Research: SHENKMAN and colleagues,

Listed in Issue 45


SHENKMAN and colleagues, Department of Anesthesia, Childrens Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts USA write that acupuncture or acupressure at the Nei-Guan (P6) point on the wrist produces anti-vomiting effects in awake but not anaesthetised patients . The authors studied whether a combined approach using preoperative acupressure and intra- and postoperative acupuncture could prevent vomiting following tonsillectomy in children .



100 children aged 2-12 years were randomly assigned to a study or placebo group. 2 Acubands with (study) and 2 without (placebo) spherical beads were applied bilaterally on the P6 points. The non-bead- and bead-containing Acubands, respectively were applied on the sham points. All the Acubands were applied prior to any administration of drugs. Following induction of anaesthesia, acupuncture needles were substituted for the beads and these remained in situ until the following day. All points were covered with opaque tape to prevent study group identification. A uniform anaesthetic technique was used; postoperative pain was managed initially with morphine and later with acetaminophen and codeine. Vomiting, defined as retching or vomiting was assessed postoperatively. The drug Ondansetron was administered only following 2 vomiting episodes, at least 2 minutes apart. If vomiting persisted, Droperidol was added.


There were no differences in age, weight, follow-up duration or perioperative opioid administration between groups. Retching occurred in 26% of the study patients and in 28% of placebo patients. 51% and 55%, respectively, vomited and 60% and 59%, respectively, did either. There were no significant differences between the groups. Redness occurred in 8.5% of acupuncture sites.


Perioperative acupressure and acupuncture did not reduce vomiting in children following tonsillectomy.Shenkman Z et al. Acupressure-acupuncture antiemetic prophylaxis in children undergoing tonsillectomy. Anesthesiology 90(5): 1311-6. May 1999.


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