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Spirulina: Health Discoveries from the Source of Life
by Robert Henrikson(more info)
listed in nutraceuticals, originally published in issue 32 - September 1998
Both Spirulina and Chlorella have been called superfoods because they contains the most remarkable concentration of nutrients known in any food, plant, grain or herb. These are the highest protein foods – over 60% digestible vegetable protein, with concentrated beta carotene, vitamin B-12, iron and trace minerals.

Earthrise Farms, the world’s largest spirulina farm in the sunny California desert
Health Benefits of Spirulina and Chlorella
We’re undergoing a health revolution. As more people take responsibility for their own health, the demand for natural foods, herbal medicines and nutraceuticals is growing dramatically. Among these are the ancient algae spirulina and chlorella.Algae represent over two-thirds of the Earth’s living biomass. They live everywhere on the Earth’s surface, and are essential for the life and balance of our biosphere. Macroalgae are usually called seaweed. Microalgae are microscopic – and there are thousands of kinds.
Spirulina is a microscopic algae in the shape of a perfect spiral coil.
This first photosynthetic life form, our immortal ancestor, was designed by nature 3.5 billion years ago. Blue-green microalgae like spirulina produced the oxygen in our atmosphere allowing all higher life forms to evolve.
One billion years later, photosynthetic cells evolved a nucleus.
Chlorella, a green microalgae is a spherical single cell algae with a cellulose wall protecting a cell nucleus. From this point on, all higher plants evolved.

Both Spirulina and Chlorella have been called superfoods because they contains the most remarkable concentration of nutrients known in any food, plant, grain or herb. These are the highest protein foods – over 60% digestible vegetable protein, with concentrated beta carotene, vitamin B-12, iron and trace minerals.
Chlorella has the highest level of cleansing chlorophyll and RNA and DNA nucleic acids. Spirulina contains the rare essential fatty acid GLA, the unique blue pigment phycocyanin (“algae-blue”) and polysaccharides in its cell walls. Spirulina has soft cell walls, easily digestible. Chlorella’s hard cell walls are cracked open during the drying process for digestibility.
Scientists are identifying whole foods and plants with special life enhancing compounds, called phytonutrients. They are the leading edge of the health revolution. Spirulina is loaded with unique phytonutrients like phycocyanin, polysaccharides and sulfolipids that enhance the immune system, possibly reducing risks of infection, cancer and auto immune disease. Chlorella and Spirulina are rich in natural carotenoid antioxidants that promote cellular health and reduce the risk of cancer, and cleansing chlorophyll which helps detoxify our bodies of ever present pollution.
Safety and Quality Advantages of Cultivated Microalgae
Both spirulina and chlorella are known to be safe and nutritious whole foods, consumed by millions of people over the past 20 years. Their safety is backed by hundreds of scientific studies. Spirulina is unique among blue-green algae because it has a long history of safe use. The Aztecs consumed spirulina in Mexico over five centuries ago. Indigenous people consume spirulina growing in African Lakes today. In fact, the United Nations and the World Health Organisation recommend spirulina as safe and nutritious for children.Both spirulina and chlorella are cultivated in pure cultures at specially designed algae farms. It’s important to realise the big advantage in growing a pure culture of safe microalgae in a controlled environment.
Many other kinds of algae grow wild and uncontrolled in lakes and waterways, such as the blue-green algae aphanizomenon and microcystis. They bloom on whatever nutrients or pollutants are available. Some algae, like microcystis, are toxic, just like some land plants and mushrooms. One problem harvesting wild algae like aphanizomenon, popularly called blue-green algae, is that it can be contaminated with toxic algae like microcystis.
There’s a wide range in microalgae quality, because it can come from many countries. Customers should check the label – does it say exactly where it’s grown? Is the cultivation controlled for a pure culture? With the growing concern about contaminated algae harvested from lakes, the source is important.
Ecological Cultivation and Quality Assurance: Growing Spirulina in California
Ecological farming means no pesticides or herbicides are ever used. Grown in accordance with the guidelines set by the California Organic Foods Act of 1990, spirulina is certified organic. Spirulina grows in over 30 ponds, each larger than a football field. Long paddlewheels mix the pond water for optimum growth. Harvest occurs daily during the growing season, April through November. Spirulina rich water is pumped to the sealed harvest building for a quick 15 minute journey through the stainless steel harvest and drying system. Dehydration takes only a few seconds, preserving heat sensitive pigments and phytonutrients with no preservatives, no additives and no irradiation.Spirulina powder is cold pressed directly into tablets and sealed into bottles at the bottling plant. Each day farm scientists conduct over 40 quality control tests on each lot – from the ponds to the packaged guaranteeing quality, purity and potency from the living ponds to the customer.
