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Vibration-Oscillation Diagnosing and Healing Therapy
by Elena Evtimova PhD and Jon Whale PhD(more info)
listed in energy medicine, originally published in issue 167 - February 2010
Nikola Tesla
During the last several decades the achievements of physics completely have confirmed the ancient hermetic maxima that all things existing in nature are vibrations of different types. According to the latest development of quantum physics, all particles may be represented as vibrating with certain frequencies of converging in- and diverging out-going spherical resonant waves.[1, 2] Atoms and molecules are considered by quantum mechanics as patterns of vibrations governed by the wave equations. Although these particles may be unified in a living organism by means of vital forces, they are otherwise identical in their characteristics with all the other particles in the Universe. By means of these spherical resonant waves, each two particles with identical frequencies are in constant energy-information exchange.

It is now discovered through different types of scientific investigations and measurements that in healthy condition any human being has vibration-oscillation frequencies that are of specific range. Some of these frequency technologies are medically accepted, while others are still desired to be included in medical practice for more accurate diagnosis of disease. One of these methodologies is the computerized measurements of human aura using the phenomenon of Gas Discharge Visualization,[3] an improved version of Kirlian photography. Some others are resonant field imagining and infrared scanning.
Infrared Scanning
Here we shall focus our attention on the use and application of the Infrared differential readings of the human aura. The temperatures of the human body vary around 36.6°C. At this temperature it is known from physics that the maximum of intensity distribution of emitted waves is in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum. In fact, the emissions of the body which are of concern for diagnostic purposes are within a narrow band of infrared microwave frequencies at wavelengths of (8 – 14) µm. Very sophisticated electronic apparatus is required to detect human frequency emissions. The Infrared Differential Bioscanner [5] (Fig.1) is a device especially designed by J Whale[6] for differential diagnosis of temperatures on different areas of the human body. To avoid problematic variations in temperature between individuals, a reference reading is taken from a healthy part of the patient's body. It is automatically electronically compared to the reading of the unhealthy part. This provides a very accurate differential reading suitable for diagnosis.

hand-held scanner (right). The meter consol is equipped with 'sensitivity'
and 'function' control knobs. www.whalemedical.com/hw1.html
The benefit of this type of diagnostic is that there is no intrusive contact with patients. Only the microwave frequencies emitted by their bodies are recorded and analyzed. It is important to note that the Infrared Bioscanner has a very fast sampling response time (typically a quarter of a second) and it easily detects and records temperature differences of 0.05°C.
Assemblage Point, Central Assemblage Energy Channel and Health Conditions
As we have pointed out, there are many ways to establish the existence of the human energy field (aura) – GDV, resonant field imagining, infrared scanning. The long investigations and medical practice of one of us (Jon Whale [4 – 6]) has proved that the human aura has an epicentre (vortex) of crucial importance for personal health and wellbeing. This epicentre is known as the human Assemblage Point (Fig.2a).[4]

Lately, the other author of the recent report (E Evtimova [7]) raised the hypotheses that the AP vortex is of toroidal form which is crucial for its stability and perpetual rotational motion, thus gathering/emitting the bundle of energy fibres of perception (Toltec teachings.[8]) The important fact is that the healthy position of the Assemblage Point (AP) lies on the Central Assemblage Energy Channel [7, 9] (CAEC) at the place near to what is known as the root of the fourth human chakra. The CAEC is a vertical pillar in the center of the human body with bidirectional energy streams: the 'earth' energy runs up while the 'cosmic' energy runs parallel and down, both curling to form the toroid layers of the human aura.[7, 9] It is necessary especially to note that the CAEC does not coincide with the sushumna channel! The experience of E Evtimova and her training in the School of Further Energy-Informational Development [10] shows that via the CAEC flows the energy known as vital power in many secret teachings.
Through the AP passes a horizontal energy perception bundle which is of prime importance for our awareness and conscious realization of the surrounding world. Thus these two energy-information flows mix at the center of the human chest. There, the two streams of energies resonating at a certain range of frequencies, curl in two (a vertical and a horizontal) toroids to set up the whole human energy field or human energy cocoon (aura) – Fig. 2b.

