Research: SIERPINA and co-authors,

Listed in Issue 150


SIERPINA and co-authors, Family Medicine, University of Texas Medical Branch, School of Medicine, Galveston, Texas 77555-1123, USA,, have reviewed (36 references) an integrative curriculum for health professionals after five years.

The authors describe the process by which a curriculum was developed to introduce complementary and alternative medicine topics at multiple levels from health professional students to faculty, as part of a five-year project, at the University of Texas Medical Branch from 2001 to 2005. The curriculum was based on four educational goals that embrace effective communication with patients, application of sound evidence, creation of patient-centred therapeutic relationships, and development of positive perspectives on wellness.. The authors analyze the complex and challenging process of gaining acceptance for the curriculum and implementing it in the context of existing courses and programs. The developmental background and context of this curricular innovation is described. The authors hold that successful curricular change in medical schools must follow sound educational development principles. A well-planned process of integration is particularly important when introducing a pioneering curriculum into an academic health centre. The process at this institution followed six key principles for successful accomplishment of curriculum change: leadership, cooperative climate, participation by organization members, politics, human resource development, and evaluation. The authors provide details about six analogous elements used to design and sustain the curriculum: collaboration, communication, demonstration, evaluation, evolution, and dissemination.






Sierpina V, Bulik R, Baldwin C, Frenkel M, Gerik S, Walters D, Frye A. Creating sustainable curricular change: lessons learned from an alternative therapies educational initiative. Academic Medicine 82 (4): 341-350, Apr 2007.

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