Listed in Issue 198


MINETTI and COLLEAGUES, Unita Operativa di Otorinolaringoiatria, Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milano, Italia.  evaluated of a new herbal compound in the treatment of recurrent upper respiratory tract infections in children.


Among paediatric population the recurrent upper respiratory tract infections are very common. Several phytotherapies are been proposed as support therapies and, in particular, the efficacy of Echinacea angustifolia is controversial. This paper presents an evaluation of a new herbal compound in the treatment of recurrent upper respiratory tract infections in a paediatric cohort.


An immunostimulant herbal compound of Echinacea angustifolia, Arabinogalactan, Acerola (Vitamin C), Beta- Glucan e Zinc (Imoviral® Junior) was given to 37 children affected by recurrent pharyngotonsillitis or otitis media.


The mean number of inflammatory episodes (i.e. tonsillitis or otitis media) during 6 months before treatment was 3+/-2.19, during the 6 months following treatment initiation it was 1+/-0.93 (P=0.04). After the complete treatment, 77% of children reported an improvement of chronic inflammatory in frequency of acute episodes. The total score of a questionnaire about life quality is improved (P=0.04). Finally, none collateral effects was occurred.


The herbal compound of Echinacea, Beta-glucan, Vitamin C, Arabinoglactan and Zinc (Imoviral® Junior) can improve the quality of life in paediatric patients affected by recurrent pharyngotonsillitis and otitis media without contralateral effects.


Minetti AM, Forti S, Tassone G, Torretta S and Pignataro L. Efficacy of complex herbal compound of Echinacea angustifolia (Imoviral® Junior) in recurrent upper respiratory tract infections during pediatric age: preliminary results. Minerva Pediatrica. 63 (3):177-82. Jun 2011.


This research demonstrates the clinical benefit of Imoviral® Junior, containing Echinacea, Beta-glucan, Vitamin C, Arabinoglactan and Zinc in the treatment of tonsillitis and upper respiratory tract infections in children. This coincides with the announcement on 20th August by the UK medicines regulator, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), that Echinacea should not be taken by children under 12 years of age because of an association with a ‘low risk of allergic reactions’. The National Institute of Medical Herbalists has criticized the announcement. [See Letters to the Editor for Issue 198 for more info.] [ ]

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