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Editorial Issue 206

by Sandra Goodman PhD(more info)

listed in editorial, originally published in issue 206 - May 2013

Integrated Cancer Treatment today is a total misnomer. Physicians are prevented from proposing or administering any treatments other than surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy in view of the stranglehold of the 1939 Cancer Act, and in a de facto catch-22 situation, because these are the only treatments acknowledged and recognized by the medical profession and the law, these same treatments are the only approaches for which evidence is recognized.

This inexcusable situation has been described eloquently in a recent Letter to the Editor by Madeline Hickey-Smith and on the Cambridge Institute of Complementary Health (CICH) website.

Lord Maurice Saatchi’s beloved wife Josephine Hart died in 2011 from inoperative and terminal ovarian cancer following chemotherapy and radiation treatments which he describes as "medieval, "degrading and ineffective” in interviews and articles recently published in the mainstream media:

The following extract about Lord Saatchi, by Janet Grice is from The Daily Telegraph 13-05-13.

Regrettably, he says, her death has made him an expert in women’s gynaecological cancer. “Tens of thousands died of it last year. More thousands will die this year. Further thousands next year. The premise of the [Medical Innovation] Bill is that all these deaths, with their attendant tragedies, are wasted. We are not learning from them. The scientific process has been cut in half. The half that takes place between the doctor and the patient has been stopped completely. The other half has been outsourced to randomised clinical trials, from which doctors are excluded.”

But Saatchi is also driven by what he sees as the primitive reality of the cancer ward. “I have witnessed scenes that would not be permitted in a Hollywood horror movie.” Hair loss may be the most obvious side-effect but it is the least appalling. The drugs mimic the disease, causing nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, fatigue. “Worst of all, they cause such damage to the immune system that the woman is as likely to die from the treatment as from the cancer itself.”

He breaks off suddenly. “Have you ever seen a chemotherapy room in a hospital? I hope you haven’t. It’s death row. If you were to lift her gown, you would see that the woman’s arm makes a heroin addict’s arm look attractive. There are so many attachments. What you have here is a situation where the woman is first tortured and then dies. Why? Because this is what is required by law. If doctors don’t stick to standard procedure, the consequences are that they could lose their livelihood, their reputation, and face ruin. So they are obliged to repeat a failed experiment over and over again."

Readers of Positive Health PH Online are very aware of the huge array of cancer articles, research updates and book reviews which have been published over the past nearly 20 years since Positive Health PH Online was launched in 1994.

This was immediately following the setting up of the Cancer and Nutrition database for the then Bristol Cancer Help Centre (BCHC) [now Penny Brohn Cancer Care] following the debacle in the early 1990s when BCHC was almost closed down following high-profile yet erroneous research – the now infamous and tragic Chilvers study - which appeared to suggest that women with breast cancer attending BCHC were more likely to die than those receiving standard treatment.

Additionally are innumerable publications, charities, books, organizations, individuals and websites devoted to communicating to health professionals and general readers important advances in cancer treatment approaches. Here are just a few.

Icon magazine from Canceractive:

The Rainbow Diet and how it can help you beat cancer by Chris Woollams:

Cancer the Complete Recovery Guide by Jonathan Chamberlain:

Lord Saatchi’s proposed Medical Innovation Bill would permit physicians to use cancer treatments other than those currently legal now. Already one is seeing the usual perennial arguments assembling against this Bill: citing “false hope”, prescribing “whacky” treatments for which there is no “evidence” to name but a few.

Lord Saatchi’s high profile has enabled him to received considerable media attention; I am regularly consulted by cancer patients and their carers seeking information and direction for appropriate cancer treatments and am witness to the overwhelming fear, distress and loss which follows the journey of many cancer patients. This is worsened to a large extent by the communication divide which exists - like two solitudes - between the cancer ‘establishment’ and often innovative and clinically successful physicians using many treatment modalities which have been shown by research and clinical evidence, perhaps not in randomized clinical trials which is the only evidence approved of by oncologists and for which it is impossible to conduct because researching, even discussing, these methods appears to be illegal. The list of treatment approaches is considerable, as well as is the ongoing biochemical and genetic research toward developing individual detection and treatment approaches.

  • Nutrition
  • Diet
  • Herbal and Ayurvedic Herbal Medicine
  • Oxygen Therapy
  • Infusions
  • Hyperthermia
  • Stress Management
  • Mind-Body and Energy Therapies

Until we reach that time when all healthcare professionals are legally permitted to work together in the best interests of cancer and all patients, then we must continue to encourage patients to always interrogate their doctors with common-sense questions such as “what happens if I undergo the treatment you suggest?”, “what happens if I don’t undergo the treatment you suggest?”, “are there other non-conventional treatments?” and “how long do I survive if I undergo the treatment and if I don’t?”


  1. Marlene Watson-Tara said..

    Wonderful article filled with such fantastic references, thank you Sandra

  2. Tony Mackenzie said..

    I hope my email to Lord saatchi, (Shown below), is of some interest to you:-

    From Anthony Mackenzie apt 16, edf Las Palmeras, Calle Malaga 13, Nerja 29780 Spain. To The Lord Saatchi House of Lords London, SW1A 0PW

    Dear Lord Saatchi, I can truly empathise with the grief you suffered from the death of your wife from cancer as I have also had losses, over some decades, of a similar nature of siblings, friends and close associates. Your efforts with your new bill are to be applauded and long overdue as is the urgently needed repeal of the 1939 Cancer Act which is preventing honest researchers and sellers of natural and effective products from telling the truth about simple cheap available remedies.