Spirulina offers more nutrition per acre than any other food. Spirulina delivers 20 times more protein per acre than soybeans, 200 times more than beef. By growing more spirulina, we can help stop cutting the last original forests to grow food. By bringing it into our personal lives, we become part of the solution to improve the health of our planet.
Health Discoveries of Spirulina from Published Scientific Research
For the past 20 years, people around the world have reported amazing stories about their results from spirulina chlorella. They’ve experienced increased energy and alertness, reduced weight, enhanced cleansing and fasting, and increased resistance to disease. Great for people of all ages, including children. Older people find it easy to digest. Athletes find it provides energy and endurance and speeds recovery. There are many remarkable recoveries from life-threatening illness.Unlike other products that offer glowing testimonials, there is actually substantial published scientific research on both Spirulina and Chlorella.
In particular for spirulina, an international detective hunt has been underway for over 20 years. Scientists around the world – in Japan, China, India, Europe, Russia and the USA – are discovering how and why spirulina is so effective for human and animal health. Hundreds of published scientific studies reveal how spirulina and its unique phytonutrients boost the immune system and improve health. No other algae has been the subject of such intense research.
Scientific theory explains the prime directive of our body’s metabolism is to support our immune system. When our immune system is stressed or suffering, it draws on our body’s metabolic energy. People with immune system imbalance often feel chronic fatigue and low energy.
Both scientific research and the experience of thousands of people indicate spirulina is an immune regulating food. Small amounts can help balance and stabilise the immune system, freeing up more of our metabolic energy for vitality, healing and assimilation of nutrients. It enhances the body’s cellular communication process and its ability to read and repair DNA, like a kind of cellular “tune up”. This is why people taking spirulina often report they have more energy.
Scientific discoveries show how spirulina benefits five of the most important health issues today:
1. Strengthening the immune system.
2. Supporting cardiovascular health and lowering cholesterol.
3. Improving gastrointestinal and digestive health.
4. Enhancing natural cleansing and detoxification.
5. Reducing cancer risks with better antioxidant protection.
How spirulina strengthens the immune system
Over the years many people have reported that they have fewer colds and flu, or if they get a cold, they escape more chronic symptoms. They say wounds heal faster and they recover more quickly from illness. They have more energy.Spirulina is a powerful tonic for the immune system
Published studies from all over the world feeding mice, hamsters, chickens, turkeys, cats, fish and even humans, confirm spirulina improves immune system function. Medical scientists discovered it not only stimulates the immune system, it actually enhances the body’s ability to generate new blood cells. Important parts of the immune system, bone marrow stem cells, macrophages, T-cells and natural killer cells, spleen and thymus glands – all show enhanced activity. Scientists observe it causes macrophages to increase in number, become activated and more effective killing germs.[1,2,3,4,5] Because spirulina increases disease resistance in animals, even in very small doses, the animal feed industry is studying its use as a new probiotic to help replace overused antibiotic drugs in animal feeds.Scientists in Japan have published new studies showing a purified extract unique to spirulina inhibits replication of HIV-1, Herpes, Influenza, Mumps and Measles virus in-vitro yet is very safe for human cells.[6,7]
The phytonutrients responsible for strengthening the immune system are beta carotene, phycocyanin and polysaccharides. Of course, scientists are confirming what people have been experiencing all along.
How Spirulina enhances cardiovascular health and helps lower cholesterol
Many people are taking dietary supplements to support a healthy heart and lower cholesterol. Scientists have been confirming this too. Animal nutrition studies in Mexico, Argentina, Japan and India found the same cholesterol lowering benefits and an improvement in heart artery function for lower blood pressure.[8,9,10,11]Published scientific studies with men in Japan and India showed several grams of spirulina daily can lower cholesterol.[12,13] These studies suggest spirulina will reduce serum LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins – the bad cholesterol) and raise HDL (High Density Lipoproteins – the good guys).
Human studies in Germany and India found a weight reduction effect along with cholesterol reduction.[14] All these studies indicate spirulina is a useful supplement for cardiovascular health and for lowering cholesterol.
How Spirulina improves gastrointestinal and digestive health
When people take spirulina they often notice immediate change in regularity and elimination. Research confirms it does promote digestion and bowel function. It suppresses bad bacteria like e-coli and Candida yeast and stimulates beneficial flora like lactobacillus and bifidobacteria.[15,16] Healthy flora is the foundation of good health and it increases absorption of nutrients from the foods we eat, and helps protect against infection.[17]In a village clinic in Togo, West Africa, Earthrise Farms provided a tablespoon a day to undernourished children. Their mothers praised this “green medicine” for bringing rapid recovery and weight gain.
