About Anna-May Silvestro and assisted by John Hesselworth

Anna-May Silvestro is a practitioner of traditional acupuncture, living and working in Leamington Spa and can be contacted on 01926 883391
John Hesselworth has worked in several drug and alcohol agencies in London. He is experienced in person-centred/motivational counselling and auricular acupuncture.

Articles by Anna-May Silvestro and assisted by John Hesselworth

  1. Traditional Acupuncture: Embodying the Emotions

    Listed in acupuncture

    We were discussing the treatment of a person diagnosed as having a manic depressive illness. -Doctor- L remarked. -I did not know that acupuncture was useful for mental health probl...

Book reviews by Anna-May Silvestro and assisted by John Hesselworth

  1. No reviews available

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