About Greg Sellar

[Image: Greg Sellar]

Greg Sellar BSp Sc(Ex.Sc) is a world renowned personal fitness instructor and one of the programme developers of the fitness fx fitness DVD range. These hints and tips on fitness goals: how to keep yourself on track, compiled by Greg, include 6 specially choreographed regimes - blast fx, jump fx, stomp fx, fight fx, groove fx and pump fx - which can deliver real results in record time. Greg may be contacted via greg@gregsellar.com; for more information please visit www.fitness-fx.com .

Articles by Greg Sellar

  1. Fitness Goals: How to Keep Yourself on Track

    Listed in exercise and fitness

    Starting something for those who aren’t easily motivated is hard enough. Sticking to that something can be even harder, particularly when the going gets tough. These simple tips ma...

Book reviews by Greg Sellar

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