About Nickie Aven

[Image: Nickie Aven]

Nickie Aven is an independent Interfaith Minister, writer, retreat leader and retired homoeopath. The three rich seams of spirituality, creativity and healing have run throughout her entire life. The common denominator is, for her, an exploration of humanity in general and in particular of the human heart.

Since the year 2000 she has worked in various capacities with those who are dying or grieving. More latterly her own profound losses have deepened her understanding and her inspiration to bring kindness and comfort where she can, including through her bi-monthly blog.

Nickie lives in a village on the edge of the wild and beautiful Dartmoor, in Devon, UK, where she runs a women’s singing group and walks by the river with her dog. www.nickieaven.com 

Articles by Nickie Aven

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Book reviews by Nickie Aven

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