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Case Study Issue 83: Energy Field Therapy for ME

by Vincent MacNally(more info)

listed in case studies, originally published in issue 83 - December 2002


'Gemma', a lady in her early 40s who was diagnosed as incurably ill with ME 14 years ago, recently began receiving Energy Field Therapy (EFT) after reading about this form of healing in the February edition (Issue 73) of Positive Health.

A Brief Review of Energy Field Therapy

EFT greatly accelerates the process of healing by facilitating the release of our emotional pain, which is stored in the electromagnetic field that surrounds our bodies. The vast majority of all illnesses, whether they be predominantly physical, emotional or psychological in nature, result from the distortion of our energy fields by the persisting effects of distressing past experiences. In this way, events that happened 10, 20 or 30 years ago can still be 'alive' and impacting our health in this moment.

Because the strength and structure of our energy fields are of paramount importance in determining the quality of our health at all levels, from the cellular, through the emotional and mental to the spiritual, restoring its integrity will initiate profound transformations in our lives, often in a remarkably short period of time.

Gemma's History

When I initially spoke to Gemma she had been told that she was 'incurably' ill. She was understandably very despondent about the poor state of her health and had lost hope that any form of healing could provide the catalyst to transform her life in the direction that she yearned for.

Gemma's long history of ill-health began in her early years when she suffered many of the typical childhood illnesses. She managed to recover from these, but from the age of approximately nine years onwards her health took a significant turn for the worse. She developed agoraphobia and although she was able to move out of the intense fear that this condition brought her and leave the house, she would suffer nausea, anxiety and panic attacks at the thought of going to school. Her situation was so bad that she was prescribed Valium for seven years – from the time she was 15 years-old until she was 22 years-old. This had to be augmented with Stemetil during the last two years to control bouts of dizziness. Fortunately, at the end of this period, Gemma was able to wean herself off both these drugs.

Running concurrently through this period and continuing until the present day, Gemma has felt an over-riding sadness, which has profoundly affected her life. She describes the many losses of family, friends and beloved pets as 'purgatory'. The pace of her life became slower and slower over the years so that by the time she came for EFT she was physically and emotionally exhausted. With so little energy at her disposal Gemma was resigned to sleeping most of the day and was unable to perform even the simplest of household tasks. Her weight had gradually dwindled to 5 stone 10 lbs and no matter how hard she tried she could not put any weight on. Gemma's greatest wish was to contribute to the world and to feel fully active in it.

Gemma's Progress

It is my belief that people come for EFT when they have made an inner commitment to change their lives and face what needs to emerge from within to make this possible. Although Gemma was very depleted, I could sense that something inside her desperately wanted to reclaim the power she had to shape her life the way she wished. It is this impulse that is healing her, the EFT is simply nourishing this, albeit in a very powerful manner.

During each course of EFT, Gemma has released an extraordinary amount of congested energy from many locations within her body and her energy field. This has enabled profound physical and emotional healing to occur, together with the emergence of a great deal of insight into the forces that have shaped her life up till now, and how their patterns can be dissolved.

Gemma has recently had her third course of therapy and in the 16 weeks since the start of her treatment has made tremendous progress:

From the very first day her hands stopped shaking and this has not returned;

Her appetite has improved enormously and she has now put on 14 lbs and weighs 6st 10lb – which is more than she has weighed for many years;

She has a great deal more energy and has been able to attend family functions for the first time in years, go on shopping trips, perform household duties which were beyond her a short time ago and get up promptly in the mornings rather than sleeping for most of the day;

The circulation in Gemma's hands have improved so that they are pink and warm instead of cold and pale;

Her fingernails and hair have started to grow and her hair has even started to change colour, turning darker again instead of being grey;

Her monthly nosebleeds have stopped;

She has begun to salivate (for the first time in seven years);

Emotionally she feels much more enthusiastic about the future and the possibilities for herself and she is able to think more clearly, quickly and with much greater concentration than before;

She feels much more 'present' with the world seeming sharper, brighter and more alive;

She is writing again with ease (Gemma couldn't hold a pen before) and has started sewing again (for the first time in six years).

To quote Gemma: "I've never felt like this in the whole of my life – it has given me my life back".

People who have not seen Gemma for a short while are astounded at the way she has changed. She is consistently receiving remarks about how well she looks, how bright her eyes are and how different she seems.

It has not all been plain sailing however! The physical and emotional turbulence that has arisen for Gemma as trapped feelings have left her body has been difficult and unpleasant to experience. In its wake however, is a level of health that only a short time ago she would have deemed impossible.

I hope to keep you informed of Gemma's progress.


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About Vincent MacNally

Vincent MacNally qualified as a veterinary surgeon in 1983 and for the first ten years of his professional career practised solely conventional veterinary medicine and surgery. In the early 1990s, dissatisfied with the limits of this approach to healing his patients and spurred on to find both solutions to and an understanding of his own physical and emotional problems, he began to explore alternative approaches. Over the next nine years he developed a specialist referral and second opinion service in holistic medicines for animals, whilst at the same time researching many different avenues for his own healing. This led to his completion of three degrees of Reiki between 1995 and 1997, to qualify in Veterinary Homeopathy (VetMFHom) in 1998 and to become a certified Matrix Field Therapist in 1999.

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