About Jillian Alexander-Gregory

Jillian Alexander-Gregory has more than 14 years of beauty industry experience from the salons and studios of Beverly Hills, Hollywood and Encino, California, USA. As the make-up artist to such talented people as Diane Sawyer, Tom Hanks and Will Smith, Alexander-Gregory has been challenged to make people look and feel great instantly. She also has a decade of experience in aromatherapy, as well as clinical skin care using skin specific enzymes, Chinese herbal tonics and colour therapies. She has integrated her experience into a point of view she calls 'Holistic Aesthetics'. For more information about this article or Jillian Alexander-Gregory Tel: +1 877 386 1688; jagaroma@earthlink.net. www.jagbeautyistruth.com

Articles by Jillian Alexander-Gregory

  1. Feeding the Skin

    Listed in cancer

    This article tells the incredibly inspiring story of a woman, her life literally ebbing away following treatment for breast cancer, who miraculously recovers after being given an el...

Book reviews by Jillian Alexander-Gregory

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