About Hitesh Dodhia

[Image: Hitesh Dodhia]

Hitesh Dodhia BSc (Hons) MBA is the Superintendent Pharmacist at PharmacyOutlet.co.uk, the local online pharmacist. As well as running a physical premises in Surrey, PharmacyOutlet.co.uk provides online advice, support and a wide range of pharmaceutical and health products to help people lead healthier lives, and also specialises in the NHS’s Electronic Prescription Service (EPS), which means they can arrange, dispense and deliver your NHS repeat prescriptions. He may be contacted via store@pharmacyoutlet.co.uk   https://pharmacyoutlet.co.uk/

Articles by Hitesh Dodhia

  1. How we can Best Prepare for and Cope with Norovirus

    Listed in infections and inflammation

    Norovirus. It’s a word that dominates the headlines every winter and drives fear into people across the country. The illness - literally and metaphorically-– makes people sick to th...

Book reviews by Hitesh Dodhia

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