About Sheri Williams

[Image: Sheri Williams]

Sheri Williams is 20 years old and currently studying Journalism at university. She grew up in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire and still lives in the area. Writing has always been a hobby of hers and became a natural career path to follow. She wrote this article to highlight the struggles and highlights that a family living with Alzheimer's have to face on a daily basis. Sheri may be contacted on sheri.williams@hotmail.co.uk   

Articles by Sheri Williams

  1. Case Study: Family Experience of Living with Alzheimer's Disease

    Listed in alzheimer's and dementia

    This article describes Alzheimer's Disease and the statistics concerning this illness - there are currently 800,000 people living with dementia, and this figure is on the rise.

Book reviews by Sheri Williams

  1. No reviews available

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