About Sana Afreen

[Image: Sana Afreen]

Sana Afreen is a corporate professional with a quench to write and explore the territories of fashion ,beauty ,health &lifestyle along a dream to travel the world! From being a complete Introvert to extreme Extrovert dwelling the life waters with these traits along the situations. In her free time she writes about Health &FitnessĀ  for fashionlady.in Twitter:https://twitter.com/sanafreenahmed

Articles by Sana Afreen

  1. Benefits Of Aloe Vera In Diet

    Listed in aloe vera

    Aloe Vera is a medicinal plant and the key to improve your cellular health. As essential as a healthy diet can be, aloe is as essential being a part of your diet. Best known for tre...

Book reviews by Sana Afreen

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