Research: KIMMICK and colleagues, C

Listed in Issue 23


KIMMICK and colleagues, Comprehensive Cancer Center of Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157 USA write that breast cancer is a major health problem, accounting for almost one-third of cancer-related deaths in women in America. As the prevention of breast cancer using dietary modification is an active area of clinical and epidemiological research, it has been proposed that vitamin E supplementation may reduce a woman's risk of developing breast cancer. The authors review (60 references) the available evidence regarding vitamin E and breast cancer.




Vitamin E has decreased incidence of carcinogen-induced breast tumours in animal studies. Vitamin E dietary intake and serum levels and their relation to breast cancer incidence have been studied in epidemiologic research with, however, conflicting results. The authors write that although epidemiologic results have been inconsistent, further study is warranted, paying particular attention to its interactions with other antioxidants and to the duration and timing - pre- vs postmenopausal - of vitamin E use to determine its preventive use in the treatment and prevention of breast cancer.



Kimmick GG et al. Vitamin E and breast cancer: a review. Nutr Cancer 27(2): 109-17. 1997.


Please read the following research updates below for a small sample of further research into the use of vitamin E in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer.

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