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Knowing Health

by Dr Patrick Quanten(more info)

listed in evidence, originally published in issue 294 - May 2024


Knowledge and technology are two very different things. Knowledge is defined as awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation. Knowledge is the result of experience, which already means that one person’s knowledge is not necessarily the same as another person’s. Technology, however, is defined as the application of scientific knowledge to the change and manipulation of the human environment. Technology is the application of knowledge. This means that changing from an analogue application to a digital application does not increase or widen your knowledge. Technology is used to manipulate the human environment. Did you know that? It is written into the definition! It seems, simply based on the definitions, that knowledge is much more fundamental to life than technology, while technology is used to change people’s behaviour. So where and how can I as an individual gain more knowledge in order to know more about life?



Gregg Henriques' Tree of Knowledge System

Credit: Gregg Henriques' Tree of Knowledge System on Wikipedia


The conditions have arisen in the middle of the sea that will result in a tsunami. The animals sense the incoming danger. Humans see the water retreating from the beach rapidly and dramatically and gather on the beach to watch this phenomenon. The media sends out a tsunami warning. Humans have heard this warning of the incoming danger. Animals are seen to be fleeing from the lower land up into the hills. Humans gather on the beach with their cameras. The effects of the tsunami on animal and human life are very different and is the direct result of a different awareness of the situation. Personally, I judge the knowledge of the animals to be superior to human knowledge in this situation. I would like to know what they know about nature and about life.

When plants get ill they stop feeding their leaves, flowers and fruit and they start preserving life within their roots. When animals get ill they stop eating and they lay down somewhere safe and quiet.

When animals are ill they may eat things (soil, stones, bark, plants, etc.) from their environment that they normally wouldn’t touch. When animals are healthy they do not use anything ‘to prevent’ becoming ill. Animals are not worried about getting ill. Animals, more generally, do not worry about their future. They simply live in the moment and they respond to whatever that moment is throwing at them, and if they ‘know’ that eating something unusual will restore them back to health then they simply do that. As humans, we are told animals are stupid.

Humans in their natural state mostly respond in a very similar way to life, but all that changes when they become cultured. Humans create cultured societies in opposition to a natural life. They try and get away from the seasonal effects, from creatures they don’t like, from getting their own food and other necessities of life. One other important aspect of such a cultured society is the shift in focus. They become obsessed with things that don’t mean a lot in nature such as beauty, standards created by the creators of the culture, such as the prevention and cure of illnesses, according to the teachings of certain human beings, such as grandeur, pursuing the idea that ‘bigger is better’. Every culture has been built on the knowledge of a few, supported by the masses who give up the power to think for themselves, who give up their individuality and freedom. Most people who follow the beliefs, the knowledge, of a few, do this because they believe that others know best. The knowledge of the individual within such a culture, within such a society, is copying what they told somebody else knows. The individual no longer relies on his own experience, as mentioned in the definition. In truth, that is not knowledge. In truth, that is dismissing your personal knowledge and replacing it with knowledge that has no roots within your system. You know it means that you have remembered it, not as a personal experience but as something somebody else is wanting you to believe. It is lodged in your conscious mind. You have learned to know it.

When we compare that to the knowledge plants and animals have we can easily see that their knowledge is not located in their conscious mind. They know it because they sense it. It is knowledge from within the system. This knowledge is inherent within the living system and resides in the unconscious mind. While humans approach life from the knowledge they hold in their conscious mind, animals approach life from the knowledge they hold in their unconscious mind. Humans need self-appointed experts to instil their knowledge into the conscious mind. Animals already have their knowledge and do not rely on an outside information source to guide them through life. I can draw two conclusions from this observation.

  • Plants and animals have occupied this territory for a much longer period than humans have whilst only relying upon their innate natural knowledge to survive and evolve;
  • Every human culture built upon their acquired knowledge has failed to survive.

To increase your knowledge I would suggest you switch schools. Leave the human schools. Walk out of schools, higher education, universities, YouTube intellectual information, television educational programmes (including nature documentaries), and enter the school of nature. Make your observations. Draw your conclusions. Share them with others who are attending the same school. Teach each other. Share with other students your personal experiences with nature.

