About Karli Jaenike

[Image: Karli Jaenike]

Karli Jaenike BA is passionate marketing professional, content creator and storyteller with a proven track record of implementing strategic marketing initiatives that produce results. Austin, TX serves as her home base after graduating from Texas State University with a BA in Mass Communication. She is currently a Senior Content Marketing Specialist at Siege Media, a content and SEO agency. She enjoys travel, adventure in the outdoors, cooking, listening to live music, photography, cuddling her dogs, reading and working on her own travel blog. Karli may be contacted via karli@siegemedia.com    www.siegemedia.com   http://karlijaenike.com/

Articles by Karli Jaenike

  1. 15 Scents to Help You Sleep and Fight Insomnia

    Listed in sleep and insomnia

    Aromatherapy has been used by humans to enhance sleep practices and to relax the nervous system since ancient times. Aromatherapy, among many other benefits, can aid relaxation, imp...

Book reviews by Karli Jaenike

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