Deep Massage Intensive Certification Program

Zero Balancing Intensive

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Start Date
David Lauterstein LMT MTI Cert. ZB
David Lauterstein
Telephone Number
+1 512-785-3156
Other Email
Other Website


David Lauterstein Zero Balancing Graduates

Pictured above are the wonderful students in the "Geometry of Healing," 
advanced Zero Balancing class that was the culminating class
in our school's 100-hour Zero Balancing Intensive Program.
What a ecstatic journey that has been!


2024 Update

I am teaching in 2024 at The Lauterstein-Conway Massage School, The Costa Rica School of Massage Therapy, Bristol College of Massage and Bodywork, and the Downeast School of Massage in Maine. The main literary event is my new book published by Singing Dragon/Handspring Publishing, co-authored with Dr. Jeff Rockwell - “The Memory Palace of Bones: exploring embodiment through the skeletal system.” Jeff and I are currently writing a “Memory Palace Workbook” with practical explorations and inspirations to add energy to your life.
My workshop schedule is regularly updated in my monthly newsletter, “Putting the Soul Back in the Body” - click on that link or go to the bottom of this page to subscribe. In 2024 I am teaching “Deep Massage for the Neck” on Jan. 14 at our school in Austin, Zero Balancing I & II at the Costa Rica School of Massage Therapy, June 9-19 and Deep Massage Intensive - all levels - at the Bristol College of Massage and Bodywork, UK, August 2-6, Deep Massage and the Memory Palace, Downeast School of Massage, October 11-13, and Zero Balancing I & II at The Lauterstein-Conway Massage School, Nov. 7-17.


Deep Massage and the Memory Palace   Bristol College of Massage and Bodywork

August 2-6, 2024   register here


Deep Massage and the Memory Palace   Downeast School of Massage

October  11-13, 2024    Register Here


Zero Balancing I    The Lauterstein-Conway Massage School


November 7-10, 2024   Most students will sign up for this unique opportunity to take ZB I and II combined - but for the convenience of anyone wishing to take just ZB 1 or II, we have listed them separately.  For ZB I and II please register by filing out both registration links.

Register Here


Zero Balancing II   The Lauterstein-Conway Massage School

November 14-17, 2024  Most students will sign up for this unique opportunity to take ZB I and II combined - but for the convenience of anyone wishing to take just ZB 1 or II, we have listed them separately.  For ZB I and II please register by filing out both registration links.

register here



Order direct from the publisher, Singing Dragon/Handspring  US or UK or through and  and feel free to visit my "shop" for books and CD

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