Other studies with malnourished children in Mexico, India, Romania, Rwanda and Zaire, have shown easily digested spirulina is beneficial when intestines no longer absorb food effectively.[18,19,20]
It’s a great food for malnourished people precisely because it helps rebuild healthy intestinal flora, which are essential for the utilisation of more complex foods. Because in AIDS patients, nutrient malabsorption associated with opportunistic infections can initiate full blown AIDS, we’ve been donating spirulina to health clinics for HIV positive people.
How Spirulina enhances natural cleansing and detoxification
When spirulina was first introduced 20 years ago, people quickly discovered it accelerated detoxification during fasting and cleansing.Later, in Japan, researchers found spirulina significantly reduced kidney toxicity caused by the heavy metal mercury and three pharmaceutical drugs.[21,22] This suggested it’s beneficial for humans suffering from heavy metal poisoning. Other researchers found rats consuming spirulina or chlorella algae eliminated 7 times the dangerous chemical dioxin compared to a control diet.[23]
In 1994, a Russian Patent was awarded for spirulina as a medical food to reduce allergic reactions from radiation sickness. 270 Children of Chernobyl consuming 5 grams a day for 45 days, lowered radionucleides by 50%, and normalised allergic sensitivities.[24]
Today we are subject to an onslaught of toxic chemicals in our air, water, food and drugs. Our bodies need to continually eliminate these accumulated toxins. Spirulina has a completely unique combination of phytonutrients – including chlorophyll, phycocyanin and polysaccharides, that can help cleanse our bodies.
How Spirulina increases antioxidant protection and reduces cancer risks
Free radical molecules damage our body’s cells. They are caused by pollution, poor diet, stress and injury. Antioxidant nutrients fight these dangerous oxidising free radicals. They also stimulate our immune system to guard against cancer and other diseases and even slow the aging process.Major antioxidant vitamins are beta carotene (provitamin A) C, and E.
Antioxidant minerals selenium, manganese, zinc, copper, iron and chromium form our bodies antioxidant enzymes. Spirulina contains all these nutrients, and exceptionally high levels of beta carotene and iron, and zinc in super spirulina.
Research shows spirulina helps protect Vitamin C from potency loss. In the past 20 years, many studies have shown natural beta carotene from fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of many cancers. Spirulina’s beta carotene has been widely studied in India with thousands of people. Just one gram a day for a year given to 5000 preschool children, significantly reduced the incidence of eye disease.[25] One gram a day caused total regression of mouth cancer lesions in 44% of male tobacco chewers.[26] This reinforced an earlier Harvard study that showed a spirulina extract used topically, reversed oral cancer tumours in hamsters.[27] Chinese scientists found the unique polysaccharides also have antioxidant properties.[28] No doubt, spirulina is one of the most powerful antioxidant whole foods.
The scientific research identifies a rainbow of health enhancing phytonutrients
Spirulina’s dark colour comes from this rainbow of natural pigments. They harvest sunlight at different wavelengths and protect from too much sun.These pigments offer unusual health benefits and help synthesise many enzymes necessary for regulating body metabolism. They are chlorophyll (green), carotenoids (yellow and orange) and phycocyanin (blue), the dominant colour.
