About Dr Janice Wilson

Dr Janice Wilson is the MD of the holistic health company Simply Vital Ltd (www.simplyvital.com). After studying Pharmacy and Medicine at University, and working for several years in the pharmaceutical industry, her observations and personal experience led her to conclude that a great many illnesses arise from poor nourishment, negative thoughts and attitudes or repressed feelings. Aware that the practice of medicine today largely ignores these causative factors and therefore misses the opportunity to offer true healing, she established Simply Vital Ltd. The company supports and empowers individuals seeking improved health and fellow professionals wishing to adopt a more integrated approach to the practice of medicine.
The evidence base confirming the success of the holistic approach grows daily.  Whilst acknowledging the advances that some modern medicine can offer, Janice campaigns for a more judicious approach to drug prescribing generally. Dr Janice Wilson can be contacted on Tel: 0870 609 1180. For more information about Simply Vital and their products visit www.simplyvital.com

Articles by Dr Janice Wilson

  1. Natural Nutraceuticals Rather Than Pharmaceuticals

    Listed in nutraceuticals

    The author studied pharmacy and medicine at university, and spent several years working for major pharmaceutical companies, helping clients to attain the quality standards required ...

Book reviews by Dr Janice Wilson

  1. No reviews available

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