About Gerdi Altman

Gerdi Altman - Energy Coach and Healer is a qualified medical dowser and energy healer,with a diploma in medical dowsing recognized by the Institute of Complementary Medicine and accredited by Thames Valley University.  She has also acted as an examiner for the diploma course.

She has trained with well-established healers in many disciplines and developed Energy Tuning™, an energy healing approach using the Check-Clear-Tune™ method.

Having worked from the UK and internationally for many years, Gerdi has now moved her practice to Israel and treast clients wherever they reside. Gerdi may be contacted on Tel: 00972 546842165;

Articles by Gerdi Altman

  1. Energy Tuning - An Innovative Approach to Healing

    Listed in energy medicine

    In this article, the author looks at how energy works; what clients should expect from energy practitioners and how complicated a subject it is for the average person to grasp. She...

Book reviews by Gerdi Altman

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