Research: NEGRI and colleagues, Istituto d

Listed in Issue 54


NEGRI and colleagues, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, Milan, Italy.  studied the relation between selected micronutrients and oral and pharyngeal cancer risk.



The authors conducted a case-control study between January 1992 and November 1997 in Italy and Switzerland. Included in this study were 754 patients with histologically confirmed oral cancers (344 of the oral cavity and 410 of the pharynx) admitted to the major teaching and general hospitals in the study areas. Controls were 1,775 people with no history of cancer admitted to hospitals in the same areas for acute, non-neoplastic diseases. The authors investigated dietary habits using a validated food-frequency questionnaire, and odds ratios (Ors) were calculated following allowance for age, sex, centre, education, occupation, body mass index, smoking and drinking habits and non-alcohol energy intake.


ORs for the continuous analysis were 0.95 for retinol, 0.61 for carotene, 0.91 for lycopene, 0.83 for vitamin E, 0.74 for vitamin E, 0.63 for vitamin C, 0.82 for thiamine, 0.87 for riboflavin, 0.59 for vitamin B6, 0.61 for folic acid, 0.62 for niacin, 0.91 for calcium, 0.88 for phosphorus, 0.65 for potassium, 0.82 for iron, 0.67 for non-alcohol iron and 0.89 for zinc. ORs were similar for the two sexes and age strata. With regard to the combined intake of vitamins C and E and carotene, the protective effect of each nutrient was more pronounced, or restricted to individuals with low intake of the other two. Association with vitamin C and carotene was independent of smoking and drinking habits, while that with vitamin E was less evident in those heavily exposed to alcohol or tobacco.


In general, the more a micronutrient was correlated to total vegetable and fruit intake, the stronger was its protective effect against oral cancer.


Negri E et al. Selected micronutrients and oral and pharyngeal cancer. International Journal of Cancer 86(1): 122-7. 1 Apr 2000.

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