Perception Bundle and Assemblage Point at their cross point, generating the
Human Energy Fields – Aura. Human Energy Field is a bio-resonant interference system
of quantum energy-information toroidal layers wound up around the vertical Central
Assemblage Energy Channel and horizontal perception energy bundle. http://humanenergyfields.hit.bg/
Since these two energy flows (vital and perceptive power) cross at the place where the AP is, it is clear that the position and the entry/exit angle of the Assemblage Point bundle are of crucial importance for the way we behave and how we feel in our daily life.[4 – 6] The key fact for the human being is that these energy flows are organized and function at our subconscious level. Nature, our designer, has assured their work independently from our limited conscious thinking, thus sustaining our existence for her purposes.
Commonplace Causes of AP Misalignment and Electro-Chemical Imbalance
There are many commonplace impacting situations that can shift the AP location and entry/exit angle of the perception energy bundle to a detrimental position. Any type of traumatic incident can trigger or cause violation of the victim's electro-chemical balance and emotional equilibrium.[5, 6] Here are a few examples: Serious accident, bereavement, disease, fever, tragedy, violent intimidation, kidnapping, abduction, enslavement, drug overdose and robbery.
These circumstances can exert a profound biological impact, and many people can and do undergo a serious or seemingly permanent change of their mood or personality. They may also develop physical symptoms and illness. This may eventually lead to more serious disease. Any of the incidents above cause an involuntary shift of a person's Assemblage Point from the healthy optimum location at the centre of the chest as proved by the practice of J. Whale.[6] Figure 2b illustrates different AP epicentre locations for various conditions and symptoms.

itself to a new detrimental (or beneficial) location.

and `exit' angle that normally is accompanied by or caused by a change of mood.
Through the AP passes a horizontal energy perception bundle which is of prime importance for our awareness and conscious realization of the surrounding world. Thus these two energy-information flows mixes at the center of the human chest. There, the two streams of energies resonating at a certain range of frequencies, curl in two (a vertical and a horizontal) toroids to set up the whole human energy field or human energy cocoon (aura) – Fig. 2b. (also see Fig. 2d, 2e & 2f)
Space Wave Resonance Explanation of Positive Health Outcome of Electronic Gem Therapy Application
Each human organ consists of cells with a definite molecular structure. When they are healthy; the electrons are in their normal orbital states. If, for some reason, our tissues are not in their normal energy and information states, we become ill. This is due to distorting the normal energy-information levels of internal and external human quantum energy fields and interactions. Often this leads to unbalanced energy flows via our energy channels. Usually the main channel that is affected is the perception energy bundle passing through the AP, since we humans are creatures of perception. In many cases the level of impact is so severe that it results in shifting the AP from its position at the centre of the chest and outside of the energy flow of the CAEC. Then the electro-chemical balance of the whole organism is violated, and recovering becomes quite a complicated process, sometimes impossible with conventional medicine (e.g. multiple sclerosis).
Infrared Imagers and Infrared Differential Bioscanners [4 – 6] (Fig.1) can assist in establishing biological energy levels. These instruments are calibrated in degrees Celsius. Readings greater than perhaps +1.5°C may indicate localized hypermetabolism, vasodilation, infection or perhaps vascularization and cancer.[5, 6] Whereas, low differential readings of greater than –1.5°C can indicate local vasoconstriction, capillary constriction, hypothermia, hypometabolism, limb paralysis, neuropathy, nerve damage, post injury or infection trauma, oedema, low blood pressure or thrombosis.[5, 6]
The energy deviations of tissue, organs and glands, as well as AP deflections from their normal states, can be returned to optimum by the application of certain correcting vibrations of electronic gem therapy.[5, 6] These are vibrations of visual light and depending on the necessary treatment; specific frequencies that activate the electrons in the crystal lattices of gems placed inside the lamps, amplify and transmit healing waves directly into the tissue, organs and glands. An application of prime importance of electronic gem therapy is to return the AP to its proper central location – Fig. 3a.

