterol; Brain Scan Technology Takes A Major Step Forward; HKBU-Led Research Develops Novel Drug Delivery System for Gouteng Compound for Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment; Preclinical Study on use of Mushroom Nutrition Addressing CNS Morbidities Induced by Bacterial Sepsis.

Research Updates Issue 292 include Research in the following areas: Acupuncture, Ageing, Cancer, Chinese Oriental Medicine, Depression, Immune System, Meditation, Yoga.

I sincerely recommend PH Online February 2024 Issue 292 for your enthusiastic reading and clinical improvement.


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About Sandra Goodman PhD

Sandra Goodman PhD, Co-founder and Editor of Positive Health, trained as a Molecular Biology scientist in Agricultural Biotechnology in Canada and the US, focusing upon health issues since the 1980s in the UK. Author of 4 books, including Nutrition and Cancer: State-of-the-Art, Vitamin C – The Master Nutrient, Germanium: The Health and Life Enhancer and numerous articles, Dr Goodman was the lead author of the Consensus Document Nutritional and LifeStyle Guidelines for People with Cancer and compiled the Cancer and Nutrition Database for the Bristol Cancer Help Centre in 1993. Dr Goodman is passionate about making available to all people, particularly those with cancer, clinical expertise in Nutrition and Complementary Therapies. Dr Goodman was recently featured as Doctor of the Fortnight in ThinkWellness360.

Dr Goodman and long-term partner Mike Howell seek individuals with vision, resources, and organization to continue and expand the Positive Health PH Online legacy beyond the first 30 years, with facilities for training, to fund alternative cancer research, and promote holistic organizations internationally. Read about Dr Goodman and purchase Nutrition and Cancer: State-of-the-Art.  She may be contacted privately for Research, Lectures and Editorial services via:   and

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