About Master Oh

[Image: Master Oh]

Master Oh, born in South Korea, experienced chronic health problems from an early age, spending much of his childhood in and out of hospitals - an experience which went on to shape his views on life and how to live free from pain and anxiety. During university, Master Oh encountered a unique healing method that changed his life. The practice teaches the art of harnessing ‘human energy’ to recharge and regain a good-hearted, generous and compassionate state of being. From that point onwards, Master Oh delved into learning how to harness the power of ‘human energy’ Qi – and quickly began to feel a deep sense of peace, enabling his body to heal.

Profound experiences led him to devote the rest of his life to sharing the Jung Shim healing method. With little money and practically no English, he left his home country to introduce Qi to the Western world, opening the first Jung Shim Centre in Sydney in 1994. Subsequently, he opened centres in America, Canada and finally, in the year 2000, the UK.

With more than 30 years’ experience in spiritual training, Master Oh has developed the wisdom and healing ability that now stems from a profound connection to the source. In addition to his practice, he also runs charity projects to help those most in need.

Master Oh is based at the London and Madrid Jung Shim Centre. He also travels to other countries to support Jung Shim centres worldwide, as well as pioneering the Jung Shim method at events around the globe. Master Oh may be contacted via  Tel: 020 7462 8811; info@masteroh.com  www.masteroh.com

Articles by Master Oh

  1. Treat IBS, Bloating and Other Digestive Issues in a Natural Way

    Listed in colon health

    We’ve all experienced the feeling of discomfort when our digestive tract is giving us trouble. You may suffer from bloating, food intolerances, or other digestive issues such as co...

Book reviews by Master Oh

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