    Some honest sellers of scientifically researched natural remedies who have attempted to bring the truth to the public are now being actively pursued by Trading Standards departments under what appears to be a coordinated effort to suppress the truth under the instigation and influence of unidentified persons or organisations.

    I independently support, whenever I can, the CancerActive charity, which is Britain's Number 1 holistic cancer charity. It is a well known fact amongst serious researchers, after decades of research, that the major mainstream cancer charities in the UK and the USA are there to support the pharmaceutical industry who end up being the major recipients of the charitable donations they receive. The consensus of opinion amongst the serious researchers is that the pharmaceutical industry has no real interest in saving the lives of the millions dying from cancer around the world and there is plenty of evidence to back up this indictment.

    Cancer cures have been suppressed and the professional reputations and careers of enlightened medical researchers, scientists and doctors, who have spent their lives seeking out these cures, have been repeatedly ruined for over 100 years and there have been numerous examples of this. It is also time for a serious review of the protocols and work of Professor Bechamp and all the medical heroes since that time up to today.

    Your bill is an excellent start to overcome the ignorance pervading amongst the majority of the mainstream medical profession who desperately and urgently need re-educating. There is still also a vast void of genuine knowledge missing from the awareness of the public and the mainstream medical profession caused directly by the outrageous influence and propaganda of the pharmaceutical industry to deter anyone from seriously considering natural non-pharmaceutical alternatives. As a result naturopathic remedies which are outside the pharmaceutical influenced system are ignored simply because they are relatively low cost, natural and unpatentable and offer a negligible profit opportunity compared with harmful and toxic drugs.

    I have spent decades searching for truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and my current commercial interests within this field have been for personal income and financial survival but they in no way prejudice my quest. It is now common knowledge amongst the few truly informed that cancer cells, as well as many other pathogens, can't survive in an alkaline cellular environment and the way to achieve this is simple and inexpensive cellular nutrition and alkalisation which precludes people having to suffer the disastrous effects of "slash and burn" as the outdated current methods are now referred to.

    I have spent most of my life's capital reserves now on studying and spreading the word and have, in fact at last, now started selling honest products to a few progressive alternative health practitioners and clinics around the world (even to China) albeit as yet only at a small, but growing, level. I started my business from an altruistic motive because of the shock and grief experienced from people falling like flies around me but even now at the age of 65 I still hope to recover my investments in due course.

    What I feel is of the utmost priority is that people of influence, like yourself, start to spread the word and enable honesty and truth to prevail in an extremely corrupt world. The public are now slowly learning of the outrage of the current system which must end. Perhaps one day a government committee could be set up to investigate the corruption within the pharmaceutical industry who have been responsible for the deaths of millions by their influence over the biased training and control of the medical profession as well as public and media opinion.

    Any matters that you may not yet be aware of may be found on my set of websites that have many videos and links to qualified research on a global basis. Thank you for your time in reading this appeal. Anything you can do to help spread truth and awareness would be appreciated. Yours sincerely, Tony Mackenzie F.Inst.SMM, MsD. "Keeping Ahead of The Mainstream."

    Tony Mackenzie is an independent anti-ageing and naturopathic wellness researcher who is not medically qualified but follows the work of cutting edge scientists and has completed an Advanced Cellular Health course with the Dr Rath Foundation. Affiliations, subscriptions and memberships:- Alliance for Natural Health (UK) British Longevity Society CancerActive Charity International Longevity Alliance Life Extension Foundation Longevity & Immortality Institute Methuselah Foundation funding contributor & member "300" club National Health Federation (USA and International) Advantage Impex Co Uk Ltd +44-(0)1293-565813 Also owner of The Mackenzie Protocol PLC a dormant company seeking investment funding or takeover

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About Sandra Goodman PhD

Sandra Goodman PhD, Co-founder and Editor of Positive Health, trained as a Molecular Biology scientist in Agricultural Biotechnology in Canada and the US, focusing upon health issues since the 1980s in the UK. Author of 4 books, including Nutrition and Cancer: State-of-the-Art, Vitamin C – The Master Nutrient, Germanium: The Health and Life Enhancer and numerous articles, Dr Goodman was the lead author of the Consensus Document Nutritional and LifeStyle Guidelines for People with Cancer and compiled the Cancer and Nutrition Database for the Bristol Cancer Help Centre in 1993. Dr Goodman is passionate about making available to all people, particularly those with cancer, clinical expertise in Nutrition and Complementary Therapies. Dr Goodman was recently featured as Doctor of the Fortnight in ThinkWellness360.

Dr Goodman and long-term partner Mike Howell seek individuals with vision, resources, and organization to continue and expand the Positive Health PH Online legacy beyond the first 30 years, with facilities for training, to fund alternative cancer research, and promote holistic organizations internationally. Read about Dr Goodman and purchase Nutrition and Cancer: State-of-the-Art.  She may be contacted privately for Research, Lectures and Editorial services via:   and

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