I began questioning what I had been taught at university when I observed the real effects my medical interventions had on human life. I noticed that a lot of babies and small children got ill after they had received a vaccination. I was told by my medical superiors that this was normal. In other words, it was a common observation. They all had observed it. They told me that it was a good sign as it indicated these babies and small children were becoming stronger and healthier. Something deep in me questioned the reasoning that making healthy children ill was making them healthier. It turned out the medical authorities already knew their explanation was rubbish but they refused to openly acknowledge it.

Then I started realizing that my reasoning was influenced by my ‘knowledge’, the bits I had learned at school. Knowing that a child was vaccinated ‘against’ measles implied that when it consequently became ill with measles-specific symptoms, whilst there had been other cases of measles within the community, this one could not possibly have measles because the vaccination is protecting it against measles. So I did what my colleagues do and I looked for an alternative diagnosis. Not difficult to do. Plenty to choose from, and they all have vague and common symptoms.

Then I started seeing that not everybody who was given the correct treatment got better. Why not? My education and the knowledge in the books told me they should be better, but they were not. On this one, I found no help from the medical experts, apart from accusing my patients of sabotaging the treatment, of not taking the medication, of imagining their symptoms. I seriously began to doubt the knowledge behind the treatments. It turns out the medical authorities already know it is impossible to cure any disease by their treatment. That is why they only talk in terms of percentages of success. A lot of people do not benefit from the only real treatment there is, delivered to them by the only real specialists there are. It is the right, and the only, treatment even if it doesn’t cure you. That is what I knew to be true.

Then I started to notice that many people who were taking medication, deemed by the experts to be safe, began to display specific new symptoms. I questioned the relationship between the prescribed medication and the newly erupting symptoms but the knowledge advice was secure in that these people were simply unlucky to develop another disease. After all, they had been taking the medication for a few years without any problems, so there could not possibly be a link, even though they tell you that your liver cirrhosis is the result of many years of serious alcohol abuse. It turns out the medical authorities already knew that these other diseases could be caused by the medication. They included that information on the medication leaflet, whilst convincing their medical personnel that “it never happens”. As doctors, we told people not to read the patient information leaflet because the information on it was only for ‘legal purposes’. That should have been a red rag to a bull, but it wasn’t! Apparently, it meant that in the medical world that information is worthless and only was of value to lawyers. Oh, that’s all right then!

Then I started experimenting with other ‘knowledge’, knowledge that I didn’t even know existed. I thought it strange that at university, the highest level of human education, none of this was ever mentioned. Many people improved during the time I was using ‘alternatives’ to allopathic medicine. However, not everybody did. I concluded that this knowledge also fell short of providing me with the complete truth surrounding health. When something helps some of the people some of the time but not all the people all of the time, one should concede that you haven’t found the real solution to the problem. You don’t have the knowledge of the problem. Not really!

Then I questioned what health really was. And I found out that people have always had some idea about what is destroying your health and that, throughout human history, there has been knowledge that in ten thousand years never had the need to be changed. Observations kept confirming the knowledge comprised within these philosophies of life and health. This was completely new to me, as in allopathic medicine the recommendations changed drastically every five to ten years. And each U-turn was hailed as a major breakthrough in ‘our understanding’ of a disease. I now became more interested in understanding health. I had it with understanding disease.

Alternative therapies are sometimes called ‘complementary’ therapies. This switch in terminology is promoted by allopathic medicine. It then sounds as if other therapies could complement therapies offered by allopathic medicine. However, the definition of ‘complementary’ is combining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the qualities of each other or another. To be complementary to one another means that they are based on the same principles. Homeopathy, therefore, is not complementary to allopathic medicine as homeopathy is based on energetic influences in life while allopathic medicine requires chemical interactions. In allopathic medicine, even psychiatric disorders are seen as imbalances, too much or too little, of chemical substances in the brain. Studying diseases in the physical leads to finding differences, called ‘abnormalities’, within the mechanical and the chemical structure of the body. One can keep on arguing about how these pieces of the puzzle fit together and one can, almost indefinitely, keep shifting them around to form different views and to create different pictures of diseases. Knowledge of life, and consequently knowledge of diseases, is not deepened by this information. It only creates more and smaller pieces without providing us with a picture to work towards. When you refuse to look at ‘the bigger’ picture, at an individual as a whole, you can never see where the balance of each part of that individual needs to be.

