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Core Energy - Case Studies
listed in energy medicine, originally published in issue 16 - December 1996
Case Study 1
Ms Linda H 22 Years Old. Gloucestershire. 22 December 1995. This young lady developed asthma some years back, while working as a life guard attendant at an indoor swimming baths. As a result she changed her job. Linda returned to the pool for a swimming training session. She was preparing for an interview with sub aqua club. The following day she developed a severe asthma attack. She was going to a Christmas party that evening and became increasingly breathless with panic symptoms.
Ms Linda H receiving stimulating orange rays.
Her respiration was short and fast with a high heart rate. Her Assemblage Point was in a high location on her right side. Due to her distressing condition, it was not appropriate to correct her alignment by shifting her Assemblage Point. Her symptoms were treated with Electronic Gem Therapy, using an orange filter with carnelian's and diamonds.
The stimulating orange rays were directed on each side of her upper back in order to energise her lungs. She was treated for 20 minutes in all. After 5 minutes of treatment, she was breathing normally. Afterwards, her Assemblage Point location was checked to discover that it had returned to a normal location. She told us that she thought she had developed an allergy to chlorine and household bleach. Photo 5 illustrates the treatment for Asthma, using orange filters, 40 carats of carnelian, 4 carats of diamond, pulsed at 16 HZ, 12 volt.
Case Study 2
Ms Joyce L Preston. 3 September 1996. Some 3 years before, this charming and kind lady underwent hip replacement surgery to her right hip.. At that time, her spinal nerve was injured by the epidural injection. This resulted in impaired mobility of her left leg and foot, together with a cold and numb sensation. She was reporting a foot infection, with lack of pain or any other sensation. Her foot was cold to the touch.
Her GP had been treating her infection with antibiotics for 9 month without improvement. Joyce had developed digestion and gastric problems due to the antibiotics. She was obviously debilitated and depressed, although she retained her sense of humour. She was told, antibiotics or not, the circulation in her foot had to be stimulated for the infection to clear up. Without blood flow neither the body's defence mechanisms, nor the antibiotics would reach the infected tissue. The low position of her assemblage Point reflected her general low state of health.
It was inappropriate to shift Joyce's Assemblage Point. She was given 'Samadhi Therapy' using violet lamps and blue sapphire to each side of her head. The Gems were pulsed at Theta brain-wave frequency to induce a deep state of relaxation. While this was going on, her foot was energised with rubies and diamond to increase the heat and circulation.
Finally, her thymus gland (immune defence system) was energised with a mixture of gems, at a stimulating frequency. At this point her face flushed with colour and she became very talkative. Afterwards, her Assemblage Point was checked, it had moved 8 centimetres upwards, just slightly to the right of the central position.
Case Study 3
Ms J.S. 25 years old. Mother. London. November 1993. This pretty, intelligent and sensitive young lady was seven months pregnant. For a number of years previously, she had been taking numerous prescribed and illegal drugs. They were mainly strong central nervous system depressants. At times she would also take illegal stimulants. On top of this she had a problem with alcohol. She had been hospitalised several times, suffering from drug psychosis. J.S. had managed to reduce her intake of drugs and drink over the months of her pregnancy. However, this did nothing to improve the way she felt inside herself.
J.S. had been persuaded to attend a local self help support group, meeting to talk and share their experiences. There were a number of persons present with diagnosed psychological health problems. At this meeting, her Assemblage point was centralised and raised from a low position beneath her right breast. Two weeks later, at the next meeting, she told the group that now, she felt in control of her life again. She said that she had more physical energy and was able to get on with things that previously were too much effort. She said that the effects of her shift where very pronounced for the first 5 days. Her assemblage Point had slipped to the right and down a little since the previous correction. This was put right again. Today, two years later, both J.S. and her baby boy are healthy and happy.
Case Study 4
Mr David R. Holland. 63 years old. Company Director and psychologist. Winter 1987. This very intelligent and kind man was under medication for sleeping problems and severe stress. The emergency services were called to home in the early hours of the morning. His apartment was flooded and David was discovered unconscious in a cold bath with the taps running. He was taken to hospital and released the following evening. He telephoned in a distraught state, staying that something was very wrong with him, but he didn't know what it was.
Arriving in Holland the following day, his Assemblage Point was located only 9 centimetres above his navel. He had very little physical or mental energy. His other symptoms were intense burning and discomfort in his bladder. He would have to visit the bathroom every few minutes. His respiration was very laboured.
His Assemblage Point was shifted vertically upwards and across slightly to the right side. The lower abdomen area was treated with emeralds at 8.3 HZ using a small portable Gem Therapy Instrument. Both treatments were completely successful, he was back at his desk the following day.
Many readers of part 1 of this series have requested information concerning the correct gem to use for their symptoms. Below is a short list of common ailments and the gems employed to treat them.
Ruby |
Red |
Energy Output and Properties
Heating, drying, energising, expanding |
Acne = Citrine/Topaz |
Gastritis = Emerald |
This article was the second of a three part series to appear in Positive Health magazine. This was taken from issue 16. The final part of this series appeared in issue 17.
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