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Protecting the Integrity of the Metamorphic Technique®

by Eddie O’Brien(more info)

listed in bodywork, originally published in issue 260 - February 2020


When the caterpillar form dies as the caterpillar, energy is released, this energy, this power is also consciousness; there is then communication between what has been released and the butterfly form in potential in the energetic field of a caterpillar. It is thanks to this communication that transformation occurs. 

Gaston Saint-Pierre


Gaston Saint-Pierre 1940 -2011

Gaston Saint-Pierre 1940 -2011                           Photo by Christian Hack · April 2010 

The Metamorphic Technique® provides a revolutionary new way of approaching the challenges and opportunities that life constantly presents. In short it presents a new approach to life and communication. Any attempt to answer the question, what is the Metamorphic Technique can be helped by first pointing to what it is not.

It is not a therapy or spiritual healing. It is not part of conventional or alternative medicine and it does not promote any belief system. Finally, and most importantly, although it points towards the constant opportunity for transformation in our lives, it does not involve any claim or any belief that it either causes or helps the action of transformation.

The Metamorphic Technique® represents a totally different way of responding to health and social problems of all forms (physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual). And it also represents a new way of acknowledging the wealth of potential, which is contained within the events we encounter internally and externally in our lives.

The work is anchored in an extensively explored theoretical and practical framework, which helps the practitioner enter naturally into a state of non-interference - meaning there is a total absence of any form of manipulation or effort to change, in any way, the inner or outer world of the client. The Metamorphic Technique practitioner only trusts one thing and that is the intelligence and the power that we refer to as the life force of our clients, and this force is operating as part of the wider totality that is the whole of life.

This attitude by the practitioner, which is called detachment, involves providing the person receiving the session with an environment free of direction, interference or preconceived ideas. The reason for this ‘keeping out of the way’ by the practitioner is grounded in the following important fact. Within the context of this work it has been discovered, over and over, that the client’s life, incorporating their unique life experiences, can guide them far better than any direction that would intrude out of the beliefs and assumptions that are held by the practitioner. This of course does not translate to mean that practitioners don’t care about their clients, or don’t recognize the huge potential value that their clients can avail of by attending practitioners of alternative or conventional medicine.

A Metamorphic Technique® session involves a particular practice whereby the practitioner uses a light touch on certain areas on the feet, hands and head and a very welcome benefit of the Technique is that people often experience a session as very pleasant and relaxing.

The Technique is available to people with an array of conditions. For example, those with serious illnesses, with learning difficulties, depression, people who are dying, women who are pregnant, people who simply feel their life is at a crossroads and feel stuck, those who feel they have potentials that have not yet surfaced, people trapped within very anxious and even very fearful realities. The list goes on and on.

In essence, the Metamorphic Technique® is a celebration of the potential for transformation to occur in our lives – a form of transformation that cannot be intentionally caused but can spontaneously occur. And, due to the uniqueness of each person, the movement of transformation can express itself in a myriad of different and sometimes very surprising ways. Furthermore when transformation occurs it appears to support people’s capacity to be enriched by the events and experiences of their lives, rather than being a victim of these same events and we notice that physical, mental or emotional healing may then be a natural by-product.

Gaston Saint-Pierre founded the Technique in the late 1970s; in 1983 he initiated the founding of the international educational charity, the Metamorphic Association (Charity Registration Number: 326425).




In 2011 the term Metamorphic Technique was registered in Gaston’s name as a trademark with EUIPO (the European Union Intellectual Property Office). Due to the extensive level of misunderstanding and misrepresentation of the Metamorphic Technique® that the general public were being exposed to, the trademark has proved to be a crucial aid in enabling the Metamorphic Association to protect the integrity of Gaston’s discovery. Consequently, it is important to be aware that the only people who can legally promote the Metamorphic Technique® as part of their professional practice with the public are those who are registered as members of our Association. Membership is recognition that these practitioners have taken part in the up-to-date ongoing training requirements and also that they comply with a Code of Practice.

Further Information

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About Eddie O’Brien

Eddie O’Brien MA is the Director and a Trustee of the educational charity, the Metamorphic Association. Eddie has been a passionate participant for over thirty-five years in the revolutionary explorations that the Association has been involved in. The creativity and courage of Gaston Saint-Pierre, who died in 2011, continues to be an inspirational influence in Eddie’s life. He is also a founding trustee of the charity Prison Dialogue. He has a Master’s degree in consciousness studies and, through his involvement in running his motor trade and other business ventures, discovered how these two apparently separate areas of exploration can catalyse much new understanding of the nature of transformation in human consciousness. In 2015 Eddie founded the Thinking Centre in Ireland. He may be contacted via Eddie O'Brien; Ireland; Tel: +353(0)863806999;


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