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Research Updates: homeopathy
Below are short extracts from research updates about this subject - select more to read each item.
Issue 296
WAISSE and JURJ,1 Center Simão Mathias of Studies in History of Science (CESIMA), Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Rua Caio Prado 102, São Paulo, SP, Brazil swaisse@pucsp.br
Issue 287
HOOVER, 1 Trustee, Homeopathic Pharmacopeia Convention of the United States; Past President, American Institute of Homeopathy; Narberth, Pennsylvania, United States explores the historical growth patterns in homeopathy, recent shifts in perception, 1
Issue 282
OBERBAUM, The Faculty of Homeopathy, 1 The Center for Integrative Complementary Medicine, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel opines that for homeopathy, shunned during its 200 years of existence by conventional medicine, the outbreak of 1
Issue 281
WAISSE and COLLEAGUES, 1 São Paulo Homeopathic Medical Association/Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil; 2 Department of Complementary Medicine, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel; 3 Institut1
Issue 251
JYOTI and TANDON, 1. Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, 173234, India. saras.jyoti@gmail.com; 2. Amity University Uttar Pra1
Issue 233
MATHIE and COLLEAGUES, (1)British Homeopathic Association, Hahnemann House, Luton, UK. rmathie@britishhomeopathic.org outlined the methods used to search and categorize the randomized control1
Issue 231
VIVSVEEN and COLLEAGUES, (1)School of Health and Related Research, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, p.viksveen@sheffield.ac.uk reviewed and assessed existing economic evaluations of homeopathy.<1
Issue 220
PECKHAM and COLLEAGUES, (1)Department of Health Sciences, University of York, ARRC Building, Heslington, UK, YO10 5DD assessed the effectiveness and safety of homeopathic treatment for treating IBS.
Issue 215
CLAUSEN and COLLEAGUES, Karl und Veronica Carstens-Stiftung, Am Deimelsberg 36, 45276 Essen, Germany. info@Carstens-Stiftung.de set out to provide an overview of this first database on clinical re1
Issue 206
DAVIDSON and COLLEAGUES, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, USA. jonathan.davidson@duke.edu systematically reviewed placebo-c1
Issue 203
EAMES and DARBY, Faculty of Homeopathy, Hahnemann House, 29 Park Street West, Luton, LU1 3BE outline the case for integrating homeopathy in dental practice.
Issue 202
BELLAVITE and COLLEAGUES, Department of Pathology and Diagnostics, University of Verona, Verona, Italy. paolo.bellavite@univr.it review the clinical research carried out over the past three 1
Issue 185
MILGROM, Homeopathy Research Institute, London, UK. lionel.milgrom@hotmail.com assesses the reasons for homeopathy being under pressure and threatenedd in the UK, despite its successful and continuous 1
Issue 184
HARTOG, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany. christiane.hartog@med.uni-jena.de reviews [79 refs] effective communication1
Issue 159
Relton C and colleagues, University of Sheffield, Medical Care Research Unit, School of Health & Related Research, Regent Court, Regent Street, Sheffield S1 4DA, UK c.relton@sheffield.ac.uk 1
Issue 159
Thompson EA and colleagues, Bristol Homeopathic Hospital, Bristol, UK elizabeth.thompson@ubht.nhs.uk report findings from a pilot data collection study within a programme of quality assurance, i1
Issue 153
RELTON and co-workers, HSR, Sheffield School for Health and Related Research, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S1 4DA, UK, c.relton@sheffield.ac.uk, have conducted a pilot study on patients treated 1
Issue 153
RUTTEN and STOLPER, The Netherlands have analyzed the findings of published met-analyses in 1997 and 2005 which reached opposite conclusions.
Issue 152
DOS SANTOS and others, Faculdade de Ciencias da Saude de Sao Paulo, R. Bartolomeu de Gusmao, Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, have assessed the anti-inflammatory effects of the homeopathic remedy, Rhus Tox (poison ivy).
Issue 152
MATHIE and FARRER, Faculty of Homeopathy and British Homeopathic Association, Hahnemann House, Luton LU1 3BE, UK, rmathie@trusthomeopathy.org, have carried out a pilot study of home1