Spirulina is the richest beta carotene food, with a full spectrum of ten mixed carotenoids. About half are orange carotenes: alpha, beta and gamma and half are yellow xanthophylls. They work synergistically at different sites in our body to enhance antioxidant protection. Twenty years of research proves eating beta carotene rich fruits and vegetables gives anti-cancer protection. Synthetic beta carotene has not always shown these benefits. Research in Israel showed natural beta carotene from algae was far more effective.Chlorophyll
Spirulina has one of nature’s highest levels – about 1%. Chlorophyll is known for cleansing and detoxifying. It’s sometimes called “green blood” because it looks like the blood haemoglobin molecule. Blood has iron at its core, giving it a red colour, and chlorophyll has magnesium, making it green. Spirulina’s beneficial effect on anaemia could be due to this similarity combined with its high bioavailable iron.Phycocyanin
This protein complex is about 14% of spirulina. Phycocyanin means “algae-blue”, and is found only in blue-green algae. It evolved a billion years before chlorophyll. It may be the precursor to chlorophyll and haemoglobin, because it has both magnesium and iron at its core. Phycocyanin may be the origin of life common to both plants and animals. Research shows it stimulates the immune system, builds both red and white blood cells and assists detoxification.Polysaccharides
Spirulina contains about 20% carbohydrates and sugars, making up its soft cell walls. The primary forms are rhamnose and glycogen, two polysaccharides easily absorbed by the body. Scientists in Russia China, Japan and the USA found spirulina and its polysaccharide extract supercharged the immune system against viruses and germs. It acts much like a broad spectrum vaccine against invading bacteria. Based on studies with hamsters and fish, rabbits and rats, chickens and cats, as little as 3 grams a day may be effective for humans.Sulfolipids
The National Cancer Institute found sulfolipids in blue-green algae were “remarkably active” against the AIDS virus in vitro. Spirulina contains 5-8% lipids, and 40% of these are glycolipids and sulfolipids. These compounds seem to prevent viruses from either attaching to or penetrating cells, preventing viral infection. Meanwhile, the virus can be eliminated by the body’s defences. Exciting new research in Japan and the USA has confirmed spirulina extracts in vitro can inhibit replication of the HIV virus.Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA)
We need a dietary source of essential fatty acids. One is gamma-linolenic acid – a precursor to the body’s prostaglandins – master hormones that control many functions. But poor diet, saturated fats and alcohol can cause GLA deficiency leading to conditions like heart disease and premenstrual stress. Known GLA foods are mothers milk and oil extracts of evening primrose, black currant and borage seeds. Spirulina is a potent source, an astonishing 1% by weight! Eight spirulina tablets contain equivalent GLA to a capsule of primrose oil. Many women appreciate spirulina’s benefits for PMS and for healthy, beautiful skin.Benefits of eating a little algae every day: good for you and our planet
This scientific evidence is just the tip of a large body of international research. We will continue to uncover its health benefits because spirulina is a safe natural food with huge global potential.Spirulina can help restore our lives. It’s the next best thing to eating sunlight! Eat algae and bring light into your own cells. Take a few tablets a day and embark on a new path. Eat less and get more from nutrient dense food. Consume less and live lighter on the Earth. Magnified by millions of people, life begins to change. This is a magnificent legacy for our next generations.
However, simply eating wild algae won’t transform our planet. There are only a few lakes in the world where wild algae can be harvested safely for food. But cultivating algae will make a difference. Algae harvests sunlight, transforming light to living matter more efficiently. By growing algae, less of our planet’s fertile surface is needed to convert sunlight into food. We can help stop cutting the last forests to grow food. By using spirulina for our personal health, we become part of the solution to improve our planetary health.
Scientific References:
1. Qureshi M. A., DVM, Ph. D., Kidd M.T., Ph.D., and Ali R.A., M.S., Journal of Nutritional Immunology, No. 3 (4) 1995, pages 35-45, “Spirulina platensis Extracts Enhances Chicken Macrophage Functions After in vitro Exposure”. Qureshi M.A., J.D. Garlich, and M.T. Kidd. “Dietary Spirulina Platensis enhances humoral and cell mediated immune functions in Chickens.”2. Duncan P.L. and Klesius P.H., Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 8: 308-313, 1996 “Effects of Feeding Spirulina on Specific and Nonspecific Immune Responses of Channel Catfish.”
3. Zhang C. et al, Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Algal Biotechnology, April 25-27, p.58, 1994 . “The Effects of Polysaccharide and Phycocyanin from Spirulina platensis variety on Peripheral blood and Haematopoietic system of Bone Marrow in Mice.”
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23. Morita, K et al. Eisei Kagaku. 1990, 36:5. Effect of Chlorella, Spirulina and Chlorophyllin on Fecal Excretion of Polyclorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins in rats.
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26. Mathew et al. Nutrition and Cancer 24, 197-202, 1995 “Evaluation of Chemoprevention of Oral Cancer With Spirulina fusiformis.”
27. Joel Schwartz, Gerald Shklar, Susan Reid, and Diane Trickler, Nutrition and Cancer 11, 127-134, 1988 “Prevention of Experimental Oral Cancer by Extracts of Spirulina-Dunaliella Algae.”
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Spirulina: Extra Questions and Answers How much should people take and when should they take it? Is spirulina recommended for pregnant mothers, infants and children? What are the benefits for an ageing population? What will spirulina do for athletes? Can a person lose weight taking spirulina? How about fasting? Can a person live on spirulina alone? Is spirulina good for pets and other animals? |
A vary educative article i thought you will deal more on the use of spirulina and chlorella on catfishes especially Clarias gariepinus.
by the way what is the best form to consume them (powder tablets or liquid)and where do i get the best(purest culture )in Malaysia?
Is Edmark Malaysia liquid Spina liquid chlorophyl pure spirulina? thanks
Bea Pollard said..
Is it safe to take Spirulina is you have severe IBS?