About Dr Rod Jones

[Image: Dr Rod Jones]

Dr Rod Jones BSc PhD ACMA CGMA, Statistical Advisor Healthcare Analysis & Forecasting Camberley, UK, has a BSc (Hon) in Microbiology / Biochemistry and a PhD in Chemical Engineering. Dr Jones is a chartered management accountant (ACMA, CGMA). He has over 20 years experience in healthcare, investigating trends in demand and consequent capacity planning issues. He can be contacted at hcaf_rod@yahoo.co.uk Details of this ongoing research can be found at www.hcaf.biz 

Articles by Dr Rod Jones

  1. Environment Induced Volatility and Cycles in Population Health

    Listed in clinical practice

    All organisms respond to their (changing) environment using a variety of homeostatic mechanisms to maintain vital functions within acceptable limits.

Book reviews by Dr Rod Jones

  1. No reviews available

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