Articles: aromatherapy

Below are the articles associated with this topic. Click on a title to read one.

  1. Cooking with Organic Aromatherapy Essential Oils

    by Kolinka Zinovieff

    Although the use of essential oils in massage, steam inhalations, baths and beauty products is not new, the authors have taken the concept one step further by exploring the use of ...

  2. Diverse Clinical Applications of Essential Oils

    by Valerie Jenner

    The author, qualified in Aromatherapy and Massage, also teaches geography at a secondary school three days per week. She recently attended a seminar at Barbara Payne's College of A...

  3. Early Spring - Give Yourself The 'Gift' Of An Hour

    by Barbara Payne

    Barbara Payne, a PH Expert Regular Columnist, encourages us to take just an hour of our time and use it in the garden. At this time of the year, she tells us, you can catch a glimp...

  4. Enjoy Winter With Plants and Aromatherapy

    by Barbara Payne

    Evergreen plants, this time of the year, are wonderful for their colour and smell. Herbs such as rosemary, myrtle and bay make beautiful displays. Primula or brightly coloured poly...

  5. Essential Oil Recipes for Winter

    by Chad Pegura

    Winter is the perfect time to stay indoors and keep warm. It’s the time of year when a cozy home is the only place you want to be on a wild Saturday night. The days are short, the n...

  6. Essential Oils for Immunity – Fight the Bugs that Ail your Family with an Essential Oils Medicine Cabinet

    by Dr Eric Zielinski

    Before the pandemic, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimated that the average American spent 93% of their life indoors – roughly 87% inside buildings and 6% in automobil...

  7. Essential Oils from the Tibetan Shangri-La

    by Jolanta Basnyet

    My main purpose of this year's visit to India and Nepal was to re-discover and explore in greater depth the area of essential oils, the availability and quality of natural raw mate...

  8. Fennel, the Roman Candle of Autumn

    by Barbara Payne

    Fennel is a fernlike hardy perennial that grows well in UK gardens from early spring to late autumn.

  9. Full of the Joys of spring

    by Barbara Payne

    Barbara Payne discusses the value of Rosemary as one of the joys of spring. It makes one feel mentally and physically on top of the world. As an evergreen it remains unchanged thro...

  10. Gift Ideas

    by Barbara Payne

    Regular columnist Barbara Payne says that the days of November and December are ideal for making gifts from your garden and your stock of essential oils and herbs. She presents thr...

  11. Healing Unresolved Trauma Through Meta-Aromatherapy

    by Christine Westwood

    Meta-Aromatherapy as the name implies goes beyond the very beneficial use of the essential oils alone. It uses a number of therapies in combination which are particularly effective...

  12. High Summer - A Time to Recoup and Restore

    by Barbara Payne

    Although we all look forward to warm summer days, we can various problems associated with the summer season. Aromatherapist Barbara Payne outlines some useful coping strategies to ...

  13. Hydrolats for Therapeutic Use

    by Barbara Payne

    From time to time you may have seen a product which seems to bear a variety of names such as hydrolat, hydrosol, floral water, distillate, and aromatic water, to name but a few and...

  14. Hydrosols - Aqueous Distillate of Essential Oils

    by Suzanne Catty

    The author of this article is a fully qualified aromatherapy practitioner, educator, researcher and author who, through her Canadian company Acqua Vita imports organic, wild and au...

  15. Inflammation on the Brain: How to Calm Inflammation with Essential Oils

    by Jodi Cohen

    As you may know, inflammation is an immune response that is meant to be a short-term healing, protective measure. It triggers certain chemical reactions in your body that you may e...

  16. Integrated Natural Therapies Where we are to-day

    by Teddy Fearnhamm

    "Our most fervent desire as aromatherapists is to get aromatherapy recognised and used as a serious alternative to traditional medicine." Reading these words in a recently written ...

  17. Integrity of Essential Oils

    by Dr Akash Chopra and Julian Franklin

    One of the most frequently asked, and debated questions is: how do we know that the essential oil is 'pure'? One would think it is a simple process to establish whether an essentia...

  18. Lavender - Summer's Precious Jewel

    by Barbara Payne

    Lavender has been celebrated for thousands of years by various civilisations. There are different species and colours, all with a strong floral aroma, and it is easy to grow. Laven...

  19. Lazy Days of Summer

    by Barbara Payne

    This column focuses on the extra little things one can do to make life more enjoyable in summer, with flowers, herbs and gardens. The author suggests collecting seeds and wrappin...

  20. Memories of My Trip to Domaine de L'Ylang-Ylang

    by Teresa Lloyd

    This is the story of the author's first inspiring visit to Mauritius in January 2001 and first long-haul flight. It was there that she discovered a remote site called Domaine de L'...

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