Research: SERWIN and colleagues,

Listed in Issue 47


SERWIN and colleagues, Kliniki Dermatologii I Wenerologii Akademii Medycznej w Bialymstoku, Poland studied the role of dietary selenium in psoriasis .



The authors conducted a case-control study to evaluate the role of dietary selenium (Se) and selenium nutritional status in the course of psoriasis. 30 psoriatic patients with a history of the disease no longer than 10 months and 29 patients with the disease for at least 3 years, 24 dermatological patients and 14 healthy people constituted 2 control groups matched to cases studied by sex and age. Se dietary intake was calculated from a 24-hr dietary recall; Se status was measured with plasma Se levels and plasma and erythrocyte (red blood cell) GSH-Px activity.


Dietary Se intake was correlated to red blood cells GSH-Px. Selenium nutritional status appeared to be insufficient, particularly in women with psoriasis of no longer than 10 months duration, and in males with long-lasting psoriasis. In these men, plasma and red blood cell GSH-PX activity were inversely correlated to disease severity.


These results suggest that Se dietary intake may be one of the contributing factors in the pathogenesis and aetiology of psoriasis . Further research is required to explore this relationship.


Serwin AB et al. Selenium nutritional status and the course of psoriasis. Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski 6(35): 263-5 May 1999.

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