About Daniel Sher

[Image: Daniel Sher]

Daniel Sher MA is a certified clinical psychologist, sex therapy expert, and the creator of the Between Us Clinic Performance Anxiety Program - A mindfulness meditation online program for men’s sexual performance anxiety. As a clinical psychologist, Daniel has been trained to work therapeutically with people who have a wide range of psychiatric conditions. Having lived with Type 1 diabetes for over 32 years, Daniel possesses first-hand experience regarding the challenges of this chronic condition. Today, Daniel practises diabetes-focussed psychotherapy, using evidenced based approaches to help people with diabetes to thrive. Daniel works with children, adolescents and adults who have diabetes (Type 1 and 2); he also works with families when needed. Sessions take place at his rooms in Cape Town, but he also offers online consults for those who live elsewhere. Daniel is also deeply passionate about the brain-body connection. Therefore, in addition to diabetes work, Daniel provides neuropsychological interventions for people with brain based disorders and for legal teams requiring medico-legal reports and testimony. He may be contacted via Between Us Clinic on Tel:  +1 (754) 220-2252; info@betweenusclinic.com    https://www.betweenusclinic.com/contact-us/         

Articles by Daniel Sher

  1. Sexual Dysfunction: Should You Be Upfront When Dating a New Partner - Advice from a Clinical Psychologist

    Listed in personal growth

    From premature ejaculation or a low sex drive to erectile problems or difficulty with reaching orgasm, sexual dysfunctions are experienced by men and women all around the world. Acc...

Book reviews by Daniel Sher

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