Studying health made me, for the first time in my life, take a closer look at health within nature. How was health amongst plants and animals different from health amongst human beings? I can see healthy animals in nature and I can see sick animals in nature getting healthy again. They don’t know anything about chemicals. How do they do it?

Studying health also revealed that ancient knowledge of health did not rely on chemicals either and they didn’t need complicated technical procedures in order to measure whether or not someone was healthy. They simply looked at the entire person and the environment that person lived in, and they figured out how compatible these two were. To put it bluntly, if you are an ‘oily’ person you would never live comfortably in a ‘watery’ environment. As a consequence, over time you would become ill. Ancient knowledge considered life, the natural world and humans, as energetic beings, exchanging information constantly.

Then I found out that modern science had already confirmed this but that the established medical system was refusing to entertain this idea. Everything remained mechanical and chemical, not energetic. To me, this was the breaking point. I realized that allopathic medicine could never deliver a permanent cure for any disease because they do not want to understand the reality of nature. They keep fighting it. They even insist on telling us that our own system can turn against us and attack us. Your own system, the very thing that has provided you with life, is now going to kill you. Why? Don’t know. Just know that it does.

Now it made sense that over the last seventy years, years of rapidly ‘expanding’ medical knowledge and years of making fantastic advances in medical knowledge and technology, has resulted in a dramatic increase in diseases amongst the population. This is not due to the fact that we are now so much better in diagnosing diseases. This is simply due to the fact that less people are living healthy lives. Taking medicines every day or on a regular basis means you are ill, even if you are taking them ‘to prevent’ illness. If you need extra help, anything beyond your normal nutrition and functionality, you are out of balance, you are ill. You are not cured. A healthy life sustains itself without any props. Health does not need any help. It is a natural state to be in.

Ill-health means that your system is unsuited to your environment. Or that the environment you live in does not sustain your life, does not feed your requirements for life. And when we consider the fact that our human environment has been created around us, not by us, and no longer by nature, it makes a lot of sense that it is no longer compatible with our inner requirements. We can’t escape the fact that we are, in essence, nature. We need a natural environment to sustain our life. Being afraid of nature and trying to get away from it is not a healthy attitude. Now I know why so many people are ill.

Natural health requires nature as a supporting environment. If you are no longer surrounded by nature, if you no longer live a daily life that is focused and guided by nature, you will become ill. If what you know about life is no longer dependent upon nature you will become ill. If you no longer believe that nature heals and is the only healing force within the universe you will become ill.

Fighting what nature is and what it is doing will rapidly deplete your energy levels and you will become ill.

Disease is a natural state of imbalance in life. Your own system, for as long as it has the reserve energy, will naturally bring it back to complete health. Nature knows where it needs to be, what went wrong and how to return to normal. Humans do not know. And they will never know as long as they are looking for the answers in mechanics and chemicals. You cannot solve a problem within a structure built from rubber by using plastics.

If you want to know what is wrong in your life you need to look at who you are as an energetic human being (what do you sense?), what your energetic environment is like (how does it make you feel?), and how you respond to that environment.



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About Dr Patrick Quanten

Dr Patrick Quanten MD has been on a long journey of discovery ever since he became aware of the ineffectiveness of the medical approach to diseases. He studied a great variety of alternative treatments and eventually realized that the answer is inherent in the structure of the creation. Finding answers to the fundamental questions in life became the main goal and seeing simple patterns return everywhere provided insight. (His book: "Why Me? - Science and Spirituality as inevitable bed partners" - ISBN 978-90-827854-1-8). Dr Quantem may be contacted on Tel: 07826 824232;


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