About Eddie O’Brien

[Image: Eddie O’Brien]

Eddie O’Brien MA is the Director and a Trustee of the educational charity, the Metamorphic Association. Eddie has been a passionate participant for over thirty-five years in the revolutionary explorations that the Association has been involved in. The creativity and courage of Gaston Saint-Pierre, who died in 2011, continues to be an inspirational influence in Eddie’s life. He is also a founding trustee of the charity Prison Dialogue. He has a Master’s degree in consciousness studies and, through his involvement in running his motor trade and other business ventures, discovered how these two apparently separate areas of exploration can catalyse much new understanding of the nature of transformation in human consciousness. In 2015 Eddie founded the Thinking Centre in Ireland. He may be contacted via Eddie O'Brien; Ireland; Tel: +353(0)863806999; eddie.obrien@metamorphicassociation.org   www.metamorphicassociation.org

Articles by Eddie O’Brien

  1. Protecting the Integrity of the Metamorphic Technique®

    Listed in bodywork

    When the caterpillar form dies as the caterpillar, energy is released, this energy, this power is also consciousness; there is then communication between what has been released and...

Book reviews by Eddie O’Brien

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