About Kira Balaskas

Kira Balaskas has studied traditional Thai massage extensively in Thailand with many masters of the art, including Asokananda, a pioneer for Thai Yoga massage and the person responsible for much of the research that has been done on the subject. He has also played a crucial part in bringing Thai massage to the West and was the first person ever to write about Thai massage in a foreign language. Kira has been practising and teaching Thai Yoga massage in London since 1989. As well as running regular courses in the UK, Kira goes back to Thailand regularly to teach and further her own studies. She can be contacted on info@thaiYogamassage.co.uk

Articles by Kira Balaskas

  1. Thai Yoga Massage - an Ancient Healing Art

    Listed in thai yoga massage and bodywork

    This differs from conventional Swedish massage, physiotherapy and chiropractic by concentrating on acupressure points rather than on anatomical structures. Its yoga positions and st...

Book reviews by Kira Balaskas

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