The lamps contain a mixture of carnelians and diamonds used for the hypotension spectrum.
Emerald and Sapphire are used for the hypertension spectrum. www.whalemedical.com/PH.html

According to the latest quantum theories of the electron[1, 2] each electron consists of in- and out- going standing spherical scalar waves, combined in such a way that they form a particle-like object. These scalar waves represent space spherical wave oscillators. By means of them, all the electrons in the Universe accomplish energy-information interconnectedness and exchange with each other, so that the total sum of their amplitudes reaches the minimum value. The interaction between two electrons with different centres is carried out by the space resonance of their spherical waves. If the energies of any of our tissues and organs are heightened, lowered or depleted then their electron states are out of balance. Hence they need reintegration to the normal states through the application of the minimum amplitude principle.[11]
Usually in nature, energy is exchanged when two resonances (oscillators) interact with each other. For all oscillator pairs, significant coupling occurs if both have the same or very close resonant frequency. Thus, if one of the oscillators changes its frequency upward, the other changes its frequency downward, i.e. the frequency (= energy) changes are equal and opposite. Hence the vibrating-oscillating with the needed frequency and amplitude electrons of the gem crystals in the lamps of the Electronic Gem Therapy Apparatus can properly correct the gone out-of-balance energy levels of the electrons in human cells and return them on their proper states. In this way, the space wave resonance and minimum amplitude principle supplies us with an elegant explanation for the application of electronic vibration-oscillation technology to treat the unhealthy condition in any tissue or organ using lamp transducers containing gems. In Fig. 3a two lamps are shown filled with suitable types of gems targeted at the proper AP location of a person. Creating a space wave resonance field at that area by the emissions of crystals attracts the AP from its shifted position to return to its beneficial location for the human being exposed to the action of electronic gem therapy.
The quantum state of any tissue, even simply taken as a chemical compound, depends on the states or levels of the electrons on the orbitals of the molecules in the cells. In the case of disease in general, it may be said that some of these electrons are not on their proper places, and so they have gone out of phase with their normal vibration-oscillatory states. Properly modulated vibrations of the electrons in the gem crystal lattices targeted by the light emission of special lamps to any area of the human body, via the phenomenon of electron space resonance, awaken the corresponding electrons in our tissues to return into energy-information states of a healthy and balanced condition.
Of prime importance is the fact that spherical scalar space resonance waves of the vibrations of gems and the area where the stationary AP should be, act like a resonating zones to attract the AP there, when it has been deflected from that position. The practice of J Whale and other medical therapists has revealed that such unhealthy conditions as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Hypertension, Trauma, Migraines, Nervous Disorders (even Schizophrenia), Skin Diseases, Viral and Bacterial Infections, Asthma and Allergies often are due to the AP shifts at specific locations. Many clinics employ the Infrared Bioscanner for diagnosing and Electronic Gem Therapy for treatment. Many people that decided to use this type of therapy have discovered that it leads back to health and wellbeing.
By this paper we give only a major description of applications of electronic gem vibration-oscillation therapy for human health. More details of it may be found on the cited pages of J Whale and his books. For more information for the toroidal structure of the AP and human energy fields please visit the site of E. Evtimova.[9]
[1] Wolff M., http://www.quantummatter.com/
[2] LaFreniere G., http://www.glafreniere.com/sa_spherical.htm
[3] Korotkov K., http://www.korotkov.org/
[4] Whale J., http://www.whalemedical.com/
[5] Whale J., The Catalyst of Power – The Assemblage Point of Man, ISBN 1-873483-21-X
[6] Whale J., Naked Spirit, ISBN 1-873483-06-6
[7] Evtimova E., Proceedings of Measuring Energy Fields, International Scientific Conference, Kamnik, Tunjice, 13-14 Oct. 2007, Editor Igor Kononenko, pp 48–51.
[8] Mares T., Return of the Warriors, http://www.lionheartpublishing.com/extracts/row.pdf
[9] Evtimova E., http://humanenergyfields.hit.bg/
[10] D. Verishtagin, Liberation – First Stage, http://www.deir.org (in Russian)
[11] M. Wolff, http://www.quantummatter.com/articles/the_origin_of_instantaneous.html
Remark: It is important to note that the notion of vibration is associated with the amplitude, while the notion of oscillation is connected with the frequency of the wave-particles (e.g. electron).
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